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Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all probably know, Santa himself has recently reached out to Nagisa Fulkami, our friendly neighborhood goddess of darkness, and asked her for her very special kind of support. And that definitely means that we will see a lot more sexy monster girls around Santa's workshop in the near future.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had been chosen by Nagisa’s whims to help out Santa this Christmas. Please, introduce yourself~

Jupiter: Er… h-hello there… My name is Jupiter or… Juniper as some of my coworkers like to call me. I was, uh… kinda sacrificed to the dark goddess by my roommate Mercury and now I am here working for Santa. And while this sequence of events might not make a lot of sense to the average viewer, I can assure you, this is far from the weirdest thing I have gone through this month alone.

Jalira: Now you got me curious. Do you mind elaborating a little bit on what you mean?

Jupiter: Well… something that should be known is that I am actually a guy originally, but because of some strange “No man” policy Nagisa insisted on, I am now no more. My ears are practically the only thing that stayed the same, and you can probably see why…

But like I said, this is not the first time this happened. Mercury usually does a lot of stuff to me against my will, from turning me into a punk lady, to forcing me to dress up as a princess, to even turning me into monster girls sometimes… I honestly feel like I am already spending more time as a girl than my original gender...

Jalira: Interesting. Usually Nagisa likes to perform one or two mental changes to the victims, but you seem relatively unaffected. Not sure if that is good for you or not though.

Jupiter: My theory is that because I came with her willingly, she just didn't need to do much. Only small stuff, like making me loyal to Santa and well versed at my new job and stuff like that.

Jalira: Makes sense. Alright, I have prepared a few questions for you that our watchers are certainly eager to hear the answers to. Would you be okay with answering them for me?

Jupiter: I guess I am as ready as I’ll ever be…

Jalira: Alright. First question. You have been chosen to help out Santa this Christmas. What sort of role did you receive, what sort of body did you receive and how does your new body help you with your job?

Jupiter: Well, uh.. my goat-like legs are kinda hard to miss. As far as I can tell, Nagisa turned me into some sort of goat-like monster girl from middle Europe, called Krampus, although she might have thrown a few extra succubus traits into my body.

So yeah, the hooved legs and heavy horns are definitely Krampus like, but I also have bat wings and my boobs are definitely not appropriately proportioned. And also, although I am not sure if Nagisa did that on purpose or not but…

…all of these beautiful girls around here make me feel really hot, I swear I don’t know why! Especially that Shark mermaid… her breast massage is otherworldly…

Jalira: Ooooookay. How about your job and how you do it?

Jupiter: Ah, s-sorry! I think my official description for the job is “letter opener”, which sounds rather… superfluous, but what can you do? Every Christmas Santa receives a lot of letters and wishlists from all sorts of kids from around the world. And good gracious, it is “A LOT”.

My job is to work through all of the letters, designate whether a child is naughty or nice, list their wishes and then send the order to the toy manufacturer. Anything unclear goes through Santa personally first.

Jalira: …so you say that a Krampus-girl is actually sorting children into naughty and nice?

Jupiter: D-don't look at me like that! Santa would just say that every person is nice, because that's just the kind of man he is! I am to judge them more fairly!


Jalira: I want to defend Santa here, but I kinda agree with you here. Okay, next question. Why and how did Nagisa recruit you?

Jupiter: The why I have already told you. Mercury has sold me off to Nagisa for a jar of Lollipops. I swear that girl might be sexy, but she is so unpredictable and chaotic and… w-wait… did I just think of Mercury as sexy?!?

Jalira: Err… yes, that's what you said.

Jupiter: A-aah.., I guess she really did mess with my mind back then. Nagisa’s hugs are one heck of a force that I just won't ever be ready for. You have to imagine her touch like a small shock followed by a feeling like you are just gently moved away from your humanity.

Like for example, she hugged me tightly and I could just feel my masculinity drain from my body, like she was squeezing it out of me. Even before anything monstrous even happened, my thigh size had already doubled, my breasts pulled me forward and I had easily lost like 10cm of my height and my manhood. Although with me being like 1,95 before, I am still taller than basically everyone here, discounting huge monster girls.

Welp, and after that, she practically sent me to heaven with her handiwork over my legs. Like, you would assume that my legs contorting and gaining this form would hurt or something, but no, it was like the most pleasurable foot massage I have ever received. And then a little bit of squeezing my new butt later and I even got some fitting Bat wings too. Not sure if I could fly with them though, never tried…

Jalira: You seem to really like her hands then, good to know. Maybe I’ll ask her for a non magical massage one day too~ That being said, on to the next question. How does a typical day of yours look like?

Jupiter: I usually wake up on my own, curse my alarm clock for not waking me sooner, go to the kitchen and eat while watching what the Shark girl is doing. D-don’t judge me, I have succubus drives too, and if she wants to do lewd stuff to me, I can get some relief too while being able to pin it on her. Then my reputation stays intact.

Jalira: I don't judge, although… What's that about your clock?

Jupiter: Don’t ask me why, but all kinds of technology just refuses to work in my presence. An alarm clock? It will never ring. A computer? Blue screen of death for days. Even phones just refuse to work. Like it has become such a meme by this point that people sometimes wonder how my ears still function with my curse…

Jalira: That sounds… rough.

Jupiter: Thank goodness for magic, right? Although luckily opening letters does not require technology to any extent, unfortunately that also means that I can't really use any of the cool new upgrades our chief of innovation and construction overseer has to offer. And it hurts to have to disappoint such a cutie over and over again, but I still honestly think that I am faster than any technology because of magic regardless.

Which is probably why Nagisa chose this form for me. The magic I now hold is very convenient for all kinds of things. Including work.

Jalira: Alright, and do you think you are an effective helper for Santa this Christmas?

Jupiter: I don’t know if I can be as effective as I’ll need to be, but one thing is for certain: I will do my very best. Now that I know how much work it is to read through all the wishing lists and letters of every child in the world, because I have been doing it for a while now, I can confidently say that Santa is definitely glad that he could delegate the task to me. I am quite happy with my job and I am also sure that Santa is happy he can now focus on the more essential parts of Christmas.

But don't worry kids, all the important mail will still be answered by Santa directly, so you don’t have to worry that he won't see it. Pinky promise.

Jalira: Haha, good to know. Well, with that the interview is coming to a close. Is there anything you would want to say before we wrap things up?

Jupiter: Could you grant me the wish of computers not failing me while I am nearby? Since you are a genie and all, I thought I'd ask.

Jalira: I am sorry, I am off genie duties today. And I am not sure if I am allowed to interfere with Nagisa’s transformations while I am working for her. Sorry.

Jupiter: Ah, darn.. I wasn’t optimistic about it anyways.

Jalira: Thank you very much for the interview today, Jupiter! It was an honor meeting you today. This was Jalira, from the from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… in the second part of this interview~

Jupiter: It was an honor too.

Jalira: See you all in a bit~

Jalira: Welcome back to the second part of this interview, streaming live from the heart of Christmas itself with a very special guest. Everyone please welcome the man, the myth, the legend: Santa Claus!

Santa: Ho ho ho, everyone. Thank you for letting me be part of this show. I heard you had some questions for me again, and I will be happy to answer all of them as far as my secrecy allows it.

Jalira: That's good to hear. This year, a certain dark goddess named Nagisa has provided you with some exceptional girls to support you. One of them is a girl named Jupiter. For my first question: What do you think of her?

Santa: Oh! Do you mean Juniper? I think she goes by that name around all the girls, so that's what I mainly know her under. She is a very down to earth kind of girl and the one I think I personally get along the most with privately. Despite her being literally turned into the naughty kids punisher monster, she is the most normal of all the girls that Nagisa sent to me.

She is just a very nice coworker who knows very well what she is doing, is always open for a few jokes and knows when to consult me and when she can handle it on her own. She tends to be a bit more quiet in larger groups, but she is a welcome addition to any gathering we orchestrate, be that meetings or events.

Although her technology disabling touch is a bit concerning from time to time…

Jalira: I see. So do you think having her help out is something that made your life easier?

Santa: I think it's a good thing when I can feel how much less stressful my day is when I can enter my office and actually see the end of the letters already the moment I walk in. Ho ho ho~

Juniper is really good at what she is doing, and I get reminded of that everyday. So far I dont think she had ever had a lapse in her judgment of the letter writers, nor did she send a wrong order. And I have to admit that the only ones she leaves to me are the ones where even I would have a hard time placing them.

Definitely a major and very welcome addition to the team. Especially since I quite like spending my coffee break with her.

Jalira: Hehe~ Now that's some news~ Santa Claus and a Krampus girl loving to spend their coffee break together? What a scandal, Hahaha~.

Santa: Ho ho ho~ What can I say?

Jalira: Haha, well, no judgment from me. Then let's go to the final question of the day: Would you say that Jupiter is a nice or a naughty girl?

Santa: Hmm… I wonder~ Should I tell you all that the Krampus girl Jupiter working for me is a nice girl or would that be an even greater scandal? Ho ho ho~

Jalira: Who knows~? Thank you so much for your time Mr. Claus and I’ll see you again in the next interview of your new employees. This has been genie Jalira from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you so much for tuning in and I’ll see you all… next time~


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