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…so, hold fast to the edge of this arcane cauldron, for the night is young, and there are realms of wonder and terror to explore. As I brim with anticipation, I promise you an experience unlike any other, infused with the essence of the supernatural and the enigma of Halloween itself. I am the Enigmauldron and you, my poor soul, shall be my next victim for tonight!

“Interesting… ” The blue haired girl spoke, deeply analyzing me as if she was looking for something. Then she even seemed a little shocked.

“A pumpkin shaped cauldron almost the size of myself, and it can talk too… fascinating…”

You don’t… you don’t seem intimidated by my words at all. I have just declared you my victim just now, did I not?

“Should I be intimidated by that?” She responded flatly.

Your soul is tied to my brew already, making it impossible to flee as long as the ritual isn't fulfilled and your soul isn’t fully muddled with that of a monster. Meaning you shall become my monstrous servant that helps me with my evil plan and spreads the true meaning of halloween throughout the land.


How is this fascinating?!? I am putting you through a ritual that will make you into my servant and loose you your humanity.

“You know, you haven’t really given me any reason to believe you yet. From my point of view you just kinda look like an elaborate Halloween prank. And the way you talk old fashionedly doesn't really help your case either.”

…very well. Let me quickly elaborate on my ‘trick’ then. Your soul is bound to the liquid inside me and you can’t leave until you sate it with enough materials around here. Right now the liquid is clear, but the more you insert the more tainted it will become. And when you are finished, you will become an obedient servant of mine. Should you fail to pick out an ingredient for a while, then I’ll choose for you. Did you comprehend all that?

“I don’t know why you would sound so disappointed by this. This is clearly a very elaborate and well prepared trick.” The blue haired girl said, walking around me as she picked up a jar with an eyeball of a Gazer, before smiling back at me. “So should I just throw it in? Or should I chant something like: As true as my name is Alex, I will offer my soul to the master Enigmauldron with the sacrifice of this eyeball!”

…just throwing it in should be fine. Usually I am the one who should talk now, as that’s when I elaborate on the details of the item you had just chosen.

“Oh? I am all ears then.” Alex said, but I don’t believe she has noticed the popping noise all around her. The shift had already started, as all around behind her, strange black tentacles busted forward, each adorned with a singular eye like that of a Gazer.

“Wait… wha…? You're right, I can see… from weird perspectives now. What the heck?”

Time to strike terror into your soul! You have just sullied yourself with the eye of a Gazer, a dangerous monster said to see everything and always, who has countless tentacles and access to the darkest of magic. Are you trembling yet…?

“This is so… AWESOME!” Alex suddenly shouted, happily twisting and turning as she tried to find the origin of where the tentacles came from, but without success. And then she returned to look at me, but instead of fear in her eyes, they were filled with… curiosity?

“Hey Enigmauldron! I’ll take this one! What can you tell me about this one?” She curiously asked, before throwing the item into the mixture as if she knew that I wouldn't tell her before she had thrown it inside.

A fine choice, that is an egyptian trinket, said to have preserved the power of the goddess of anubis. And with that you shall…

“Ah! I can feel my ears moving!” Alex suddenly yelped, reaching for them in shock. However…

“Wait… they are not moving. But they are… and getting bigger… do I have a second pair of ears now?”

Terrifyingly fluffy ones at that.

What the heck. No point in trying to scare this one when she is offering herself as a loyal servant of her own free will anyways. Might as well give her a good time.

“I appreciated it. Now what does this do?” Alex asked as she threw the next thing into her soul stew, to which I had to giggle. And something told me by the blue haird girls face and her now expanding mounds of her chest ripping through her clothes, she already had a rough idea of what this item did. But my calling was to explain, so I will.

This is the lovely flower elixir, able to turn anyone, even the most manly of men or flattest of girls into a curvy beauty that can take the hearts of anyone. Although I am surprised so many people go for this, as almost every candidate before you has also taken this very specific potion.

“Hey, I mean…” She suppressed a moan, her chest growing even further. Where she had a moderate chest of a healthy athlete before, now she already had two killer mountains each about the size of her head and they were still growing. Despite that, she managed to get out: “The potion was small, cute and pink, with a very lovely effect. I certainly don't mind a bit more bawoomp in my front. Although I would feel bad for any man that might have taken this by accident… Hope that didn't happen.”

I am in no position to talk about the other victims, however I can vouch that it did happen at least once…

“Poor guy. Hope he likes big breasts as much as me~” Alex cheeringly said, looking only slightly embarrassed about the fact that her clothes were almost entirely in tatters thanks to her ever growing proportions. Yet she was still as cheerful as in the start and threw the next thing into her soul. “Can I throw a dress like this in as well? It doesn't look like it would fit me.”

You are forgetting that this is your soul stew you are throwing that dress in. It will be remolded and reformed in your body and then adjusted to fit your body perfectly. And even if it can't, it would just adjust your body to fit it perfectly.

As I was speaking the rest of her clothes were already melting away under the force of her soul, quickly reshaping and becoming something much more prestigious. Where once were a small sports bra now sat a black and gold with jewels adorned bralike cloth, perfectly enveloping her extensive bust. Her short jeans also were no more, having become a longer, but much more open skirt also in black and gold, showing off much of her curvy legs provocatively.

And to top her look off, a staff appeared in her hand, which was clearly a magical item bound to her from the looks of it. Although she had already thrown in the next ingredient without even taking any time at all to take in the chance.

A dragon's wing leather… I don’t think I need to elaborate further in what that might do to you.

“Nope~” she simply replied, looking expextingly over her shoulder with her real eyes as well as from behind with her tentacle eyes. And just as expected, first two small nubs pushed out from behind her back, which then quickly grew into two additional and very large limbs, each of them taking the size of her entire upper body and forming into the shape of dragonwings, just like both I and Alex had been expecting.

“Although I have a question, Enigmauldron.” Alex asked, still looking full of wonder. I simply looked at her, knowing that she had almost fully changed. She, however, brought up an interesting question. “What happens if I throw in another eye of a Gazer? Does its effects stack?”

I will not speak before you throw it in. So there is only one way for you to get an answer.

“I guess so.” She laughed and without hesitation threw in the second eye into her soul stew. And I could tell she immediately felt the effects.

Her entire body started to loose color, going away from what would be considered human, but that wasn’t the biggest thing that happened to her. In the middle of her face, where her two eyes were, a noticeable pulling seemed to be happening. Her eyes slowly and seemingly slightly painfully started to move closer and closer together, until the boundaries between them just completely disappeared. First her scaleras fused, then her iris and finally her pupils became one, turning her into a true mono eye.

Although, hearing this, Alex just smiled, seemingly enjoying the lasts of her humanity being drained away as her skin turned entirely gray and even her human ears became pointed. She had truly and fully become a monster of Halloween, and based on her expression she knew that.

“What a marvelous form you have given me. I am elated beyond my wildest dreams!” Alex declared, opening the palm of her hand to show off that even there, in the middle of each of her hands, another big eye had blinked open. “I wonder if I can even be considered a Mono-eye with that many eyes~”

Excellent question, but one for a later date. As now, that your transformation has concluded, eternal servitude has been engraved into your soul. And as such, you will now be forced to assist me in my evil plan against your will, as much as that is a shame to admit for such a free spirited person like yourself.

“Listen, there is something I mean to ask you for a while now, that I noticed a while ago.” Alex interrupted, and I was ready to sign and call this another failure at my part. However what she said next really drove the nail all the way through.

“In the back there is a box with five vials labeled ‘serum of obedience’. Were you supposed to insert them before the transformation takes place or after? Because as I am right now, I am definitely not forced in any way to help you in any plan like you spoke about.”

“From that I assume you were supposed to put it in before the transformation.”

You know, I have waited in this forest for an entire year, unmoving and lifeless. Only on halloween, the cursed night where the boundary between worlds is the thinnest am I able to come alive. I thought someone as great as myself, the legendary Enigmauldron, would be prepared for anything on this eve, but it was simply not meant to be. Be it by my own forgetfulness or overconfidence, my evil plan now has no way of coming to fruition.

With that being said, I had also lost track of what another meaning of Halloween could be, something the other victims are already fully experiencing. So who am I to hold you down.

Go, my dear anubis-gazer with dragon wings by the name of Alex. Terrorize a nearby village… and make sure to have fun doing so.

“Hehe, I will. Thank you for everything, Enigmauldron~” Alex spoke and gave a short bow, with both her upper body and all of her tentacles, and then lifted off, her dragon wings easily carrying her into the sky. Never before had I felt so satisfied with a victim leaving my side because my plan didn't work out.

That being said, I might have been defeated by my own ignorance, but someone as great as myself will not give up on one's evil plan this easily. As the all hollows eve is drawing to a close, I can feel my powers leaving my body once again. I shall stay dormant until the next unholy night, not meaning harm to anyone until then. Just a cauldron, a tool occasionally used by witches to brew harmless potions, and nothing more.

But, the moment the orange moon hangs high in the ebony sky, casting eerie shadows upon my grace, I shall rise once again, attempting to execute my evil plan, fully and without mistake. After all, I still have all five of my serums of obedience in my possession.

So beware humans, as next year, I’ll be rising once again! Muhahahaha!


Proctorus Prime

All 5 were amazing and fun reads! I can't wait for next year!


I am glad you liked it so much. I am also extremely happy with how it turned out.