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“There Luther! Can’t you see that back there? Exactly what I have been telling you!” I yelled, because I anticipated this exact moment for years. With my binoculars, I could see them for that far away before they could ever spy me, so we had the advantage here.

“No, I don't see what you mean, Pero. That back there is just…”

“The Demon King has returned! Look, there's his army, fully fledged and armed to the teeth!” I jumped up to my feet as I threw the binoculars into my friend's lap. “I’ve told you he was back so many times before, but you never believed me! Now I finally got definitive proof! No wonder so many demons were always around our city outskirts… they must have planned an invasion for a long time!”

“No, those were just regular demons that immigrated here. They never…” Luther spoke nonsense again because he is just a bit too trusting, but I knew the truth.

“They’ve infiltrated our city and now here comes the army! We have to stop them!”

“No… no we don't. And even if… how would you do…”

“Don’t worry my friend, because I have this!” I triumphantly unraveled the clothed item I had brought along with me, smirking as I showed Luther my ultimate trump card. I also didn't fully know what exactly this was, but it looked like a cross between a spear and a magic staff, and it emitted purple flames at the end which clearly indicated that it was a powerful weapon. And I knew it was, because I knew it belonged to the previous demon king!

“Fufufu~ What irony to use such a powerful weapon against them!”

“Where did you get that? Don’t tell me you…” Luther asked, but I was already one step ahead.

“I’ll tell you on the way! For now, follow me! Let’s charge into battle for humankind! Hyaaaaa!”

I kicked open the door, sprinting down the hill full tilt. I leapt the creek in a single bound, turning around to see my friend still standing at the doorway, shaking his head. I thrust my spear in the air. “Your loss! More glory for me!” I shouted before returning to my charge.

Half a century. Everyone just let this spear rot in the ground for half a century. “Don’t disturb it.” “Bad omens.” “It’s a cursed weapon.” Fools, all of them. One of the most powerful weapons in the world, and all they did was leave it in the woods, surrounded by talismans and warning signs. And now it was mine. What better weapon to defeat the demon king than his own?

I’d ran for so long, yet I wasn’t the least bit tired. The spear glowed in my hands. I could feel its power flowing throughout my body. My muscles bulged, and I gripped my weapon with newfound strength. This weapon was incredible! My entire body grew in height, until I was taller than the spear itself.What was once a heavy rod of metal now weighed nothing in my hands. With this spear, I could wipe out an army!

I sprinted toward the army, faster than any human. I leapt over fences and boulders with ease as my body took on heroic proportions. My clothes were tearing at the seams from all the muscle. I paused just a moment to rip my pants off my legs, to maybe wrap the remains around my loins—my heroic battle shouldn’t be spoiled by indecency. The rags came off in one swift rip…revealing rows of blue scales encompassing my legs. My legs were still growing. I put my hand on one thigh, its scales as hard as iron plates. My feet were now tight in my shoes, and with one flex they tore apart to reveal razor-sharp claws.

I looked up to the tip of the spear, which was emanating an unearthly fire. “Oh…I get it now.”

The army was cresting a hill, less than a mile away. I gripped the spear tighter. “So it’s come to this…if it takes becoming a demon to kill a demon, I will do anything it takes!” I charged forth, now moving with more of a trot with these increasingly inhuman legs. Strange, the rest of me wasn’t growing much, yet these legs kept getting bigger. I reassured myself that once this was over, I would just put this cursed weapon back in its place, and surely I would change back. Surely?

My steps had become incredibly heavy, getting slowly in frequency, but higher in distance. I was gaining speed, each step shaking the earth more as they just keep expanding. My shoes had completely come off by this point, revealing that my lower half up to my hips had been completely covered in scales by this point, and had become so much larger than before.

In fact, I felt like one of my legs alone had already become the size that my entire body was just moments ago, and that isn’t even mentioning how even my waist seemed to expand and grow into all directions. I was getting so much taller, stronger and powerful, all thanks to this weapon. Curse? What curse? This is a blessing to destroy all the evil in the world! And I am not about to waste it.

As that army finally came into view, being able to now watch them with my own eyes, my body suddenly felt a lot heavier than before. It was expanding once again, in multiple different directions and places, each causing me an alien sensation that I never felt before, yet didn’t slow me down too much.

That's when my body reached a size big enough that two additional scaled and clawed legs bursted out from my body, causing me to tip forward and land on the ground with them, now running in a quadrupedal style. Much faster and much more efficient. And on my extended back as well, two additional limbs seemed to want to explode out of my body.

All at once, I let out a warcry as two massive azure wings appeared from my back, growing and growing to the point where I couldn't even comprehend how big they were. I had become so massive that it was hard to keep track of everything that was happening around my body, but I will do my damndest to learn and adapt as fast as I could.

After all, I now had the clear features of a dragon, like claws, wings, scales and… b-boobs? Wait, when did they appear? Ah! And they are still growing?!?

They were getting huge… I mean, considering the rest of my body size I guess they were pretty insignificant, but for a human male, this size was unthinkable! They grew heavier and heavier, until eventually each was the size of my head, violently bouncing up and down with each gargantuan step of my dragon body. How was I supposed to become another Hero of legend if I had these two orbs making me into a laughingstock wherever I…


I continued running, but I know what that feeling meant. I couldn't see it, it was too far away now with my massive body to even reach for it with my human hands. But the thing between my hindlegs… had just made an explosive exit.

“I understand, I’ll be the new Heroine of legend. Just please let nobody have heard this scream of mine…”

I was nearly upon the army. Strange, it looked a lot smaller up close. Was this just the vanguard? …Vanguards are smaller, right? I didn’t actually know anything about war or fighting, now that I thought about it.

…No matter—with this body, I didn’t need to. I skid to a stop, crouching my massive hindlegs as I spread my wings. I gave my wings a few preliminary flaps, and leapt into the sky. I launched higher and higher, my wings beating with natural talent. My bare breasts fluttered wildly in the wind, but I was too ecstatic to care. As I reached the apex of my climb, a long tail snaked its way out behind me, instinctively twitching to stabilize me in midair.

I hovered for just a moment, now higher than any of the mountains, looking down at the landscape as I’d never seen it. I could see the entire army from up there, their war wagons and cavalry all in a convenient line for me to cut through. I smiled as I pivoted into a dive.

I threw my wings back, letting gravity pull me toward my target. At this speed, I could run through their ranks in one sweep! My fingers grew as they gripped the spear, becoming almost claw-like. Oh, but why finish them off so fast, when I can take my time tearing them to pieces? Patches of scales materialized on my arms and back, making my large muscles look that much more inhuman. I’ll kill every last one of them! No one will stand in my way! My grin turned into a snarl as dark horns Surrounded my head, while wild white hair unfurled itself atop my head. Kill everything! Destroy everything! Dominate everything! I could now see my victims with superhuman clarity as my eyes took on a more demonic hue.

I descended faster and faster. “I’ll kill you all! Every last man! Every last horse! Every last…cart of tomatoes?

Wait a minute, since when did armies carry so many vegetables? Or so few weapons? I looked at the army’s banners with my keen eyes to see which clan had launched an attack armed with turnips. Those emblems didn’t look like any demon clan I recognized. Honestly, they looked more like…produce advertisements…

“...Oh no.”

I quickly pivoted my wings a split second before I could collide with the cart in front. I couldn’t right myself in time, and smashed into the roadside ditch just beside the procession of merchants.

I could hear them chattering through the cloud of dirt. “W-what was that…?” “That looked like a dragon! Why would an elite demon be here?” “I thought I saw a flash of a cute girl.”

I lurched up, raking the dirt and branches off my hide with my draconic claws as the dust began to settle. I shook my head; where did that burst of bloodlust come from? I stared at the group of demons, dressed in now-dusty linens and carrying baskets—not a pike or pauldron in sight. When the cloud of dust receded to reveal my full form, their chatter ceased.

They stared at me for several seconds. They were a motley group of demons, from diminutive goblins to hulking minotaurs. Yet all looked positively puny to me. I glanced at my hands, still grasping the glowing spear. How was I going to explain—

“The Demon King!” “The Demon King has returned!” several of them proclaimed, some in joy, most in fear. Everyone in the group quickly kneeled before me.

“I…I’m not the Demon King. I’m—”

“Of course!” one centaur spoke, “With this new incarnation, you are clearly the Demon Queen!”

I looked down at my exposed chest. I squeaked in embarrassment as I covered myself, nearly dropping my spear. The crowd, fortunately, didn’t seem to take notice of this un-queenly display.

I stamped my spear upon the ground with my free hand. “What are you lot doing in the vicinity of a human settlement?”

“My lady, we are but merchants, on our way to the human city to conduct trade,” one trembling minotaur said. “We have been doing this for the better part of ten years now, and are quite well acquainted with the humans. You see, relations have changed since the war ended so long ago.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Truly, just trading? No subterfuge? No pillaging? What kind of demons are you?”

The minotaur prostrated himself. “Forgive us for our peaceful and tolerant ways, your highness! Our pacifism brings shame to our forefathers, who fought so bravely beside you!”

I glanced at the demonic fire atop my spear, then back to the fearful crowd. It was a good thing all their heads were lowered, or they would have seen my massive body cringe before them.

“...Very well. If you are peaceful merchants, then you may…”

“We will mobilize our forces again as quickly as we can, your grace! Peace was only ever an option when demons rule the world!”

“Wait… what?!? Um…peaceful coexistence was what that war was all about! There is no need to…”

“I understand, your majesty! It shall be done at once!” The minotaur looked up at me with shining eyes, as if he understood something very deep.

The silence gave way to incredulous murmuring. It felt like I shouldn’t have said that. I probably should’ve read a history book before I came here.

I stamped my spear once more, trying to look authoritative. If these idiots believe that I am a Demon Queen, then I might just be able to deter them just by commanding them, right?

"Ehem! Listen up, my loyal subjects. You shall not attack humans now and return to the demon country at once. That's an order!”

Surprisingly, the demons all looked so much more energetic than before, and turned back on a dime, turning around their carriages while the minotaur just grinned and simply spoke: “I understand what you want. As you wish, your grace~”

Finally they understand what I mean. That took way too long…

“Our lord and savior, the demon queen has returned in all of her glory, lending us her power to defeat the humans once and for all! Prepare to take back the land the humans have taken from us so many years ago!” The minotaur shouted, causing what looked like the entire demon army to yell and shout, cheering for me with all of their heart. And all I was thinking the entire time was:

“That's not what I meeeeean!”

At this point I couldn't even stay with them, I had to fly to the human city… I mean my city. Those demons misinterpret every word I say as some sort of invasion command, so I had to get away from them. Better to warn the humans about the impending demon assault before it was too late.

All the while I heard the minotaur’s fading shouts behind me. “The Demon Queen has taken the lead! Charge!”

I flew over the walls and landed in the town's plaza, the minor earthquake of my towering body drawing the attention of every human in the city. They shouted that I looked like a demon lord and that I had come to attack, so I had to speak up as soon as I could.

“The Demons are coming to attack the city! Everyone! Prepare for a demon invasion!”

The citizens fled in a panic. I was glad the people reacted so quickly at my words, until the commander of the human knights said, “The Demon Queen has come to taunt us personally! Let’s show her not to underestimate humans!”

“N-no, thats not…” I stammered.

“We have breached the city! Follow the Queen’s lead!” The minotaur bellowed in the distance.

“Drive the Demon Queen out of the city, then her underlings will be quick to follow!” The knight commander declared. A volley of arrows soon flew through the sky, ricocheting harmlessly off my hide. A few pikeman surrounded me, impotently jabbing my with their puny spears. Pathetic. Maybe I’ll show these worms the power of a true spear. I could fell their entire—No! I couldn’t let those thoughts get the better of me again. Damn these demonic instincts!

So the entire time, I just stood there in the middle of the fray, holding the most powerful staff to ever exist, a chimeric dragon with incredible power—with one thought running through my head:

How did it end up like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis?!?

“Watch me! I am going to use these demonic powers against the demons!”
-Famous last human words.

Collab with Kiri Kasei


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