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“So this is most certainly awkward.” I let out as I continued to walk through the house. I am pretty sure Nagisa instructed me to come here today, I have the message still saved on my phone. And yet…

“Hello…? Is anyone home…?” Noone replied. The door was open and this definitely was the right place. After all, it's hard to miss practically the only house hidden so deep in this forest. Still… Nagisa was nowhere to be seen.

The only things I could find were things like a few broken potion flasks, a lot of plants just growing out of pots, and a not at all suspicious portal in the middle of the room. Definitely not suspicious.

“Hmm… She definitely didn’t tell me that a portal would be waiting for me… but… at the same time, there really is nothing else to do.” I pondered for a moment to go through my options, before shrugging and stepping towards the rift in time and space. “Let’s find out what Nagisa wanted to see me then.”

Stepping through the blue portal I was immediately hit with a blast of fresh air. I blink a few times as my eyes adjust to the new light shining around me, only to then take a look at my surroundings. It looked like a somewhat medieval castle city, at least judging from the massive castle that stood in front of me and what little context clues I could gather.

I had no idea what Nagisa wanted me to do here, but luckily for me it really didn’t take long for me to find the fairy in person standing a few meters away from me, quietly murmuring to herself.

“Well I’m not sure how good this one will be, but she can't possibly do any worse than the last one.” she murmured as I approached.

“Hey Nagisa! You were expecting me?” She jumps slightly while yelping. “How long were you standing there?”

“I just got here in search of you. what are you doing anyways?”

“Well...There was the monarchy thing and it really was not working out… so long story short I stepped in and gave them a new empress~” she glanced down the street making sure no one was around.

“Actually it's perfect that you’re here!” Then she just quickly grabbed me and showed me down a darker corridor, before pinning me against a wall.

“I remember you. You wanted to help me with my work right? Well then, drink this!” She giggled and pushed a bottle of blue fluid into my arms, before looking at me with shining eyes.

“Err…What is it supposed to do?”

“You’ll see! Now trust me and drink it~”

You know, as a priest of the ex-goddess now fairy I have a lot of trust in her. Then again, this definitely won't end with me keeping my manhood, so I had to contemplate my options for a moment, but Nagisa had other plans.

In a moment of distraction, she raised my hand with the potion up to my mouth and forced the liquid down my throat, which I realized way too late to react to it. But that may be because that potion didn’t taste all that bad, all things considered. Maybe a little bit spicy, but that's it.

Although it was getting hotter and hotter as it spread through my body… Ugh… HOw was this possible… It was like the entire drink had turned into fire inside of my bloodstream and was spreading through my body at an alarming rate. I couldn’t stop it… I felt like… I was about to erupt in flames myself. Ahh~

By now, it felt like my entire body was on fire and as such it also gave me the feeling like something was melting away. I felt like I was shrinking, melting away from the internal heat that seemed to get less painful as time went on. In a moment where the heat left me alone for a moment I looked at Nagisa who just smiled at my predicament. Though more shockingly was that we were about the same height now, if not that i was a bit smaller.

Naturally I looked myself over and immediately noticed that all the hair on my body had seemingly caught on fire and burned up, leaving me with a shocked expression and surprisingly soft skin. And with a practically hairless body beneath my chin and a much smaller frame, I felt a bit more insecure than before, if even just for a second, as when I reached up to feel how soft my arms had become, the heat started to flare up again.

This time the burning went straight for my head, setting my hair on fire, which caused it to start growing for some inexplicable magical reason. It slowly cascaded down my back as it took on a deep purple with light blue tips, the fiery energy intensifying towards the tips rather than the base of my hair. And when my hair went low enough to be able to singe my own behind, the sides of my hair quickly began to float upwards and style itself into two buns on either side of my head and then caught on fire themselfs. Cause why not, right?

As if it was a reflex my hands flew to my face as the fire magic began to reshape it subtly underneath my skin. I could feel every little bit of the slight bone movements, yet no pain as my head took on a much more mature and womanly appearance. And I don’t know why, but now it just kind of felt more natural to keep my eyes closed rather than open them. It’s like my dignity increased that way.

But never mind that, because at that moment the heat quickly shot into my chest, as if someone had aimed right for them with a flamethrower from within. It felt as though two small people were standing inside me, each holding a flamethrower and blasting the insides of my chest.

They were feeling fuller by the second. The heat was trying to escape. All that made it feel like someone was trying to inflate two hot air balloons on my chest, and yet I was powerless to stop them. And so, there I stood, moaning and shimmying as my chest jutted outwards, with me unable to stop them in any way.

So I could only watch as after a little while, a pair of large, bouncing breasts sat on my chest heaving up and down with each heated breath I took.

The flames moved further down into my stomach, which caused the heat to rise more and more, slowly making me feel exhausted. Like I was just forced to run an imaginary marathon. And despite not actually moving a whole lote, I could feel my muscles growing and toning by a lot, while my fat just melted away. I could really feel the burn~

It also spreads to my thighs, toning them up with trained muscles while expanding them to become thicker and curvier, which also squeezed the hard on between my legs more and more. my moans became even louder due to the pressure and the growing heat inside of my legs as it slowly drifted inwards. It felt as though my dick was fueling the fire and making me go cross eyed with pleasure. It sinks the rest of the way in as the clit that took its place begins to drip from pleasure, ever so slightly putting out the flames inside of me.

I glance over my new body and stare at Nagisa. She still has that same smile. My eyes dart down to her hand which is holding another blue bottle. “Wait! I’m not ready to drink anything else just yet.”

“Who said anything about drinking?” She drops the bottle and flames erupt from it as it shatters. It slowly starts moving like a tornado and engulfs me. I try to scream… at first at least, but… my voice gets caught up in my throat. The bright blues going past me… they were surprisingly beautiful. I am pretty sure that a lesser person might have gotten entranced by them… as they danced around… my beautiful body.

I suddenly felt a lot happier than before, the source of my panic somehow miles away from the grasps of my mind. I even almost missed that my clothes started to be engulfed by those… pretty… blue flames. Whether they completely burned away or not, I really didn’t care. Was it wrong to look at those flames for a little bit longer…? Surely not…

I felt the flames snuggle around my legs, then my arms, massaging and coating them in that pretty fire like it always belonged there. Similar things happened to the rest of my body, though this time it actually felt like fabric was being placed where it belonged. Yes… my trusty uniform I wear as the blade of my…

Huh? My… what? Why did that just feel so natural to say? This tornado must be messing with my head… or something. Or was it? It really only looked pretty… and changed my inappropriate clothes into those fit for an imperial blade. Of course. No one would ever catch me wearing those other rags in public. Honestly…

Yet the tornado seemed to spin even faster now, as if it really wanted to pull me in. I felt like years upon years of training with swords flew past me in an instant… but that couldn’t be. I was a master of swords for years after all. I even have my two blades on all the time.

Even fast, as if to suck me in. But I resisted. The flames on my body burning even brighter to show my defense. Nothing can get through me, not this tornado, not some assassins, Nothing! For as long as I, Brighid the blue flame blade, am standing, nothing will harm the empress! I will personally make sure of that!

Then, all at once, the tornado dissipated, making me give off a satisfying grin since I have once again overcome another obstacle in my path. In front of me stood… Nagisa, the ex-goddess and fairy alchemist? When did she come here?

“What can I do for you today, my lady?” I asked, out of knightly politeness.

“Nothing in particular.” The fairy answered, then looked up at the castle behind them. “I just wanted to check if you are still to be trusted with the safety of her highness.”

“Of course. This is a mission that I will always be giving my life to fulfill! You can trust me on that!” I answered as if it was second nature to me. Since that was my job as the empress’ personal blade and bodyguard.

“Perfect! Then keep the empress safe… while I go and sort out a few other things in this country.” Nagisa replied, as she turned around looking a bit embarrassed.

“Do I want to ask what you have messed up today?”

“You do not.”

“Understandable. Then I’ll just head back to the empress, if you don't mind.”

Nagisa in her current form couldn’t really be trusted as much as back when she was a goddess, but at least she was still trying her best for this country and the empress. Though that would probably also mean that if the empress ever were to make a mistake in front of Nagisa, then the fairy would probably attempt to change her in some ways too.

But I didn’t really worry all that much about that. After all, I would protect the empress in that case and I have been her bodyguard for years and have taken so many spells in her stead, that all fizzled against my flaming body.

Surely not even Nagisa could change me as I was now~

When changing an entire kingdom just isn't enough. Better make sure there’s a blade to protect it. Otherwise all your hard work might go up in flames…


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