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If you could gain a wish from the dark goddess, but only if it is big enough to drastically affect the entire world, what would you wish for?

This is a collection of all 6 priest of Wish Stories, so I hope you enjoy!

(Roze) Wish for Gilded Gold (Creeping Ojou Coin Tg)

Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all know the highest of high priests of the goddess Nagisa recently had gotten the opportunity to climb what was essentially Japanese Mount Olympus to meet up with their goddess in person to ask her a wish to change the world they are living in for the better in exchange for their humanity… and also their manliness from what I can tell.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had an opportunity to make a wish like that. Please, introduce yourself~

Roze: Oh, glad to be here today, Jalira~ My name is Roze and you could say I am doing just golden~ Ohohoho~

Jalira: I can see that. When Nagisa said that a lot of you people were going to be extravagant, she was not joking. Now, I have prepared a few questions for you that our watchers are certainly eager to hear the answers to. Would you be okay with answering them for me?

Roze: Certainly~ It’s not like I have any trademarked secrets I need to hide~ Ohohoho~

Jalira: Perfect~ Alright, so the first question would be: To gain your wish from the goddess you had to reach the top world temple, which required a hike up to a pretty tall mountain. How did you do that and was it hard?

Roze: I can tell you that much, it wasn’t easy. I think every one of us took a different approach up the mountain. But I am going to be honest and say that I had a pretty big advantage this time around. Which allowed me a strategy that I would not have taken otherwise.

Jalira: Oh? What advantage would that be?

Roze: I know someone close to Nagisa pretty well, and he just happened to let slip that I would gain a wish the moment I would get up there. That allowed me to think of a wish before that and come up with a strategy.

Well, from all of my planning and strategizing, I settled on gaining money more than anything else. I don’t remember my exact reasoning, but I think I just wanted to be rich at least once in my life. And I gotta admit, it's pretty damn awesome, not gonna lie~ Ohoho~

Jalira: I see. But how did that help you climb the mountain?

Roze: Well I knew I was going to get my money back, so I was pretty much free to spend my life savings going up the mountain. I was talking to a few pro hikers and even a few local residents who were well-informed, but I just settled on taking a helicopter ride up to the top world temple. It was honestly surprisingly cool and also the reason why the first thing I did as a creeping coin was buy two private helicopters.

Jalira: I… see. Your logic does indeed make sense. Okay, now to the main event why most people have turned in: What was your wish, and what changed?

Roze: I hope most of you have eyes and can see my shiny new beauty~ Ohohoho~

Jokes aside, I had to reword my wish a few times before we settled on something. See, the problem just was that Nagisa would only grant wishes that were big enough to affect the whole world. Me wishing to be the richest person on earth, is, funnily enough, not big enough. After all, many people live perfectly contemptuously without even knowing who the richest person before me was. It just isn’t important.

In the end, I wished “that I was in control of all the money in the world.”, as that was sure to affect most people in the world.

Jalira: And what are some of the major changes that happen to you because of that?

Roze: If there ever was a personification of “Mrs. Moneybags”, then I turned into her without a doubt. First off, my skin turned into gold. Not just a skin tone, I turned into genuine living gold, meaning my body became a whole heck of a lot heavier in the span of a minute. To make it even more fun, my weight was also greatly redistributed, with a lot going to my chest for the real money bags and a lot more going to my behind, because I needed the counterweight.

Oh yeah, I might be making a lot of weight jokes, but what people don't realize when they look at me like this, is that I most likely weigh more than their car. Turns out that if you turn a human-sized person into a material about twenty times as dense as they were before, then stuff also happens to their weight. Though I have come to terms with it quite a long time ago and also find it exorbitantly hilarious when someone tries to pull on my arm to drag me somewhere, only to realize two seconds later that pulling on me is like trying to move a car with their bare hands. Ohohoho~

Jalira: Interesting. And how did your wish affect the world around you?

Roze: The world was altered to a point where I was officially deemed as the most valuable and important being on the planet. Everything my body produces is pure gold and I can mold it into whatever I like. So humans have started to worship me as a literal goddess of money, as they have decided to only use money produced by me as currency all across the world, as it was the only kind of coin that could not be manufactured by anyone other than myself.

So it was impossible to forge. And because gold is also the most rust-resistant material on the planet, there was no better currency to use than my offshoots. Which I can produce thousands upon thousands of each day.

Though as funny and ironic as it might sound, if you get requests to purchase something from literally every country on the entire planet to stir up their economy daily, it could be said that I am constantly in a money shortage. Which just cracks me up every time I think about it. Ohohoho~

Jalira: That is quite funny, I will not deny that. But with that, our interview is coming to an end. Is there anything you would like to say to the audience before we conclude this interview?

Roze: Remember kids: Love with your heart, use your gold for everything else~ Ohohohoho~

Jalira: Thank you very much for the interview today, Roze! It was an honor meeting you today. This was Jalira, from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… next time~

(Melody) Wish for Fastest Travel (Centaur Postgirl Tg)

Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all know the highest of high priests of the goddess Nagisa recently had gotten the opportunity to climb what was essentially Japanese Mount Olympus to meet up with their goddess in person to ask her a wish to change the world they are living in for the better in exchange for their humanity… and also their manliness from what I can tell.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had an opportunity to make a wish like that. Please, introduce yourself~

Melody: Oh hi~ Glad to be here today too. It's an honor to be invited today, even if I am in a bit of a hurry at the moment.

Jalira: Oh? Why is that? Also, your name would be great if we could catch that on camera.

Melody: Ah! Right! My name is Melody, I am a Mail-horse lady working for the imperial post office. I am glad you found it interesting enough to question me, even if my wish didn't pan out the greatest.

As you guys probably know, as long as people like to talk, a post-horse’s job is never done.

Jalira: Ah, that means that I have probably caught you on duty. But no problem, I promise we will get through this interview quickly. I have already prepared a few questions for you that our watchers are certainly eager to hear the answers to. Would you be okay with answering them for me before you have to go?

Melody: Oh man… I hope that my answers are interesting enough for the people though…

Jalira: It’ll be fine~ Alright, so the first question would be: To gain your wish from the goddess you had to reach the top world temple, which required a hike up to a pretty tall mountain. How did you do that and was it hard?

Melody: I will be honest and say that I can't even believe it myself that I made it up that hill in the first place. That just wasn't something that one could do in one go. At least I couldn’t.

Jalira: Do you mind being a bit more specific?

Melody: Well… I don’t know what else to say. I hopped in with a hiker group that was planning to go up the mountain to the top world temple anyway. They naturally didn’t go up there for Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity, but you know… I tagged along out of convenience.

To be honest it was not easy, but very structured. Took the group almost a week to go up, but it was good enough guidance and enough breaks that even a beginner like me could finish the climb. However, it was a bit embarrassing that it took me almost an entire day to find the place where I was supposed to meet up with Nagisa afterward.

Also, might have just been my imagination, but I think another priest took the same hiking group up with me. Though I don’t remember his name…

Jalira: Why did it take so long to find the one temple up on top of the mountain? I thought there was only like maybe one building up there.

Melody: Well, yes. Like I said, I just didn’t handle the situation all that well. There was the camp where we all rested as well, and I didn't want to go while everyone was looking. So I thought that Nagisa would have hidden a temple inside the temple… or something. I just didn’t go into the front entrance for the longest time because I was stupid and overthinking things. I bet that other priest must have laughed his ass off watching me…

Jalira: Err… I guess we all have days like that, don’t we? Anyway, now to the main event why most people have turned in: What was your wish, and what changed?

Melody: Ah! Yes! My Wish! Definitely!

Err… how did I word it again…

Ah, okay, so my wish. On my way up the mountain, I learned a few things that stuck with me, even now. And that is while humans can theoretically reach almost any location by foot, their bodies aren’t built for long-range travel like that. So I aimed to change that.

I don't remember my exact words, but I told Nagisa something like: “I wish for humans to be able to travel much faster and more effortlessly, even if they might need to become monsters for that.”

I know Nagisa. She would have turned us all into monster girls regardless of what we wished for, so there was no point trying to be smart with her.

Jalira: So you knew in what way she was going to screw you over, so you just accepted that and have her grant a wish that very closely reflects what you actually want? Not a bad idea. And what are some of the major changes that happen to you because of that?

Melody: Well, I kinda should have seen it coming, but my lower half expanded and grew right after I finished making my wish. My feet turned into hooves, my legs thickened a lot while also increasing in so much muscle mass that it was unreal. That is also when I realized that I had turned into a woman. And had four legs now. Yeah, a lot happened in that short amount of time.

Also, my stamina returned to me almost immediately. I knew I was still tired from the week-long hike, but the moment I was a centauress, that fatigue just vanished. I felt ready to take that trip again without a break right afterward, which was honestly an amazing feeling.

Jalira: Interesting. And how did your wish affect the world around you?

Melody: I have heard that a lot of priests have made themselves into the most important people of their world, which makes me kinda stand out as just being painfully ordinary still. Yes, even as a centauress. That is just the new normal in this world I live in.

Every human's lower half is now replaced with that of an animal. Some are mammals, some fish. Some have four legs, some have only two, and some have a mermaid tail. But there is one thing everyone has in common, and that is that a well-trained lower body is seen as very desirable and… uhm… sexy… to a certain extent.

We are all also a lot more powerful than before, especially when it comes to running, throwing, or sports in general. The technology level has dropped a little bit, but that's fine with me. I like my job as a post-horse, bringing mail and newspaper to everyone in town before lunch~

Jalira: You might say that your wish is not as extravagant, but I have to say as an accomplished genie myself, that if you are happy with your result, then it was a good wish you made. But with that, our interview is coming to an end. Is there anything you would like to say to the audience before we conclude this interview?

Melody: As long as people love to talk, a post-horse’s job is never done. And anyone can learn to love running if their lower half turns into that of a sports horse. Hihihi~

Jalira: Thank you very much for the interview today, Melody! It was an honor meeting you today. This was Jalira, from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… next time~

(Kiyomi) A simple Wish, not hard to understand (Beastfolk Tg)

Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all know the highest of high priests of the goddess Nagisa recently had gotten the opportunity to climb what was essentially Japanese Mount Olympus to meet up with their goddess in person to ask her a wish to change the world they are living in for the better in exchange for their humanity… and also their manliness from what I can tell.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had an opportunity to make a wish like that. Please, introduce yourself~

Kiyomi: Finally! I was waiting for Nagisa to show her ass again!

Jalira: Eh?

Kiyomi: Wait, you are not Nagisa. That means that you are probably one of her subordinates or something. I don’t care. Please hand your boss a message for me: “I literally only wanted ONE SINGLE THING, how the fuck did you mess that up?!?”

Jalira: Err… I am sorry to disappoint, but I am only a news reporter on a mission to interview all the priests who got a wish from Nagisa. But I can promise that if you answer all the questions, that Nagisa will also definitely get to see it. So would you be willing to answer those questions for me?

Kiyomi: Fiiiiiine. What are those questions? They better be good ones.

Jalira: Well, alright. So the first question would be: To gain your wish from the goddess you had to reach the top world temple, which required a hike up to a pretty tall mountain. How did you do that and was it hard?

Kiyomi: Hard work and determination. It's really that simple. The moment I heard that I could get a wish granted, there really wasn't a question anymore if I go up that little hill. It was only a question of how fast. You know how it is. Motivation to get their dreams realized really pushes people up the greatest hills more than anything else.

And I just happened to use this feeling to get up the mountain and go to the top of the world temple to meet this goddess who I can say definitely has some major hearing or understanding problems.

Jalira: I… see. Uhm… And how exactly did you get up the mountain?

Kiyomi: I worked hard for my dream. Then I worked harder for my dream. Then I worked so hard for my dream that you wouldn’t believe it. And then I finally had my dream in my grasp! I stood at the temple, confronted the goddess, and made my wish! That's how I did it!

Jalira: Err… anyways, so what was that dream you wanted to be made real so badly?

Kiyomi: That you even need to ask that is an offense to mankind.

For decades we humans had one wish, deeply rooted in the very essence that made us, one wish that united us all more than anything else. Wars have broken out over it, and many people have desperately tried to achieve it with experiments of all kinds, yet always without success. Even the internet, the place for all sorts of creativity was filled to the brim with imagery of our faraway dream, which was never reachable until I achieved it. Or at least I should have achieved it if that damn goddess didn't give her all to twist my words around like the uncultured swine she was.

Jalira: You… err… speak very harshly about a goddess who just granted you a wish. So what did you have to wish for and why did she twist your words?

Kiyomi: She made it sound like she was pleading. Stuff like “Please, your wish is not grandiose enough. You need to affect the world in a major way.”. As if wishing for Humanity's biggest dream to come true wasn’t thinking big enough!

Then she said stuff like “Hey, tell you what. I’ll make you super strong and powerful because I know you like those types of girls,” and “I’ll make you into a mob boss powerful enough to do anything from the shadows,” just to make me budge, but that ain't happening. I told her that I would riot if she didn’t grant me this wish. There was no way of changing my mind and she should know that.

Jalira: Err… So you threatened a goddess…? Uhm… okay… so… What happened to you then due to your wish?

Kiyomi: I didn’t turn into a freaking cat girl, that's for sure!

Seriously! How do you even mess that up?!? Like, sure. She did keep the rest of her bargain. I did grow rather tall in the brief moments afterward, to almost two meters I think. And my abs hardened so much that I honestly already tried to bend metal with it, and I succeeded. My biceps now are also no slouches either. Like I can give pretty much everyone I want the business, having become pretty much the most unstoppable woman on the planet.

But who cares about that? Who cares about having boobs when the ears on top of the heads of every girl you see aren’t cat girl ears? Yes, mine are huge, but where are my cat girls?!?

I don’t mind a cat boy or two in my world, heck, I didn't even want all the humans on the planet to turn into cat girls. I just wanted some cat girls in the world I live in. HOW DID THAT GODDESS MESS THAT UP?!?

Jalira: So you wished for… catgirls…? Only a few catgirls…? Ooookay. So what did Nagisa then end up doing to your world?

Kiyomi: For one, all the humans are gone. Great. Now no one can appreciate the value of catgirls anymore. Exactly what I wanted… NOT!

For two, it's not even like every person on the planet is a cat girl. Yes, everyone has turned into some kind of feline hybrid human thing, but who cares? I don’t see cat girls and I wished for cat girls!

And for three, I AM NOT EVEN A CAT GIRL MYSELF! I am some sort of wolf and tiger mixed breed, which, granted, is considered one of the single rarest and strongest races in my world, but I think you know what I am about to say. I am not a cat girl, and I wished for a cat girl. It's that simple. How do you mess something like that up?!?

Jalira: Ahaha… Ah, would you look at that, those were all of my questions. Any last words you want to say to the audience before we conclude this interview…?

Kiyomi: Give me my CAT GIRLS!!!

Jalira: Uhm…Thank you very much for the interview today, Kiyomi! It was an… uhm… honor meeting you today. T-This was Jalira, from the from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… next time~

Kiyomi: CATGIRLS!!!

(Nicole) Wish for Ultimate Unity (Black Hole girl Tg)

Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all know the highest of high priests of the goddess Nagisa recently had gotten the opportunity to climb what was essentially Japanese Mount Olympus to meet up with their goddess in person to ask her a wish to change the world they are living in for the better in exchange for their humanity… and also their manliness from what I can tell.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had an opportunity to make a wish like that. Please, introduce yourself~

Nicole: Huh? A visitor? I was not expecting that. Hello there, tiny human. Or I guess, genie. My name is Nicole, it's an honor to meet you. It's also nice that you made yourself tall enough that the two of us can actually talk.

Jalira: Well, I kinda had to, considering your…size. When Nagisa said that a lot of you people were going to be extravagant, she was not joking. Now, I have prepared a few questions for you that our watchers are certainly eager to hear the answers to. Would you be okay with answering them for me? Also, you don’t happen to be the roommate of a certain fairy my boss knows? Because in your current form, I really can’t tell.

Nicole: No… I don’t think I am. I don’t know any fairies, I’m sorry. But I am ready to answer some questions since it's been a while since I talked to anyone.

Jalira: Ah. I just asked because of the name similarities. Alright to the interview. So the first question would be: To gain your wish from the goddess you had to reach the top world temple, which required a hike up to a pretty tall mountain. How did you do that and was it hard?

Nicole: Hahaha~ I am sorry, now that I think back on it, I can’t help but laugh at the thought that a mountain can be tall. It just sounds so surreal to me now. Anyway, the question. Right.

I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to get in contact with the keeper of the top of the world temple on top of that mountain. And I asked him what the most convenient way is to get up there. He then told me about the magical gate the apprentice goddess Marie installed that he could use to conveniently get from his home back up to the temple. So really getting up the mountain was only as difficult as flying to Japan and finding the guy's house, as he had already agreed to lead me through the gate if I got to him.

Jalira: Wait, really? There was something like that there?

Nicole: Yes. And it worked perfectly. The Keeper had been using it for years.

Jalira: But why did no other priest mention anything like that? How did they not know something so convenient existed? Not even I knew that.

Nicole: To be fair, the Keeper promised the goddess to keep it a secret and has been very diligent on that. He only let me use it because he knew the goddess Nagisa I was meeting personally and when I dropped her name, he knew he could trust me.

Though, now thinking in hindsight, maybe he shouldn't have trusted me to be honest.

Jalira: Uhm… why is that? Oh. Well. I feel like I am about to find out now anyway. Let me ask you the main event question, and the reason why most people have turned in: What was your wish, and what changed?

Nicole: I dunno. I see nothing special here. Just me and the vast emptiness of space. Just a lot of space.

Yeah, so for everyone who has not caught on yet, I am a living black hole girl. The entire solar system could probably fit on the nail of my pinky. It would be an appropriate assessment to say that I am enormously huge. And to be honest, at first, I really didn’t understand why this happened to me, but the reason dawned on me more and more over time.

So my wish is for no more wars to happen and that humans would be closer together to each other than ever before. I wanted to do a good thing for the world but failed to remember that it was Nagisa I was talking to. And she turned me into a monster girl that is capable of doing all that… by literally swallowing the whole earth whole. And everything else in the solar system too. Like I said, it's the size of my pinky nail.

Jalira: So you turned so huge that you killed everyone?!? WHAT?

Nicole: Erm… not exactly. It’s weird, but I’ll try to explain it the best I can.

So yes, I absorbed everyone, but that doesn’t mean that everyone is gone. There is an earth inside of me, where people live their everyday lives just like they did before. Except, they are a part of me. I can hear all of their thoughts, I can see all of their actions. It's all happening inside of me, that's why I also never feel lonely. it's just that I am never alone.

It's kinda funny when I think about comparing my situation to something else you might have more experience with, really only one thing comes to mind. I can hear people's thoughts, and see their actions, regardless of where on the planet they are. It's like they also share all of that willingly with me, as they make no attempt to hide it from me, rather they want to use the world inside me to express themselves.

…I feel like the personification of the internet…

Jalira: Ah. That is… not what I expected, but I guess it makes sense. So how did your wish affect the world around you? I mean, inside you…?

Nicole: Not in a way that you might expect when you first hear my wish and think how a genie might have twisted my words. Remember, I have access to all the thoughts of all people and all of their actions. In a way, I connect all of them.

As for war, discrimination, and other nasty things. Yeah, they will not happen under my watch. There always is a person with power who is ready to do wrong things with that power, but it is hard to get far when someone who can hear your every thought and whose planet you live on constantly watches over you.

Needless to say, so far no one has managed to get far to actually start a war or something like that. I am just always there, watching over them. I got surprisingly attached to my humans in this form, not gonna lie.

Jalira: It’s certainly an interesting turn of events. But with that being said, our interview is coming to an end. Is there anything you would like to say to the audience before we conclude this interview?

Nicole: If you have the chance, do not wish for world peace. Wish to become a person who can make a difference.

Jalira: Thank you very much for the interview today, Nicole! It was an honor meeting you today. This was Jalira, from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… next time~

(Bella) Wish up for negotiation (Big moma Kitsune Tg)

Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all know the highest of high priests of the goddess Nagisa recently had gotten the opportunity to climb what was essentially Japanese Mount Olympus to meet up with their goddess in person to ask her a wish to change the world they are living in for the better in exchange for their humanity… and also their manliness from what I can tell.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had an opportunity to make a wish like that. Please, introduce yourself~

Bella: My, oh my. What a cute little genie you are~ My name is Bella, head priest of this new world and I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have~ Feel free to ask anything you want~

Jalira: You certainly seem… big in a lot of ways. I am sure a lot of our watchers will be impressed by your sheer… size. Now, I have prepared a few questions for you that our watchers are certainly eager to hear the answers to. Would you be okay with answering them for me?

Bella: I have already told you, sweety, you can ask anything you like. I am more than happy to tell you my entire story if you want me to~

Jalira: Ah. Sorry, that was a force of habit. Anyway, so the first question would be: To gain your wish from the goddess you had to reach the top world temple, which required a hike up to a pretty tall mountain. How did you do that and was it hard?

Bella: I booked a hiking party that was going up the mountain for sightseeing, and just used it for other means. I mean, how else was I supposed to get up there? I have been rather fit, but I am not really experienced in hiking at all.

Jalira: I mean, yeah, that sounds like a logical thing to do.

Bella: Though to be honest the hike was very slow and boring the entire way up. It also took a few days. Pretty sure I could have gone in a faster group, but alas. The silver lining was that almost everyone in the group was super nice and talkative, and I had a lot of fun just making friends and talking to people.

I even told the people what my reasoning was for going up the mountain, though unsurprisingly, not many people believed me then. However if you made that claim in modern times that you were going up the mountain to meet up with the one true goddess, then people would probably either call you a heretic or the second coming of Jesus.

Jalira: I see. So, among the people in the hiking group, did you notice anyone suspicious?

Bella: There is a good chance that one of the people in the group was also a priest going to the same event, but that is only because he showed interest in my reason for going there without dismissing it outright. Might just be speculation though. His shyness was rather cute though.

Other than that… no, I don't think there was anyone that I would deem out of the ordinary.

Jalira: Good to know. Okay, now to the main event why most people have turned in: What was your wish, and what changed?

Bella: I wished that the entire world would fall to their knees before the might of the wonderful goddess Nagisa Fulkami! Muhahahah~ Ahahaha~


For real?

Bella: Yes, I did, in fact, wish for something like that. But there is a little more behind it than you might think.

When I went up to meet Nagisa I knew what I wanted, but what I wanted definitely wasn’t big enough to be considered grandiose, like Nagisa wanted our wishes to be. So my thought process was relatively simple, and I approached Nagisa with a deal.

I told her that I would use my wish to make the whole world her own, turning everyone into a believer of the one true goddess Nagisa Fulkami and a thorough devotee. Heck, I didn’t even mind if she turned me into that as well, if she did me a tiny favor and turned me into a big, sexy, sensual kitsune that can seduce anyone as well as wrap both men and women around her fingers. Giving Nagisa the world was a small price to pay for these mega moma milkers~

Wouldn’t you agree?

Jalira: Ehh… I mean… Maybe? A-And what are some of the major changes that happen to you because of that? I mean, aside from your… uhm… chest?

Bella: Pretty much all you can see and more. So, so much more~ Ehehe~

Just look at my hair, my hips, my glorious behind, and of course my chest~ Everything chiseled by Nagisa to absolute perfection. My fox ears make me even cuter, and my tails exude this certain kind of power~ I just love it~

Oh yeah, and she messed with my head too, but in all the right ways. In all the good ways. Thanks to her, it feels like I have trained for years and decades to refine my movements to the point where anything looks elegant and sexy. I can make any man or woman's jaw drop in a matter of seconds, with just a few movements, which I am infinitely thankful for. She also probably made me more devoted to her than I was before, but this sort of power is just something that is worth almost every price to pay. Wouldn’t you agree, Mrs. jaw dropped genie?

Jalira: Ack! Y-Y-Yes! D-Definitely! Y-Your p-power is something e-else. Ah, change of topic! H-How did your wish affect the world around you?

Bella: Every man is a believer and we priests are some of the most influential people in the world. Anyone who has proof that they had direct contact with the goddess is revered, to no surprise. Just one more reason why people can’t get enough of me~ Ahaha~

I would not want to go back. I have never really thought much about gods before today, and I believed that priests with too much power are something to be avoided at all costs, but Nagisa thoroughly proved to me otherwise. This world where Nagisa is the most grandiose goddess overall and I am the most beautiful world-famous priest, is truly the best world anyone could hope for. And I hope the other priests realize what they are missing out on.

Isn’t that right, miss staring genie~

Jalira: Err… I will tell them. B-But with that, our interview is coming to an end. I-Is there anything you would like to say to the audience before we conclude this interview?

Bella: If you ever want a hug, all you need to do is ask. Though I can’t promise you will ever be able to get back to your normal life after that~

Jalira: Ack! IMean…! ThankYouVeryMuchForTheInterviewToday,Bella!ItWasAnHonorMeetingYouToday. ThisWasJalira, fromTheFromTheNagisa’sWishOpportunityJournalistService, thankYouForTuningInAndI’llSeeYouAllNextTime! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!

Bella: Wait! Why are you running away…?

(Shine) Wish for Primal Power (Capybara Tg)

Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all know the highest of high priests of the goddess Nagisa recently had gotten the opportunity to climb what was essentially Japanese Mount Olympus to meet up with their goddess in person to ask her a wish to change the world they are living in for the better in exchange for their humanity… and also their manliness from what I can tell.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had an opportunity to make a wish like that. Please, introduce yourself~

Shine: Oh, hi~ My name is Shine and I am a Capybara. Nice to meet you all. Quick question, I need to look that way, right? That's the campera, right?

Jalira: Campera? Oh, you mean camera. Yes, that's here. Do you not remember what a camera looks like?

Shine: A lot has happened since the last time I came in contact with technology like in my old world, so I am a bit out of touch. But I'll give my all in this interview!

Jalira: I like your enthusiasm and I don’t even want to leave you waiting for too long. Because I have prepared a few questions for you that our watchers are certainly eager to hear the answers to. Would you be okay with answering them for me?

Shine: Yes! I am ready! I will be the best interviewee you will have!

Jalira: It’s great to aim high~ Alright, so the first question would be: To gain your wish from the goddess you had to reach the top world temple, which required a hike up to a pretty tall mountain. How did you do that and was it hard?

Shine: Uhm… Ah… Uh…

Jalira: Shine? Everything alright? That was only a question, why do you look like you have seen a ghost?

Shine: I… don’t remember. I know I didn’t make the smartest wish and I know my head was also a bit messed up after that wish, but I genuinely am struggling to remember anything that happened before my wish. Give me a few moments, I promise it will come back to me…

Uhm… I think I ran up the mountain? I certainly like swimming up the waterfalls of mountains now, so there is a chance I ran up back when I was a human… right…?

Jalira: I fear that that is highly unlikely. But let’s not dwell on questions that are painful to answer for too long.

Shine: Sorry… I'll do better next time!

Jalira: Okay, then let's go straight to the main event why most people have turned in: What was your wish, and what changed?

Shine: Very simple. I wanted a few things, so I wrote the exact words on a sheet of paper so that I didn’t mess up speaking my wish. I made sure it's only one single sentence and that it starts with “I wish” and everything. My plan was great. Though to be honest, Nagisa was very kind and would have probably granted all my wishes even if I messed up.

Let me list the most important points. So I wished for humans to have evolved with skin as tough as if not tougher than steel, that she would turn me into a capybara, that humans would live a much simpler life closer to nature, and that no one would be wearing panties, ever.

Jalira: …that last part just seems kinda random. Why no panties?

Shine: I made a bet with a friend and fellow priest. Long story short, I lost and that's why I had to at least ask Nagisa to grant this to me. Not that I particularly mind the outcome to be honest.

Jalira: I… seee. And what are some of the major changes that happen to you because of all of that?

Shine: Well, first off, I am a girl now. Second, I am a capybara. And third, I don't own a single pair of panties.

The wish that had surprisingly the biggest effect on me was the “skin tougher than steel” wish. Because combined with humans being much closer to nature now, it caused quite a shift in this world's history, which affected me too.

With humans being one of the toughest animals to kill, war never broke out between humans, as they all just were kinda pointless. They also always were top-tier predators, as nothing could take them down. So the need for weapons and in extension machinery never came up.

So the world just changed in a way where humans just aren’t known for technology, grow up without technology, and live their lives without technology. And that seemingly also affected me, as I now have a hard time remembering any sort of tech from my old life.

Jalira: Fascinating. And how else did your wish affect the world around you?

Shine: What I kinda like is that humans now evolved to be much less violent and much more artistically expressive. After all, there is no advantage to being violent if fights quite literally can not be won.

So many of us turned to expressing ourselves in other ways, be that music, weaving of clothes, building, or drawing. Even taming and to an extent talking to animals has been brought to a much higher level than we in our old world have ever done, but that is probably because a few of us have some animal traits that we can now call our powers.

I myself love my little capybara herd and have also impressed a lot of people with how well I can communicate and care for them. It's just a nice and peaceful life out here, where every day I strive to understand my herd just a little bit better. Until I am a true capybara. That is my goal~

Jalira: Not gonna lie, that is super wholesome. You have my support to achieve your dream. But with that, our interview is coming to an end. Is there anything you would like to say to the audience before we conclude this interview?

Shine: Let me think… Ah, yes. I want to say to you all: Panties are not necessary. Suck it, Nova.

Jalira: Hahaha~ Thank you very much for the interview today, Shine! It was an honor meeting you today. This was Jalira from the Nagisa’s Wish Opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… next time~


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