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“Hello there, my dear friend. Hope you didn’t mind me letting myself in,” the strange woman said as she entered my room. No one would be surprised to hear that I was quite shocked to just see her stand there suddenly, especially since I neither knew her nor had invited any guests today.

“Who are you? How did you get into my house…?” I mean, I know that this question was a bit on the cliché side, but I still was rather curious on how this girl got in. After all, it's not everyday you have a caramel-skinned beauty in a black kimono just waltz into your room.

“Don’t sweat the small stuff, my friend,” she answered, waving her hand as she casually walked towards me. And somehow that didn’t calm me in the slightest. Go figure.

“Hey now, you are not implying that I am not welcome here, are you?” she continued, as she strutted further, though that now made it sound like I was the bad guy. Also, was it just me, or did a faint dark cloud of… something just form behind her?

“I mean… I certainly didn’t invite you.” It was always hard to tell pretty girls no, but at the same time… you know. But her presence was at least calming in a way, which felt kinda pleasant, but also weird at the same time.

“But you know what kind of day today is, right?” She said, her voice suddenly sounded much more… more… impactful. It felt like I could feel it ringing through my head… like I needed to remember what kind of day today was at any price. To which she added: “It’s the birthday of your light at the end of the tunnel, you dufus~”

Ah! Right! Birthday of my light. How could I forget?

Wait… What light?

“It's such a great day to celebrate her birthday and dedicate your everything to her, don’t you agree, my friend?” Her words felt like the most beautiful poison I have ever… heard? No, that didn’t make sense…

Ah… Somehow… this Light… She was just the greatest. I didn’t know who or what she is, but she simply is. This girl… this kimono wearing girl… she was speaking the sweetest fantasies to me…

“...my name is Nagisa, in case you are curious,” Nagisa spoke, patting me on my head. It felt oddly good, so I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment as she continued to speak. “And I have decided to give my dear friend Lightness the thing she most wants. From me at least.”

“But I am sure someone as loyal and submissive as you won’t sit idly by if I want to present myself to her.” She said, making me listen closely.

“You would want to join…”

I really do….

“You would want to become hers as well…”

I really really do…

“You would give anything to become her loyal maid…”


“And I am here to help you,” she said, and I felt such happiness well up within me, it was unreal. So much, that I must have just been looking up to her with puppy dog eyes to hear what she had to say next.

“Lightness has no use for male subordinates, but that is hardly a problem for you, right?”

It isn’t? But I am… Ohhh! She is… pressing on my…

“You are a girl, right?”

Hnn… I feel so hot… ah… soo good… ahhh~

“Hey, my friend in service. I think you spaced out. You are a girl, so you have nothing to worry about, right? It’s not like there is anything down there~”

Haa… I feel so lightheaded… hehe… light-headed… Ah, yes. Light will surely like me because I am not an icky boy. Who would like boys anyway?

“But if that were your only quality, surely Light wouldn’t be happy with you. But you have more… much more to offer…”

Hm? My chest…? Oh! Oh no! Ah… Stop… massaging… it… ah~

“An important part of being a maid is to always have some great arguments for your employment for your master. And you have two quite big ones~”

Ah~ Stop bouncing… my boobs! Only Light… may play with them! Ah… why did nothing… but moans… come out of my mouth?!?

“Also your hair… I might get through life with short hair quite well, but you shouldn't follow my example to the tee you know?”

…She is… right… to be a great servant… my head should look…

“Your thoughts are already in the right place! You need a cute face to succeed, great cared for hair as well and that genuine look of devotion in your eyes.”

It's like I can feel my face changing… but no. It isn’t changing, that would be ridiculous. Her words just remind me what sort of expressions I should be making to look appealing. Yes, and I know I am good at it!

“But Lightness is a very special girl. She might see normal humans trying to get a position as maids for her as an insult to her.”

Eh?!? I didn’t even think about that! What can I do about my humanity?!? Can I get rid of that somehow?!?

“You might not be able to, but that’s why I am here. Remember? You wanted me to come to you. You wanted me to change you into something better. Into something more… attractive.”

Ah! Yes! Nagisa… my words don’t come out, but please…

“And I am here to help. In fact, it has already begun. Can’t you feel it? How your legs are getting forced together?”

I can feel it. It almost feels like they are out of my control, but that's fine for me. If they are out of my control, then they are under Nagisa’s control. And she knows best.

“That's right. Just loosen the tension in your legs and leave everything to me. Can’t you feel how the burden feels already like it has halved itself?”

I can… it’s like my two legs… had become one… just now…

“They have… They are one now and so much more. I want you to do something for me.”

Hmm…? What can I do…?

“Look at my tail. At my long, mesmerizingly moving tail. Imagine your legs getting longer and scalier… longer and scalier… as if they were jealous of my majestic tail. ”

There is no… as if. I am jealous. I want my tail to be as long and beautiful as yours…Ah… I want it… to… Ahn~... get longer… and more beautiful…

“There you go. A perfect lamia maid for Lightness, wouldn’t you agree, my friend?” She said, which snapped me out of my daydream of my tail becoming longer and more perfect. What a weird dream to have.

I mean, imagine being human, male and not wanting to devote your life to the greatest mistress on the planet, Lightness. Ridiculous.

“Ah. I mean, I am what I am. All for Mistress Light of course,” I answered as naturally as the sun rises in the morning. It felt good to know my purpose in life.

“That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Now follow me.” Nagisa slithered out of my room with a big smile on her face. “We have a Mistress to attend to~”

“Ah~ Yes! Naturally!" I let out, happily slithering behind her. For some reason I couldn’t quite remember where my mistress Lightness lived, but that was probably because Nagisa just helped me relax and my brain isn't fully online yet.

But no matter. Nagisa surely knows the way. Though… was it always through a portal?

“Can you hear her?” Nagisa asked me and I nodded. Her footsteps in front of the house were getting louder.

“I did. She should open the door any second now. Oh girl… I am so excited to serve her.”

“I am not surprised~” Nagisa said, but before she could say another word, the door slowly opened…

You know you don’t have to serve many mistresses in your life. But today you shall have one. Because it’s her most ssspecialist day~

Happy birthday, Lightness~


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