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“Okay, and for the last pair, we have Christian and Nadine.” The lector declared, writing something down on his Excel sheet. “All of you have two weeks to finish this project. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. But I would ask you all to try to do as much as you can with just you and your team partner.”

This was the first step of many toward Christan’s demise, yet he had no way of knowing that then. In fact, to him that sounded more like he hit the jackpot, being put into a team with Nadine, who was a bit on the weirder side, but at least a very pretty eye candy to look at.

He also knew that Nadine had a habit of just buying people off, which he was not at all morally opposed to. I mean, if the miss big tits moneybags Nadine was willing to pay him thousands of bucks for doing all the work by himself, he would definitely not say no. Christian was not ashamed to take a bribery like that.

Fast forward a week and a half later, and Nadine still hasn’t called him up for that. In fact, she hasn’t even talked to him at all in that time. There was still time to do the thing by himself, but he kinda wanted to take the bribe before he started, just so that he would get the full value out of the exchange.

So he decided to wait a bit longer, starting only a bit with the preparations and waiting for that fateful call that Nadine would inevitably have to make. He was getting a bit worried, but it all seemed to be for naught, as on Friday his phone rang with a certain rich girl's number shining up on it.

“Hi Christian! Sorry about the late call. I totally forgot about our project until Risa reminded me of it just now. I am so sorry~” She said in a very clear sarcastic rich kid valley girl voice. Christian, however, was not deterred by that at all.

“No problem. I had a feeling I would have to work on this thing by myself, though I haven’t started on it yet either.” He said, setting her up to offer him her bribery at any time she wanted. However…

“Oh thank goodness. I was worried you had already worked so much on it and I would just have nothing to add to it.” She answered, much to Christian's surprise. “Do you happen to have some time to visit me at my place this weekend? Like tomorrow?”

“Er… sure. Why not meet on campus like the other students?” Christian blurted out, simply because this entire conversation confused him.

“Yeah… I have done some things and now my mother has given me house arrest. That's why I also could only join the last few lessons online since she is a very… uhm… special person like that.” Nadine exclaimed with a faint laughter, before asking once again. “So how about it? You wanna visit me tomorrow so we can work together? I think it's better than trying to figure it out online.”

“That's true. Then I'll just come to your place tomorrow… I guess.”

“Awesome! See you tomorrow!” Nadine said and immediately hung up. Christian was just stunned. But at the sound of his phone beeping from a message that read ‘Oh yeah, please come at 11 am to my place. Thanks ^w^ ’ and a Goggle Maps link, he got his grip on reality back.

He was going to be real, the chance he would get the bribe was very low, but all hope was not lost yet. He just had to ask her in person tomorrow. Though he definitely went to bed with a sour stomach that day…

He didn't know what to expect going to the ‘most entitled girl he had ever heard of’s home, but it sure delivered on all the expectations. It was a huge, mansion-like house fitted with modern security, a garden in front, and like four or five levels, all of which seemingly belonged to Nadine's family. And only to Nadine’s family.

“Yeah, that girl is rich alright.” Christian said, shrugging his shoulders and ringing the doorbell on the metal security fence.

“Hello? Are you Christian? Lady Nadine was already expecting you.” A female voice spoke from the intercom, sounding not exactly like what he’d imagined her mother to sound like. Was this girl so rich that she even had maids working for her?

Trying to hold in the surprise he answered. “Yes, I am. I came here to meet up with Nadine.”

“Ah yes, one moment please.” The voice on the intercom said as the gate slowly started to open. “Make sure to not get too close to the automatic gate as you step inside. Just go straight along the garden and I’ll receive you in the estate.”

For some reason, he was kinda surprised by the electronic gate and by the automatisation of the garden all around him as he walked in. He had this image of a medieval princess in his head who would deny any and all technology and just pursue tradition. However, that was proven quite wrong by the mechanical sprinklers and even autonomous lawnmowers driving around.

As Christian walked up the pathway, he started wondering what the inside of the house would be like. Every step made him feel as if he was walking closer to the house of a world leader rather than a rich classmate. A gust of wind came over his face, making his clothes and hair ruffle in the wind as he looked up at that massive building.

The moment he approached the door it was already swung open and Christian came face to face with a young woman, maybe slightly older than him in a very clear maid dress. The maid had a large bust with a long braid that wrapped around her shoulder. If it weren’t for the straining buttons on her top, he might have thought she looked normal. As normal as a maid cosplayer in this day and age would be anyway.

“Welcome to Mistress Nadine’s estate. My name is Cecillia and I am the loyal maid of this household.” The girl spoke welcomingly, though Christian had a hard time forcing his eyes away from the girl's boobs for even a moment. It seemed like it was tradition in Nadine's place that everyone needed to be stacked like heck, not that he was complaining.

A cold shower washed over him, making him shudder across his entire body. Looking upwards for just a moment, the maid was staring him down with a cold gaze, before shaking her head and returning to her now very obviously fake smile. She took a breath. “Sir, if you would have a moment before you go and meet up with my mistress, I would like to make you an offer. Let’s step outside for just a moment.”

“And offer? Is this one just by you, or are you acting like a middleman for Nadine?” asked Christian, as he was expecting to be offered money for this, just not from the maid.

“This one is from me personally and you are not to tell the mistress about this.” Said the maid, her eyes giving him a look of absolute seriousness. “I would like to pay you for completing the project.”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly be opposed to doing something like that. But how much are you talking about and what exactly does that deal entail?” Christian asked, feeling surprisingly cool for getting to ask a question like that.

“We are talking about ten grand flat. And what you have to do is indulge the Lady today with whatever she wants to do. And then you will say that you will finish the rest at home and thank her for her work. And then of course, finish the thing at your home, hand it in on time, and give her a good grade. Understood?”

“Well, I have been convinced. There is very little I wouldn't do for ten thousand bucks. It's a pleasure doing business with you.” Christian said, reaching out his head for a handshake with Cecillia. The maid naturally took it with a triumphant smile on her face.

Though just afterward a powerful gust of wind came through, throwing up the front of Cecillia’s skirt and exposing the red lace underwear hidden underneath. With how much it was straining it looked as if her bottom was getting eaten between her cheeks. Not a treat he was expecting to see today, but one that Christian welcomed either way.

“Hot damn that ass is red hot.”

The maid turned to him, fire in her eyes and her expression colder than ice, looking like she was ready and willing to kill him.

He did just say that out loud, didn’t he?

“He-hey listen, it was a slip of the tongue and not even an insult in any way. You should be proud of your assets and show them more. I am sure then you would find a boyfriend in no time.” Christian rambled, though her gaze only grew colder as her expression grew angrier.

“You assholes have no idea what it’s like to just constantly have your boobs and ass be stared at! ‘Show more cleavage!’ ‘Show more legs!’ I am sick of this shit!” Cecillia suddenly burst out, throwing away all semblance of maidly etiquette against the wall, and pointed at him.

“I wish you would…!” She looked like she was going to shout at him for some more, but then just stopped herself. Then she started to smile. She stayed like that for a few more seconds, before finally adding. “I am sorry for my brief outburst. You should work on your manners for the future. Now let’s go. Mistress Nadine is waiting. ”

“Yeah. I am sorry again for that. I didn’t know that subject was such a sore spot.” Christian apologized.

“The mistress’ room is just upstairs and to the right.” Cecilia spoke pointing up a staircase, to which Christian just nodded. He gave a brief glance back to the maid, but she seemed to not join him upstairs, for now at least. So he ultimately shrugged his shoulders and started climbing the stairs alone.

“Oh yeah, don’t worry about that incident. Just don’t tell the mistress, kay?”

“Yeow!” Christian yelped, feeling like he has just been stung in the butt by a bee or something. But when he turned around, not even Cecillia was within reach to have pinged him, though she was pointing at him as she continued with an even bigger and slightly evil smile. “As long as no more unfortunate gusts of wind happen, it will all be fine~”

At that point, Christian didn’t care for Cecillia anymore and just really wanted to get away from her as fast as possible. So he ran up the stairs and turned right at the appropriate and only corner of the level, quickly arriving at the place labeled ‘Nadine’s room’. And from the size of the door alone he could tell that it was going to be a massive one.

“Hello? Are you in there, Nadine?” Christian asked, knocking on the oversized door trying to be as reasonable as possible before entering a girl's room.

Though no response came from the room. He knocked on the door again, waiting to hear any sort of response from it, but again, nothing. That's when he decided to open the door just a crack and peeked inside, only to not even see any sign of her around. At that point he was just so confused.


“What are you doing in front of Milady's room?” a male voice asked from behind him, yet before he could react a gust of wind suddenly filled the hallway, leaving Christian in shock as he felt his pants go flying up. That shouldn’t even be possible. How do pants even fly up with a gust of wind?!?

He pushed and pushed, but just couldn’t get his pants to go back down. As long as the wind blew like a typhoon, it also seemed to morph his pants around his hands, almost making it feel like it was getting more puffiness by the moment.

Finally, he was able to fight the winds and push his damn pants back down, though that was only after the winds had already stopped completely. Though something wasn’t right. His pants felt.. off and his leg felt oddly free. And when he looked down, he couldn’t believe his eyes for a moment.

“What the…? Why am I wearing a skirt?” Christian asked, looking in horror down at the poofy black skirt around his waist that just barely went down to his knees, with everything below that being now completely free. “How did that happen…?”

“I would assume you put it on in the morning.” The man who had presumably spoken to him a few seconds ago and was now standing in front of him spoke, giving Christian a small eye roller as he did, before resuming a more respectful stance. ”Now what is a stranger doing in front of the Milady’s room all alone?”

“What? Why would I put on…?”


Christian opened his mouth to say something, but the honest confusion in the butler's eyes stopped him from bringing any words out. There was no shot, the butler didn’t witness whatever had just happened with his own eyes, yet he didn’t react at all to it. Did he not see his pants getting launched into the stratosphere?

After a moment he tried to get the wrinkles out of his new skirt, accepting that maybe the butler wouldn't find it too weird that he wore a skirt in the first place. There was at least hope, so Christian spoke up as casually and normal as possible. “I was just looking for Nadine. You see, I'm here because she is my partner for a project at college.”

“Ah, then you will have no luck finding her here. She is currently having a talk with her parents in their study up on the fourth floor. If you wish, I could let her know about your arrival, or I could lead you to her if that is more what you want.”

“Sure sounds like a plan. I’ll just follow you then, sir.” Christian nodded with a flushed face, to which the butler nodded as well, before starting to walk towards the staircase where Christian came from, except this time to the one leading upwards. To no one's surprise.

The moment he fell a little bit behind, Christian took another look down at his skirt. It was definitely a black skirt and somewhat fancy, with white frills at the ends of it. And he just ended up wondering in a slight whisper. “Ok, what the heck? How did I have a sudden clothing change as if I was a damn magical girl?”

Despite that, he still followed the butler up another staircase and he was already getting out of breath. This mansion would be a hassle to live in if he had to. Regardless, he turned around to the next staircase over and wanted to take his first step up, when suddenly…

“Excuse me! Coooooming through!” Another female maid with a huge mountain of clothes in her hands rushed by behind him, bringing with her another typhoon level of winds that blew upward Christian’s new skirt like it was specifically aiming for it. Christian would have let out some small yelp, but he wasn’t all that sure with how loud the winds were all around him.

And even though he wanted to say that the winds were the weirdest things happening to him at that moment, it just wasn’t, instead the gust seemed to focus on his ass more than anything. And weirdest of all there now was something different about his hips. They felt bloated and broader, almost like the winds were inflating them.

Less than a few seconds later, despite it having felt to Christian like minutes, the winds calmed down again, and he was able to push his skirt down once again. Though his fears were most definitely confirmed, as when he kept running his hands over his legs and hips afterward, he could tell the difference.

Somehow, his legs were now shaved clean, much softer, and most importantly, much thicker than they were before. He didn’t have any of that athletic build before, but now his legs were borderline flabby. As if not to say soft and squishy. And that isn't even mentioning the fact that his hips had gained almost two fists width worth of broadness on each side, which now given the fact that he was wearing a dress gave him an almost bell-shaped appearance.

“I… How?!? This isn’t normal…” Was all he could let out, before the butler, now up the second staircase, called out to him. “Excuse me, young man. Are you coming?”

Christian tried to climb up the stairs, but immediately noticed something very off once again. He couldn't walk normally anymore. It was either his doubled thigh size, his massively improved hips size, or his frankly ridiculous ass, but one of them made it so, that with every step he took, he couldn't help but swing his behind around like a pendulum. And he couldn’t stop it. It just happened with every step. And it felt ridiculous.

Although it might also be a result of all three of those factors combined, that hardly mattered right then…

Anyway, after a lot of swinging, a few confused stares of the butler, and a way too long staircase, the two of them finally arrived on the third floor, where the study was just a few steps away from being reached. He could even hear Nadine's voice already, talking with presumably her mother.

“Excuse me, my ladies.” The butler spoke up, as the two of them stepped into the study. “Your partner for the college project has arrived, Lady Nadine.”

Nadine immediately turned around and beamed at Christian with her usual ditzy smile, while her mother meanwhile looked a lot more skeptical at the guy and seemingly his choice of clothes, before sighing and saying. “Yeah, Cecilia said you were coming in a bit and I took a bit more of Nadine’s time than I thought I would. Welcome to our home, by the way. I hope you two have fun.”

“Yes~ We will finish that project thingie together today! I promise!” Nadine cheered and strutted over to Christian, her boobs and butt honestly bouncing almost as much as he thought his own did. Although she seemed to make a conscious effort to come around as a bouncy bimbo contrary to Christian himself.

“Now, if you would excuse me. I still have something to attend to.” The butler bowed then, after both of the ladies nodded, he made his way out of the study behind Christian, when suddenly once again…

“Ack!” winds came out of nowhere and forced Christian’s skirt up, making him and Nadine who was standing right beside him let out a small yelp, as he tried his best to get the situation under control again. The last thing he needed was to embarrass himself in front of Nadine's very rich mother, although judging from her slight chuckle, she had already seen everything she needed.

This time winds seemed to spiral around Christian, rather than just blowing his skirt up. The winds were pushing and pressing on all sides, making him feel like he had just been put into a wind chamber or something. Except that he could also have sworn that he felt his shirt fly off into the distance, yet he never saw it again.

Instead, when he looked down after the winds had settled, he found that he was now wearing a fully-fledged maid costume, astoundingly similar to that maid Cecillia he had met at the very beginning. It had a black and white top, a white ribbon… even a maid headband and stockings… he just wore the full package.

And white panties. And now the butler was giggling. Perfect. Couldn't have possibly gone any worse.

“What was that…? I didn’t even know something could blow, like that hard in here.” At least Nadine still looked somewhat confused, looking like she had been so distracted by the winds that she didn’t notice that everything below his skirt had just been flashed a second ago.

“Oh well, nothing bad happened anyway. Are you ready, Chris?” Nadine suddenly turned to Christian and took his hand, while giving him a very nice view of her very impressive chest size through her very revealing clothes.

Though, was Nadine always this tall? He could have sworn that when they last had classes together, she was like a head or so smaller than him, but not anymore. In fact, Christian was  even wearing heels. Not big ones, but heels regardless. And Nadine was still taller than him. Did he shrink from those weird winds just now…?

As Christian thought that however, he was pulled out of it as Nadine started to drag him forward, almost looking like she was a carefree child wanting to show her parents her great achievements. Except, you know, she just looked genuinely excited to work on that thing.

Almost immediately next to the study, Nadine shoved Christian into a room that turned out to be a very fancy disguised elevator. Because of course, a house of this size would have one. They had shown to have the money for something like that. Just after 3 whole staircases, he kinda wished he had known about this earlier.

Nadine, however, didn’t press the button that led to the first floor. Instead, there was a button simply labeled ‘Nadine’s room’. ‘As if that elevator just seriously had a function to bring her directly into her room.’ Christian thought.

It did though, because he recognized that room where they had landed immediately, and it was the rich girl's personal space. However, with one small difference that wasn’t there the last time he looked inside.

“My lady, the shopping for today has been completely concluded without any issues, the laundry is currently in progress and the garden has been completely taken care of. Therefore I will be going on my lunch break rather soon.” Cecilia said, having seemingly waited in the middle of Nadine's room for the two of them. “Is there anything I can still assist you with before I go?”

“Hmm… Let me think…” Nadine said out loud, doing a bit of a ditzy thinking pose, then answered. “Please bring both me and my guest some refreshments. After that, I wish you a great lunch break.”

“Understood. Be right back, lady Nadine~” Cecilia spoke, bowed to Nadine, and turned around to leave the room. That’s when she suddenly stopped, a smirk appeared on her face and she turned around again, this time walking towards Christian.

“I hope you are good to my lady Nadine. May your work bear good fruits.” She said as she looked at Christian in a rather predatorial way.

“Don’t worry, I got this.” Christian replied, almost out of fear.

“Also one quick piece of advice for you.” Cecilia whispered, slowly walking to Christians's side. “I would recommend not to have anyone walk behind you. After all, you wouldn’t want to flash your perky butt to people when a sudden gust of wind hits, right?”

That was the exact moment Christian realized what was happening to him and why these random winds kept appearing around him. It was her. She must have done something. But what and how? And especially…

“Ahh!” While his brain was running multiple miles per second, he failed to realize that Cecillia herself had slowly started to walk a round behind Christian, which then, just as she warned, caused winds to break out all around Christian again, causing his skirt to take off once again.

This time, he didn’t even try to push it down anymore, as something else caught his attention. Something much worse.

His chest had inexplicably started to tingle, feeling almost as if the air was coming in from under his dress and straight into his pecs, which he knew couldn't be a good thing. And one gulp of worry later, he saw the inexplicable: His chest actually started to rise from his body, like someone was inflating some balloons on his chest.

And he couldn't stop it. He tried everything, from pressing on them to pushing his skirt down to stop the air from coming in. Nothing worked. His chest had already surpassed a C cup and was still going. Nothing could stop this seeming inflation machine. And what's worse was that every time he pressed on his chest, it started to feel increasingly more erotic, making him truly feel like he had to hold in a moan towards the end of it.

During the time of expansion, Cecilia had seemingly left and Nadine had been on her little pink laptop preparing some stuff, yet that only really saved him from embarrassment. That didn’t change the fact that point one, he was cursed. And point two, he now held two really big freaking orbs on his chest. They looked almost like the boobs of Cecillia to be honest, with how much of a dent they were making in the maid uniform…

“Alright! I am ready to start!” Nadine announced happily, before taking a look at Christian and then tilting her head confused. “Why are you blushing this much? Did Cecillia tell you something naughty?”

Thank goodness that this girl was an airhead, otherwise that might have been very awkward.

“N-no, this is fine. Everything’s fine… so… project, right? Let’s get some work done.” Christian said with as straight of a tone as he could muster.

“Yeah~ Let’s~” Nadine replied.

To be fair, Nadine was actually doing some decent work. He had half expected her to not know anything, get bored with it ten minutes in, and then give up and want to do something else. But no, her suggestions are good, her writing is very great, and honestly, her research skills are probably better than those of Christian himself. It wouldn’t be surprising to see her carrying this team rather than him.

“Hey Chris, now that we are alone, might I ask something?” Nadine said, practically out of nowhere.

“Uhm… sure. What's up?”

“You surely have noticed that Cecillia is… oddly devoted to me. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate her and everything she does, but she almost seems to go… too far sometimes, you know?” Nadine said, looking a bit down at her computer. “I have even heard things like that she has bribed my teachers and fellow students, just so that I would succeed. Can you imagine?”

“Err…” Christian let out, being very careful of what he wanted to say next. “I have… noticed that she is very extreme.”

“I have even heard that she said stuff like ‘I will make her rich’ and ‘I will make her smart’, stuff that she has like no way to control in any way. Yet we still won the lottery, my dad and mom still got promoted and I have never needed to learn for any exam ever.” Nadine said, looking at Christian. “It’s like it's going too well, right?”

“...” Now Christian was truly out of words. He didn’t know what to say. So when he grabbed all his courage and opened his mouth, to tell Nadine the truth.

“That is utterly ridiculous, lady Nadine.” Cecillia said, suddenly appearing right behind both Nadine and Christian. Which also meant that once again the winds started to rage and his skirt flew right up to his face again.

For a moment he thought it was impossible. He had kept an eye on the front door the entire time and she never came through it… which is when he realized that the elevator door behind him had just closed and he now knew where she came from. Crap.

With winds blowing everywhere and anywhere, he barely understood what Cecillia said to Nadine right next to him, but one thing was for sure, they were both not paying attention to him. Which was a good thing, because he didn’t want anyone to watch, as his entire face started to tingle and he knew that something big was coming.

Do you know that feeling when you hold your head out of the window of a fast-driving car? Christian was feeling that only twice as strong, as he could feel his facial features actively shift from the enormous force on him.

At first, it didn’t seem that bad, only making his face more round and his chin less pronounced, but it quickly became worse. And that was because as soon as the wind reached the top of his head, his hair just started flying outwards, growing longer and longer as if the wind was actively pulling on it. And from all the hair pulling, face rearranging, and shaping, Christian didn’t even know where he wanted to put his hands.

However, as soon as the winds stopped once again, he felt a hand land on his shoulder from behind, catching him completely off guard. He quickly turned to find that it was Cecillia who had laid her hand on him, wearing the same evil smile as before as she asked. “...wouldn't you agree, Melody?”

Now he wasn’t sure what he should be shocked at more, the fact that he completely missed the entire conversation between Nadine and Cecilia or the fact that the weird maid had just called him by the wrong name. But it turned out, it didn’t matter, as only a moment later, Cecilia pressed on his shoulder blade once again, which caused a super strong but incredibly focused stream of air to blow up Christians's skirt once again.

But this time, his skirt stayed in place. The air did not deviate. It knew its target and it stuck with insane precision. Through his panties, directly into his manhood, where it was blown on so hard that it and the balls attached were just forced back into a hole that he didn’t even know existed down there, leaving him with nothing by a fresh and empty entrance below his frilly skirt.

And she didn't even have time to breathe, as her mouth pretty much spoke up without her consent and said. “Absolutely, lady Cecillia.”

Her voice was sweet and melodic, and the way she sat was overly girly. There was nothing left on her body that would have told you that she used to be a man. And worst of all, her male name suddenly just kept slipping her. It was as if someone was pulling her name out of her brain and handing her the name Melody instead.

“Perfect~” Said Lady Cecillia, happily clapping her hands together. However, Melody still had a hard time telling why she was suddenly calling Lady Cecilia as ‘lady’ in her head. When she just said. “Then you can officially start as another one of our dear Lady Nadine’s maids~ Now hop to it~”

“Yes, Lady Cecillia. And Lady Nadine!” Melody yelped almost like a slut, which also came from her more instinctively than voluntarily. She didn’t even know what she had just volunteered to do, but she knew it wasn’t here. She needed to go and…

“Oh no! Eeeep!” How could she forget? Did she just stand up and turn around right in front of Lady Nadine? That was so stupid, now all the winds will blow her skirt up again, and reveal her panties to Lady Nadine! “Ahhh!” This was so embarrassing for Melody!

She needed to run, but where? The kitchen? Right, Cecilia had prepared some drinks for Lady Nadine there. Lemon soda, because it was her favorite, that makes sense. But what about the project… I guess, duty comes first. It was her duty to attend to Lady Nadine’s every need, no matter what. She could still help her on the project afterward. Yes, that was what she was going to do.

So the girl ran down the stairs, trying to ignore whenever someone was walking up behind her and forced her skirt up, as that was just a curse that she was now living with. She couldn’t change anything about it. She just hoped she could get out of this maid dress and mansion as soon as possible…

“Good news, Melody!” Lady Nadine announced.

“UWA!!!” Melody yelped as a massive airstream once again helped in presenting her panties to her lady while she was cleaning a window. She desperately tried to force a smile while holding it down, even if she knew that she would just fail on it like every other time. “W-What happened, Lady Nadine?”

“Still as unlucky as ever I see, Melody,” Nadine said, giggling to herself. “Though I seriously wonder where those airstreams come from sometimes.”

“Probably from nowhere special. Ahaha…” Melody laughed, knowing exactly that Cecillia’s spell would have stopped her from telling Nadine any more than this if she tried. And she really wasn’t in the mood to draw Cecillia’s ire onto her for a second time.

After the winds calmed down again, Melody turned around and asked while still holding her skirt. “You wanted to speak to me?”

“Yes! Remember that project we handed in last week? We aced it! We were better than everyone else in our class! Isn’t that great?”

That didn’t surprise Melody in the slightest, considering how much Cecillia had her hands in this. She probably boosted both Melody’s and Nadine’s intelligence to astronomical levels, which only serves to make Nadine an even more perfect mistress. Stuff like this makes Melody want to devote everything and more to her lady. It was as if Nadine just was meant to be the perfect lady and Melody was meant to be her servant. Haa~ what luck she was allowed to serve her…

“This is amazing news~ I knew you were amazing, my lady~” Melody almost jumped for joy, being much more excited than she was a few moments ago.

“I know right~ I need to show this to my mother~ I can’t wait~” Nadine said, as she happily hopped towards the elevator, ready to take it up into the study.

Yet Melody’s excitement didn’t last, as the moment Nadine was out of her sight, those thoughts of admiration popped from her mind again. And after she realized what had just happened, Melody couldn’t help herself but sigh.

It was a safety curse or something like that Cecillia had placed on her, that made her hyper fangirly of Nadine whenever her mind would wander too far into the wrong direction while in her lady's presence. Seemingly just to make sure that Nadine was always surrounded by loving servants. Obviously.

So once again, stuck in the mansion, in the body of a busty and curvy maid, somewhat devoted to her lady Nadine, Melody started cleaning the window again. It was hard work to be Lady Nadine’s servant, but Melody actually started to quite enjoy it after a while. Especially because…

That’s when the wind attacked her once again and blew her skirt up into her face. And all she could let out was. “Oh crap. Not again…”

Having a bit of tailwind can be quite nice when you need to work on a project. Just make sure it doesn't come from below…


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