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been a long time since I've done a fully detailed piece! is was kind of cool, specially with the electric box 




This looks soo awsome😻


Wow, I don't think I've ever seen so many details from you. It makes the whole thing look so much better. The background objects are very clean and realistic. Also you nailed the lighting of the scene and bolts are beautiful. Shading on the clothing, face and ear insides are so good !! Pieces like this make me think you're one of the best vore artist in this community in term of technique ! This level of detail really makes your style shine, but how much more time do you spend on such a drawing ? (as opposed to a sketch and a less detailed work)


That is INSANELY kind of thank you! ^^ i generally give myself 3 days to work on these so maybe 15-17 hours give or take :o