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Greetings to you, sorcerer of the elven land. You have done a lot to help the people of this land, punishing intruders and overall helping all of the elven race as a whole. You are a man that prefers to work in secret, never stepping out of the shadows and never taking credit for any of your actions. Although should this letter reach you, and I have a good feeling about it, then that would mean that I have a really good idea on who you might be.

I highly doubt you remember me, it's been over ten years after all. Though in elven time scaling that's not actually all that long, huh?

In any case I would like to tell you a tale of a victim of yours, whose life you drastically improved with your magic. So I hope you spare a few moments for my words of appreciation.

It all started on a fateful day, when a hunting party stepped into the forest of Alph. Their intentions were vile and brutal, with a taste for blood and lust for women. Anyone, even humans who heard them talk would be disgusted at their proclamations to slaughter the nearest Elven village and enslave anyone who seemed useful. And that especially included women for the worst possible reasons.

Should you have been curious why a group like that would be allowed to exist despite the Human-Elf peace treaty, it is because because some of the higher officials of the human race still make a lot of their money via the illegal slave trade. So they regularly turn a blind eye towards anything that could potentially lose them money if they were to shut it down.

Sirius Godat. This is a name that might interest you. Politician and corrupt official in every sense of the word. But I digress.

As the party neared the village they readied themself for the raid. Most of them were experienced rangers, so elven traps and misdirections in the forest could only slow them down so much. They were bloodthirsty, but extremely well prepared, so the elven village Rubia at the outskirts would have stood no chance.

But they never reached the village, now did they?

You stood in their path, mighty sorcerer.

They were prepared to deal with magic, their equipment was strong. But your might was on another level. There were over twenty men, led by a powerful adventurer who had slain two dragons before, so they thought they could deal with a mage like you. But they were wrong.

It wasn’t even a real fight. You stripped them of their equipment with a mere few spells, and cut off their escape route with another. Without wounding them, you made them harmless, taking away all of their provisions, items, weapons and anything else they had on hand. They were naked, vulnerable and completely at your mercy.

But you refused to stoop down to their level. You would not enslave nor kill any of them. Your punishment was much more cathartic and fitting, considering you quickly found out what sort of men you were dealing with.

You prayed to the dark goddess you served for the punishment you saw fit and she responded and made a miracle happen. And oh my what a cruel fate you had in store for them.

You split the men into two groups. One of those groups you cursed to become female elves themselves, free to do whatever they want but cursed their breast and asses to grow with every day they don't submit to a man in any way. The other half you let stay men, but cursed them into perpetual heat that could only be satisfied by elven women. No human girl would ever do it for them again. And you made them weak in the presence of elves, so that all they could do was beg for the elves to satisfy their needs.

A truly cruel, but fitting fate, I must agree. And I also understand that you would think that that's where the story ends. But it turned out, that was not the case. As there was a single person who single handedly forced themself out of the camp of submissive new elven girls and heated men.

And that was Zaret, the leader and strongest warrior of the group. The person I talked about before and as it turned out, a sweet little dark elf girl now. She was still stronger than every other person in the group even with the mysterious disappearance of her stick down below and most of her muscle mass, so she more than easily punched her way out of the group to go deeper into the forest.

Her mind was set on one thing and one thing only: To get revenge on you, the sorcerer who forced her to become the thing she loved to play with most. In her eyes at that very moment, you had turned her from a person into a toy, that's how warped her mind was back then.

You were kind enough to start out with each girl having a very modest bust size, like A-cup at the max, which is important to say, because general consensus among elves is that a more petite figure translates to more beauty. Which the renegade elf girl very quickly lost thanks to her living out in the woods for about a week afterwards.

Remember, she still had all of her hunting and fighting skills, even most of her strength was still there, so she actually was capable of using her skills to survive in the wilderness for quite a while. Although playing into her curse she could feel her breasts and behind swell everyday. Not by much, but those days sure added up.

It took her a long time to convince herself, but when her chest reached around a B-cup and her behind was starting to feel a bit padded, she jumped over her shadow and visited the elven village Rubia for the first time, the very same village she planned to raid in the past.

There was no way to raid it alone, nor did she want to cause any trouble. She was not stupid. In her mind she still was a plaything for everyone, so she did her absolute best not to stick out no matter the cost. Although walking into a village with only a bear's hide to wear definitely left an impression on the villagers.

The girl then actually settled herself well into the village, much to her own surprise. Living among elves was something she could have never imagined in her entire life before, but now she was doing it without issue. Even though most of the residents were wood elves, they didn't have any issue taking in a dark elf like her.

Especially not after she demonstrated her strength and quickly became the village's primary huntress. Be it bears, rabbits, orcs or goblins, she easily disposed of all of them, gathering valuable materials and food for the entire village. She mostly did it for money, although the praise she received for her amazing work slowly changed her.

Two more weeks later and the dark elven girl had become rather famous around town already. She was challenged multiple times by hunters who thought they could best her, only for her to defeat them without even giving close to her all. Although she knew that a very uncomfortable timer was ticking, as her over C, maybe even D-cup chest already outshined every single other chest size of every girl in the entire village. She knew things couldn’t stay the same, but she didn’t know what to change.

That's when one day, she heard the news from the royal elven capital searching for individually powerful warriors, as they wanted to take down a dragon. She didn’t really know all that much about that mission, but one thing was for certain to her: If the most powerful warriors of the elven kingdom were among this dragon subjugation party, then surely you, the sorcerer will be too. So she immediately formed a plan to take part in this subjugation party.

It took another week for her to even arrive at the royal capital, and the first thing she had to do was replace her armor. Her rack was getting ridiculous at this point, probably around an E-cup and combined with her absurd hip diameter she sported a figure no other elf even though was possible. Which is also why she had to spend a lot of money on a custom made armor and dodge some weird questions from the blacksmith.

Long story short, you were not at the dragon slaying party, which should not surprise you. Among the people were the prince Julion, said to be the strongest elven warrior, a lot of fighters from all around the kingdom and her, as the only female close combatant. Maybe people laughed at her figure and gender at first, but she was quick to show them all that she could more than hold her own.

She wasn’t the strongest around, that title would go to Julion, but definitely a top contender even in the party.

Unfortunately for her, because she didn't actually think that far ahead, dragon hunts aren’t usually as easy as: get in, slay dragon, get out. It took another week to finally wound the dragon enough so that it couldn't flee anymore, exhaust it completely and finally take it down. A major victory for the elven country.

Although towards the end of the journey the girl could feel that her armor was once again misfitting her, her bust, hips and thighs having grown to absurd sizes in the time it took for them to hunt the beast. She was still fighting, but she knew that if this continued, one day her armor would burst.

So on the final day of the hunt, when she could feel her armor ready to burst and she thought she would suffocate, she made a risky move and jumped in front of the stream of fire to shield prince Julion from the dragon's final attack. Which also caused her armor to burst and her to pass out on the spot.

When she came too, the fighting was over. There was no big fanfare or celebration for what she had done, as it was in fact prince Julion who had ultimately slain the dragon. So the chance for her glory was also gone. No sorcerer and no glory, truly a waste of a hunt, even if there was a sizable reward afterwards.

That's when the prince gave her another visit. He knew what she had done and wanted to thank her for it, when she simply couldn't help it anymore. She just blurted everything out to the prince, telling him everything about her, about her curse and her predicament and her revenge. And then she begged him to take her in, claim her as a slave.

She just didn't care anymore. She had resisted the temptation for far too long, but now with breasts that had double the volume of her head and a behind that looked like she was smuggling watermelons, she just wanted the growth to stop. Even if it meant bowing to the prince's every whims.

You might be asking why exactly the prince. Well the two of them had come into a lot of conversations over the journey and the girl had therefore gotten a good idea of the prince’s personality. And since she wasn't opposed to what he stood for, she came to him with her request.

Thankfully for her, prince Julion actually accepted her proposal and offered her a spot as a concubine to him, which she immediately accepted. What she didn't know at the time is that the prince didn't actually have any other concubines yet, so she was pretty much his only one.

And that stayed that way. Having submitted herself to the prince, her assets finally stopped growing, although she was already above and beyond all reasonable sizes. But Julion didn't mind, in fact, he seemed to be quite the outlier among elves and actually preferred her larger sizes. So the two of them spent more and more time together, in raids, in political discussions and even in private.

Until the unthinkable happened, and the prince formally announced his engagement with the dark flash princess, the elf girl's newly acquired title. And that title would become more true than she could have ever imagined, as she never thought the day would come where she would become a real princess consort.

And that is the tale of a girl whose life you changed for the better. A girl who found her true love. And a girl who actually loves what has become of her body, as her partner thoroughly enjoys it too. And a girl who still gets to fight with the best of them.

And now, that I have finally found you, here is my message for you:
Thank you very much for this “curse”.

Your’s truly,

Dark Flash Princess and Princess consort,

Zefia Alphine

A note to a certain someone who did something to me. Because I still have a bone to pick with that sorcerer.


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