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I hate the layouts for most sites and my sibling does website design so i was going to hire them to make me a website that work similar to patreon. theres tiers, pay to view content, email notifications, comments blalala. itll take a lot of work but honestly id rather have my own domain and maybe encourage other artists to do the same. have full control over their space

gimme your input

PS- patreon has a knack for allowing outside sites to link to my account and leak my paywalled content on a regular basis so this would also allow my to control people leaking my content more



I'll put my two cents out there and say separate sites/locations for every single artist is a problem. It's hard enough to keep up with things sometimes and managing subscribed content in multiple places is a pain. I'm not saying i wouldn't follow you if you went someplace else, but you probably want to think about how to batch content releases so they are easy to find and download quickly. As for leaks and piracy... those are facts of life, not much you can do about it. They will happen regardless of where you go and it's not worth making it harder for those who do support you. The thing to remember is that we could easily get your content from those leak sites, but we want to support you and make sure you have an incentive to keep creating and making content we enjoy.


I'm not sure I'd remember to check another site regularly for new content. Plus I'm rarely comfortable sharing any kind of payment info to a site doesn't have a mostly-proven track record for keeping that safe, and from what I understand its even harder for smaller sites to appeal getting banned from something like PayPal.


I suppose you could do something similar to what other creators have done (e.g. notboogie) where they have theor own site for actually hosting the content but still use patreon for billing