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“Ladies and the two gentlemen! Time has come for the thing you have all been waiting for!” the announcing voice boomed, making the two contestants shudder in anticipation.

It was very easy to tell that both of them had been in some transformative fights before, as Oliver already looked almost completely like a dog-eared girl with a massive tail, while Carson may have still had a mostly male appearance… if one were to ignore his thick thighs and glorious large mounds on his surprisingly naked chest.

“The final round will now commence! In the left corner, we have Oliver, who will be supported by Zana, the newly transformed and eager Lamia~” the voice spoke, making Oliver gulp, but Zana cracked her knuckles as she gave her master a soft hip bump with her impressive behind and said: “Don’t worry. We got this.”

“And in the right corner, we have Carson, who will be supported by both Roze and Stella! Are both sides ready?” the disembodied voice then asked, making Carson giggle. He was nervous, absolutely, but, at the same time, he was also overly eager to transform into whatever Nagisa had prepared for him. And judging by his bouncing chest, it was bound to be something good, at least.

“Hey…” Roze said, lightly slapping Carson with her wing.

“Don’t worry, I will be playing to win,” Carson instantly replied, as both of his servants had more or less already caught onto his impure thoughts.

“Ya don hav ta worry bout tha! If all goes well, than ya won hav anything to do~” Stella replied in a thick accent that Carlson and Roze couldn’t quite pinpoint.

“If so… then BEGIN!”

“Peng!” “Peng!” “Peng!”

Three shots sounded through the air, as not only Carson and Oliver, but also Stella had shot their guns. Yet somehow, Zana had wrapped her long and thick snake tail around Oliver just before the shot, and had pulled him straight into her cleavage, which also resulted in him dodging both shots that had been fired at him thanks to the lamia’s quick movements.

“What the hell? Why is a servant like you allowed to have a Tf-gun?!?” Zana shouted, which Stella responded to with a simple shrug. “Oh, shud op. It’s not laike me shot hit ya precious moster, or anythin’.”

“Ugh… m-my… legs…” Carson then let out, collapsing to the ground. He had not been so lucky, even with Roze’s attempt at protecting him. Carson's legs had felt squishy and slimy before, but it was nothing compared to what was happening to him now.

It felt like his feet were increasing in size, but not in the human way, like they were blowing up and getting bigger, growing while smushing against each other as if fusing together… like they were trying to turn into something else. Maybe a lamia’s tail like Zana?

This came with a significant drawback, however: He could no longer move. And worse… Zana had noticed that immediately.

“Master! He is wide open! Let’s go for it now!” she exclaimed and took an offensive stance, forcing Stella and Roze to prepare to defend while Oliver just started to sweat.

Barely a second later, she shouted “Now, Go!” and dashed forward on her tail, clearly trying to break through the other two servants to get to the still floored Carson. Too late did they notice that her move was mainly a distraction and she had thrown her partially fluffy master far into the air with her snake tail in an arc, which would allow him to get a perfect vertical shot off on the still struggling-to-stand Carson.

Peng! Karrum!

So he shot, hitting Carson straight in the head before landing with little to no elegance shortly afterwards, with Oliver’s tail breaking his fall somewhat. The damage was done to Carson: As expected, his face started to change rapidly after such a direct hit, becoming much more feminine and sexy than it ever had the chance to before.

It also seemed like tattoos were forming on his much smaller and daintier arms, while his hair, which coincidentally also began expanding like crazy after the hit, became long and flowy, though also somewhat slimy in the process.

Surprisingly enough, despite having been hit in the head, the most notable transformation was definitely down by his feet, as the singular mass that once used to be his legs had grown much bigger and longer. Even becoming wider as well… Though… somehow… It instilled in him the need to… bury it into the ground?

“Take this, ya oversized snek!” Stella yelled.


“Kya!” And Zana recoiled, having received a shot on the base of her tail, which appeared to slow her down considerably.

“I am here too!” Roze swooped down from the sky and toppled Zana to the ground, making sure to pin her with both of her talons. Then, she shouted: “We haven’t lost yet! Go for Oliver and give him the final blow!”

“Right on!” Stella replied, dashing with the gun in her hand, ready and loaded, towards the still recovering Oliver. However, he was much more ready for her than she had anticipated, as both pointed their guns at each other at the same time and-…

Peng! Peng!

“Ah… Oh norrr…” Stella gasped, letting go of her gun despite her best efforts to keep ahold of it. Obviously, any hit on a servant with a gun like that didn’t transform them - it merely sapped their strength, and she had just received the full blunt of a shot in her chest right now. And, worst of all, she had also missed Oliver despite having been right in front of her…

“Get off me!!!” Zana shouted and finally managed to swat the bird off her chest, which gave Stella one final idea. A final gift to go out.

Thus, as she dropped to the floor, ready to pass out, with all the strength she still had and some that she didn’t know she still had, she picked up the gun again, turned around and fired at the distracted Lamia…


…only to hit her right in the head, swiftly and utterly knocking out Zana. A smile appeared on Stella’s face, before she too fell to the ground, unconscious.

“I can still take you on!” Roze shouted and, with her talons freed, flew towards Stella and the gun she had conveniently left on the ground beside her, almost like she had expected Roze to grab it. Oliver knew that a flying enemy with a gun was a very dangerous foe indeed, so he tried to shoot her out of the sky before she could grab the weapon…

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Though perhaps due to her speed or his own fatigue, he had missed all of his shots. Which was bad, but only until both realized that it turned out that a harpy had quite a lot of trouble pulling the trigger of a gun during flight with her talons alone. She would have to use her claws on her wings for that.

Or in other words, she needed to switch her strategy and pin him to the ground in close combat, thus involuntarily allowing Oliver another chance. With his gun recharged and Roze storming towards him for the final time of the match, Oliver shot…


…and hit Roze right in the head, knocking her unconscious and letting her slam right into the ground. He couldn’t quite believe his eyes at that moment, but nothing around him was moving anymore.

“I won…?” He asked, scanning his surroundings for any possible still standing opponents, though his question was then rapidly answered by a giant earthquake.

“Not quite,” a muffled, unfamiliar voice answered, as a mound of dirt rose from under Oliver into the sky, like something was digging towards him from below, until-…

Rumble! Kaboom!

The hill opened up a hole and a giant worm-like creature appeared right underneath Oliver, appearing to almost swallow him whole. Though, in reality, something a bit different had happened, if one were to have looked a bit closer.

Oliver was trapped, the tentacles in the worm’s mouth holding him in place while the female figure that was connected to it slowly pulled the gun out of his hand, then aimed it at his crotch with a big smile on her face. Was that massive sandworm… actually Carson?

“You lose~ Good day, ma’ma~” was the last thing the worm lady said before…


ending the tournament, once and for all.

“Congratulations, Carson! You are the champion of the first and only Priest tournament western shootout~ You have won the rights to all of the other contestants for a limited time, so make sure you treat your servants nicely, okay~?” the announcer said as a dark portal appeared next to the massive sandworm girl. Of course, the one and only Goddess of Darkness, Nagisa, stepped out of it, which made Carson giggle as she moved her upper body a bit closer to the goddess.

“Do you have any wishes to ask of me as a reward for winning this amazing tournament?” Nagisa asked, to which Carson only laughed slightly in embarrassment. “Uhm… Do you mind turning me into a girl, fully? I mean, I know I won and all, but I kinda participated in this event just for this.”

“Haha~ Well then, ask…” Nagisa moved faster than Carson could react and placed her hand on Carson’s crotch, which immediately felt hot, before…

“Uhnyaa!!” Carson yelped when Nagisa slammed her hand against the sandworm girl's privates, causing her manhood to evaporate and turning her into a girl in less than an instant. She also felt like she had been forced to orgasm in a split second, which was also something the new girl had never experienced before.

“...and you shall receive~ Are you satisfied now, Cici~?” Nagisa asked, a sly grin on her face.

“Abso…lutely…” Cici replied, still panting from the aftershock. “I will definitely… come back the next round of the priests… This is just… too cool to miss!”

“I am glad you agree~ Now go and enjoy your servants~ I have a feeling they are waiting for you~”

And with that, Nagisa disappeared again, but Cici was more than okay with that. After all, who wouldn’t want the lower body of a sandworm, a body that was so sexy that any boy would drool over it, and four servants that would obey her every command? It just really was the outcome of her dreams, even if she hadn’t expected it to be the result of a shootout…

The final showdown. Now it all comes down to pure skill… or a lot of luck!


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