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Hello hello! Hope you’re good!

I just wanted to give you some updates on projects and planning ^^

First off, I’d once again like to thank you all for being so patient and supportive. I quite literally would not be able to do this without you guys. You guys are the bark to my tree, you keep you supported and strong. I love you all for you thank you <3

now that I’ve expressed my gratitude!! updates ^^ the comic I’m working on, as you know I have fully scripted and I’m working on it daily. I should have the title page posted with 2-3 days fully colored and finished! When the title page is finished I’ll be taking the remainder of the month on commissions. Fffffff I’d really like to not have ANY owed work and fully dedicated my time to comic content. We’ll get there soon I just can’t push too hard or I risk burn out.

I’m super excited about the next comic…super excited. Ahhhhh it’s a lot of my favourite things and I’m so excited to bring it to life eeeeee hahaha I hope you guys are too



Glad to see you're still working on stuff. Any word on forbidden wants?