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“Just throw them over the canal bridge, how hard can it be?”

“That’s the most crowded bridge in Rualta. I assure you it would not look like an accident.”

Pablo Crua the 2nd slouched in his chair, tapping the desk with his pen impatiently. “Look, I’m telling you the two of them absolutely must die at the same time. If either one of them survives, the second they hear about the other, they’ll activate the emergency powers, and—”

“And I’m telling you that two ministers dying at the same time can’t look like an accident.”

Pablo sighed. He spun his chair to the window, lost in thought as he gazed at his manor courtyard, then to the glimmering skyline in the distance. “This is the best opportunity we’ve gotten, Frederick. That city is an inch from my grasp, and nothing but two insufferable little pawns stand in my way…”

Frederick stood on the other side of the desk, stock-still except for the spinning of a toothpick between his left fingers. “Then, just let me kill them. Forget the optics, let the rumors run, you can always deny them. After all, once you’ve got a direct line to…what in the hell is going on out there?”

Outside by the front gate, the sentries had wrestled a young man to the ground. The two could just barely make out the guards rooting through his pockets in the waning evening sunlight. Pablo turned back to Frederick. “Probably another punk, trying to graffiti the outer wall. My boys seem to be handling it…Anyway, I think there might be one other way we can take care of those two. You wouldn’t happen to know any driders who could help us?”

“Driders? I don’t associate with any driders.”

“No, do you know literally any driders? Or, hell, just pick one off the street, I don’t care.”

Frederick placed the toothpick in his mouth. “I don’t think a random spider girl would be very willing to participate in clandestine murder,” he said, idly rolling the pick between his lips. “Sorry if I don’t see where you’re coming from.”

Pablo grinned. “Oh, trust me, they’ll be happy to help you, I guarantee it. Just find some, bring them to me, and…what are they doing down there?” Outside, the scuffle was only getting louder. Pablo could scarcely make out what exactly was happening in the dimming light, though he could hear plenty of grunting, yelling, and…trotting? The unmistakable sound of clopping came closer and closer to the manor, until he could hear it resound from the main entrance below.

The intercom buzzed. “My lord, we’ve detained an…exceptional intruder.” It was definitely the front guard’s voice, though something about it was more…feminine. “We’ve brought him to the foyer. He insists on talking to you…though I’d keep my distance if I were you.”

He grabbed a gun from his desk, and jumped up. “Stay here a minute. I’ll go see why these incompetent morons are so eager to interrupt me!” Pablo barged through the office door, signaling a nearby guard to accompany him as he followed the sound of hooves toward the front entrance. “I told you fools never to come in here unless—”

Pablo turned the corner to find two centaur women in the foyer. One had her front hoof holding a man in a quite fine suit down on the floor, her rifle aimed square at his head. Both centaurs wore military uniforms—identical to the one worn by the guards of the manor. Except… that uniform didn’t have a version dedicated to centaurs.

“Sir.” One of the centaurs stepped up and bowed to Pablo. “Allow me to explain what just happened.”

“Go on…”

“This man has requested an audience with you, sir, but as per your command we turned him away. Yet he insisted and then attacked us with this.” The centaur then pulled out a blue orb and held it out for Pablo to take.

“And what is this supposed to be?”

“No idea sir. It just flashed and suddenly my partner Gerald was a centaur,” she spoke, when suddenly Gerald spoke up. “I told you for the millionth time that I have always been a centaur. It’s you who transformed, not me!”

“...You two idiots got both transformed. Deal with it,” the guy under her hoof muttered under his breath, which caused both guards to look even angrier and press the gun closer to his head.

“What was that?” The guy on the ground was sweating bullets by this point, but Pablo had just heard something that quite delighted him.

“Oh? So this orb can turn anyone into a centaur without them realizing? Interesting.”

“Uhm… Yes and no?” Pablo stared a bit more at the orb in his hand, before looking back and the two centaurs and the guy who was now holding his mouth shut, almost as if he had said something wrong.

“You know, I have worked with a few magic tools in the past, so I  would dare to say that I have a feeling for these sorts of things already.” Pablo said, then held the sphere forward, pointing it towards the guy on the floor, who let out an audible gulp. “I would like you to become a drider for me… or any other monster girl that you are capable of transforming him into.”

The orb glowed at his words, before the glow spread to the guy sitting on the floor with wide eyes, before his expression immediately changed to discomfort. The guy was already rising up from the ground, though not through his own volition, but from his ass expanding backwards and forcing him off the ground. It quickly grew bigger, rounder and harder as it took on a sort of chitin coating, quickly exceeding even the size of the rest of his body.

Speaking of which, the upper body was safe either, as almost to make his hard butt seem even bigger compared to him, he shrank down a bit, his features softening a lot as he gained a much more dainty figure. His arms shrank, his shoulders narrowed and even his facial features softened quite a bit, quickly giving the man a very feminine look.

But his lower half wasn’t finished, as on multiple point of his chitin behind new limbs sprouted one by one until he had eight huge arachnid-like limbs including the two he had at the beginning, though even they lost all trace of their humanity rather quickly.

Then the guys hair got noticeably longer and grayed out a bit, which he definitely didn't even seem to notice as his hands just shot down to the area between his two main legs and he let out a few moans. And that combined with how two decently sized breasts sprouted out from his chest, it was hard to guess what had just happened to him. Or rather, her.

“Interesting. Are you now willing to talk a bit more?” Pablo ask the much bigger but but still floored fresh girl, who just broke her panting just to glare at him.

“Why would anything have changed? I don’t know what you did to me, but I will never falter to you! You didn’t even use the reality orb correctly, because nothing happened!” The spider girl declared defiantly, before thinking about the thing a bit more and then seemingly realizing something.

“Reality orb you say? So It can alter reality?” Pablo said briefly looking at the orb before holding it out at the girl again. She tried shielding herself with her hands, but Pablo was already speaking his next command. “Then I want you to answer every question I ask of you and answer them truthfully.”

The orb glowed, but nothing else seemed to happen. Pablo however, did not take the situation at face value.

“Now then. Who are you?”

“I am Robert.” the girl answered unflinchingly.

“Who sent you here.”

“A good friend of my goddess Nagisa said you were a corrupt noble. So she sent me here.”

“Oh? So you wanted to use the orb on me? How exactly does this Orb work then?” Pablo asked, a grin wide on his face.

“It’s simple really. Just say how you want something to change and it will change. And people don’t even notice if you don’t mess up like I do. And yes, I was planning to use it on you. Since you like and abuse catgirls so much, we thought of turning you into a catgirl yourself.”

“I got you!”


Suddenly Pablo felt a punch from behind, knocking him down and forward. The new guard he had hired a few days ago stood behind him cracking his knuckles and started to dash towards Pablo while shouting: “Robert get the damn orb back! We can’t let him…!”

“I WANT EVERYONE BUT ME IN THIS ROOM TO BE UNABLE TO MOVE!” Pablo screamed in pain, but the orb registered the command either way. From one moment to the next, the entire room was silent. The two centaur guards, the confused spider girl on the floor and the surprise attacker from behind all just stood there, frozen in place.

“That hurt… uhg… lets see if this works… I want whatever wound that punch caused to be healed completely… WOAH!” Pablo was surprised himself as in less than a second, the pain was just completely gone. And seemingly all thanks to the glow of that orb.

“Let’s see… I think I get it now.” Pablo pondered as he brushed off his his clothes and turned around, walking towards a chair where he had a good view of both of the assailants, before taking a deep breath and saying. “I don’t like to make theories or wrong assumptions. I want both of you to be able to talk, but only the truth and only when I am asking you questions. No moving from your spot yet.”

With another soft glow, both of them started blinking again and looked at Pablo, though neither made a sound nor moved. So Pablo spoke again. “I am guessing this is a large complott against me. But I don’t care. This thing is going to turn everything in my favor. Starting with you two!”

“So let’s pick up where we left off. Your name was Robert, eh?” Pablo asked sarcastically.


“Not anymore. I want you to become Roze, a highly trained and highly skilled Arache maid of mine. You are always there when I need you, you are the highest level of loyal to me and are an undercover bodyguard of mine, should anything slip by the guards.”

There was a brief pause as the orb started to glow again, this time Robert's eyes went completely vapid for a split second, before light returned to her eyes, and she gave Pablo a pleasant smile. At the same time, her messy somewhat transformed clothes shifted once  again, this time filling out to a big maid outfit that fit the drider quite perfectly. And to top it all off, a cute pair of glasses made their home on Roze’s face, giving her the finishing touch.

“Okay, Roze. You may move again.” Pablo commanded.

“Thank you very much sir. Is there anything you need from me?” Roze asked, her tone holding the highest level of subservience with not a trace of ill will. Pablo just smiled at that.

“Yes, get me and our guests some tea from the kitchen. I am sure we will need that considering all I have planned.”

“As you wish.” With no resistance or hesitation, Roze politely bowed her head and headed out the room, seemingly a master of her new appendages already. Pablo thought that having that body for less than a minute would give her some trouble, but apparently when he turned her into a highly trained maid, those skills were included as well.

“Okay, Mr Infiltrator. So you disguised yourself as my bodyguard and were waiting for the right time to strike. Is that correct?” Pablo asked, looking at the barely moving guard. “Also what was your name again?”

“Yes. I have used one of our magic items to swap places with a guard without anyone noticing. I am Ace.”

“Understood, then let's change the formula a bit.” Pablo said, holding the orb out and looking at Ace. “You are a spy, but you are working for me. Your mission was to infiltrate whatever organization had it out for me and then make sure that they wouldn't come to fruition. You are an expert combatened, work for me and would never even consider betraying me.”

The orb glowed once again and Ace’ eyes went briefly vacant just like Rozes went before, then his face became a lot more expressionless as he looked up at Pablo once again. So now it was time for Pablo to test out the command.

“No one can hear us, I can assure you. How many people are after me?” He asked.

“Three more are hiding in your estate. These priests sent five people in total including me to stop you, and I think you have dealt with the drider maid appropriately already.” Ace replied stone cold.

“Oh? You remember what she looked like before the change.”

“I do not. But I saw you use the stone on her.”

“Fair enough. You can move normally again now.” Pablo commanded, being sure that the command had once again worked.

“Thank you, sir.”

“I think you deserve a reward.” Pablo said, a grin spreading across his face. “You said something about me liking catgirls way too much and I would like to change that impression. I want you to become a cute but deadly fox girl, who also knows how to be a fine lady.”

The moment he finished his command, a silent but rather cute grunt left the mouth of the man in front of Pablo, almost sounding like he wanted to keep something in. In record time, Ace’s body slimmed down, becoming much less bulky. His shoulders narrowed, his hips flared out a bit and even some noticeable lumps of breasts appeared under his shirt. Which gave Pablo another idea.

“I want your clothes to become a skintight, practical combat uniform!”

immediately Ace's clothes began to liquify and move around his body, becoming much less loose and much closer to his skin. It was quickly reformed into what looked like a blue combat suit with red knuckle guards, which then also gave a pretty good view at two other places. The bulge between his legs, which was steadily shrinking and the bulge above his behind, which looked like it was just about to burst out from the suit.

“Ah~” And with a quick moan and what sounded like a ripping noise from behind, a brown tail exploded from above his behind, which also completely removed the bulge she had upfront. But Pablo felt like he had to still do one more.

“Your name will be Allison from this point forward and I want your tail, hair and ears to all be pink.” He demanded and the orb glowed immediately after. Her ears were already moving to the top of her head and changing into a more fluffy and pointy shape, but now it looked like there was also a wave of color slowly creeping over her hair, changing everything it touched from his usual brown into a bright and shiny pink. Similar things were happening to her tail as well.

So in the end, after everything was over and she managed to collect herself again, there stood a combat ready pink fox girl in a skintight outfit, just like Pablo demanded.

“Very well Allison. Do you like your new form?” Pablo asked.

"New form? Did you just bless me with a new form?” Allison asked in return, seemingly oblivious to what had just transpired.

“I guess people really don’t realize anything I am doing to them. This will make my job that much easier.” Pablo laughed, which is when Roze appeared back in the room, tea plate floating beside her caught and expertly handled by her spider web.

“Tea is ready. Am I disturbing you?” She asked, to which Pablo just walked towards the door she came from, making her scurry to the side to make space for him.

“You came at the perfect time. Allison, Roze. Follow me.” He said as he went to leave the room. “We have a few other guests to take care of.”

The undercover mission starts now! All priests into position! We have the magic tools from Marie, so we will take down that corrupt noble without fail.



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