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okay so this is the THIRD time of me trying to write so I'm doing the short version. 

pledges are changing. all pledges but the 50$ pledge will be changed to 5$. I will no longer posting a rendered piece a month, instead I will be offering periodic sketches, doodles, and inks! some of which I could probably mail out if it's traditional! 

when I offer sketches I will try to take on the ones I have not done, so users or characters I haven't worked with yet.  UNLESS none have commented 

so the 3$ tiers and 10$ tier will in a sense me merged. WIPS will be available for all pledges, including early releases of YCHs and personal works.  Plus all finished pieces will be posted here prior to being public like I have always done 

if you have any questions please dont be afraid to ask, this was not the original plan but I am a learning artist so I am still trying to find what works best for me 


Nutty Mr Gecky

Just to be sure, when you say: no longer posting a rendered piece a month, does this mean that only sketches will be post and that full fledge artwork will not be posted or that they will be posted on a arbitrary interval? Offering sketches, doodle and inks seem to suggest that you will let people post subject or characters and that you will choose one or some to be made each month. If this is right, I would personally suggest also being able to vote for the next subjects so that those that feel too shy to post their suggestion could have way to be involved. BUT, voting on the previous patrons suggestions could add undesired pressure and lead to less peoples posting suggestion :(.


I'll still be posting fully finished pieces before anypne else sees it. as well as sketch pages people can look at. idk, honestly I'm still figuring things out. keeping up with commisisons and patreon is harder now than before