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“Let’s just meet up and have some fun together. We can even be each other's date replacements if you want to think of it that way.” Emile spoke, looking at the mirror in his apartment then let out a sigh. “Or at least so he said. How can Roy always be so outgoing and free with this sort of stuff. It’s valentine's day and we two don’t have any girls to speak of. Not that a girl would ever be willing to talk to me anyway.”

“Should I even go out with Roy today…? After all, all the couples will laugh at us when they see two boys going out with each other…” He sighed once again and shook his head, ready to plop himself onto his bed once again, when…

Ding Dong

…his doorbell suddenly rang. Knowing that it wasn’t a good idea to leave anyone waiting, Emile built himself up again and went to the front door. Opening the door, he hoped no one would be waiting for him on the other side so that he didn't have to talk to anyone…

…and he was right. Only a single letter was lying at his doorstep, making Emile curiously pick it up.

The letter wasn’t in an envelope but it was folded neatly. Emile couldn’t say the same for the handwriting though; it appeared to be very sloppy and only barely legible. There were clear erase marks and entered sentences crossed out in ink all over the page. He began to read the letter to the best of his ability:

“Dear sir/madam/you!

Hey, I just wanted to wish you good luck on your date! I know it will all go well and I made sure of it! I know that-” Then a good portion of the letter became completely illegible to the point that Emile didn’t even try to decipher what it was trying to say. Near the end, the writing became legible again and it actually looked very neat as if someone else entirely had written it. “...So yes, I wish you good luck on your date. If you put your heart and mind into it, you can make anything happen!

Your Valentine’s Day cupid,

M- N. Fulkami”.

“Weird, who's this ‘N’ person and why are they- have I been doxxed!?” Emile began to panic a bit, cramping up the letter and shoving it into his pocket. The only other person who knew of his address was Roy, and unless he was pulling a prank on him….

“You got to… Relax a bit…” Out of nowhere, Emile felt a strange presence, he didn’t feel alone in his room. Yet, he didn’t feel uncomfortable or scared, this strange presence actually put him at ease and calmed him down a bit.

“W-who are you?!?” He asked, mustering the last bit of caution he still held in his body. Yet somehow, even that was quickly dismissed as he felt something akin to a soft invisible person hugging him from behind.

“Does it matter…?” The voice said, calming Emile to the point that he could hardly move a muscle anymore. This foreign presence… made him feel so warm and cozy. He wanted it to say…

“Don’t you have something to do…?” The voice asked, feeling the soft pressure of a smile on his back.

“I should maybe get ready for my meeting with Roy.” He said, not even nearly strong enough to come up with any sort of excuses or lies on the spot. Just speaking his mind and nothing else. “But I don’t even know if I want to go… What if people laugh at us…?”

“Then you just have to make Roy happy. Who cares if people laugh when you can brighten your friend's day?” The voice encouraged, filling Emile’s heart with more courage than he ever had in his life. The voice was right. Not going would just ruin the day even more for Roy.

“Go.” A voice said from nowhere. By now he was listening even closer than before, yet could still not recognize it. It sounded close but distant as well as warm and familiar to Emile. Though when he felt a small push on his back he snapped out of his thoughts. “Go to the bathroom. You have much to prepare for your date.

“Mmm, you might be right… but what can I even do? what should I do…?” Emile whimpered looking at the mirror, but evading his eyes as he saw his reflection. Just looking at himself usually made him even more depressed.

That's when the light touch of a hand appeared under his chin, guiding his head back to looking at the mirror. There, for the first time in a really long time, he saw himself and it wasn’t painful to watch. Most likely because of the warm and pink ghostly copy of him that was standing behind him, giving him courage.

“You don’t have to worry so much. I’ll help you get ready.” Emiles pink copy spoke, opening the drawer and putting a comb into his real hand. Emile couldn’t quite say if this pink ghost was real or just in his head, but for now following what it wanted him to do seemed like the best thing he could do.

So he started brushing through his hair, wildly and clumsily, to which he could hear the ghost chuckle. Emile immediately wanted to give up on everything again, as he really wasn’t suited for this sort of thing at all, but only until the ghost spoke up again.

“Isn’t it funny? It’s been so long since you tried to take care of your hair again, so long that you have almost forgotten the feeling.” It said and started to softly play with Emile's shoulder long hair before flashing him a smile. “But you haven’t forgotten. If you go at it again, concentrate, and focus on how impressed Roy will be when he sees you with long straight hair, then there is no way for you to mess up, right?”

Emile paused briefly, then took a deep breath. He set his brush on his head once again and started combing, going at it slowly and steadily. He hadn’t done it many times before, but deep down, he knew how to make his hair look the best it has ever been. And that was his goal and nothing, no demotivation would stop him at that.

Even when his hair felt like it was getting longer and longer with each stroke of the brush, it didn’t stop him. When his hair is a mess, he usually wouldn’t care, but for his friend he would give it his all.

And so, after what felt like an eternity of brushing, Emile smiled for the first time that day at the mirror that showed his ghostly clone happily clapping his hands for him. He had never noticed before, but both Emile himself and the clone had the same long hair as each other, which felt out of place and yet natural at the same time. He wanted to maybe speak up, but the ghostly clone embraced him before he could.

“See? I knew you had it in you. Preparing for your meeting with Roy will be childsplay for you.” His pink reflection said, making Emile smile once again. “Now let’s head into your room and find yourself some appropriate clothes.”

“O-of course…” Emile muttered, unsure of himself but willing to turn his imagination to push him forward. So he walked out of the bathroom and began to approach his bedroom, feeling even a bit happy about his situation if he was being honest. Reaching his room Emile noticed that he already had an outfit picked out for him on his bed; a suit and tie with some dress pants. Way too fancy for his taste, which is why he was quickly discouraged again.

“Are you hesitant about being able to pull something fancy like that off?” the ghost asked, putting its ever encouraging hand on his shoulders once again. Emile nodded, but smiled at this gesture. “Let’s take it slow. You don’t have to do everything at once, just one at a time.”

“Okay…” Emile silently answered, nodding his head along with the suggestion.

“Then let’s not be hasty and think about this. What should be the first step in preparing you for the big event?” The voice asked with a hint of friendly sarcasm, that Emile really didn’t mind at the time. If anything, it made him think a lot about what he should be doing, which he knew was a good idea.

“...should probably take off my clothes…” He whispered, thinking afterwards that his realization was kind of stupid. But the ghost’s response was once again uplifting. “Yeah, you are probably right. I don’t think it's a good idea to wear fancy clothes on top of regular ones.”

Letting out a single laugh he began to take off his shirt, which also somehow caused every pull to make his shoulders relax a little bit more. It was like the ghost was helping him, not by helping him pull the shirt over his head but by shrinking his shoulders so that it would have less resistance. Seemingly thanks to that it became very easy to take it off and only moments later, Emile had slipped off his shirt, exposing his very supple shoulders, which also somehow caught his eyes in the mirror in his room.

“Am I really worth enough for Roy? I am not as strong as the others, nor as special as them either.” Emile let out grabbing his softer arms and wanted to stop there, yet the ghostly figure behind him softly moved his hands to the side again.

“Having a cute appearance is a special trait too, one that you fulfill in spades.” It replied, shooting Emile a big smile. “Also, don’t you think that you are already special, seeing as Roy could have invited anyone, but chose you out of the crowd?”

“I guess you’re right…” Emile said, and patted himself on the cheek to motivate himself. “Okay, now to take off the rest.”

With second thoughts, but enough determination, Emile reached for his pants and began to pull them off, though quickly started to struggle again. It was as if his hips didn’t want to let go of his pants, flaring out to the side every time he wanted to pull them down. Even his ass seemed to conspire against him, seemingly sticking out just to make sure the pants don’t go down.

“Since when… have I become so fat…?”

“Are you going to let that stop you?”


“Are you going to let some of your greatest assets, your killer hips and your mighty behind stop you from impressing Roy?”

“No I won't!"

With another tuck, the pants finally slid down, as if they had waited for his determination to well up. There was a good bit of pride inside of him, having managed such a mundane task that somehow seemed so impossible seconds ago. But still drew attention to his hips and ass, that both were still way more hefty than most girls he knew.

“Are you entranced by your own good looks?” The illusionary ghost suddenly asked, catching Emile a bit of guard.

“N-No. I was just… pondering what kind of panties I should be wearing!” He replied quickly, though he had a feeling that not being honest with the ghost wasn’t very productive. Though the ghost just giggled and patted him on his shoulder. “And what did your intense contemplation result in?”

“Maybe something cute as well…? You kept calling me cute so my thoughts just went there… I don’t know…” Emile shook his head, yet suddenly felt something soft in his hand. A soft piece of cloth to be exact. “You mean, like these cute black panties you prepared exactly for this moment?”

“Yes. Exactly.” Emile hesitated, but then once again pulled together all of his courage and set his hand on his oversized hips, grabbing the boxers he wore with one hand each. “No more pretending to be a boy. I can be feminine if I try hard enough!”

After announcing that, he quickly pulled down the boxers, not even bothered by the fact that they might have ripped in the process of having them slide over such a massive ass. Which is when he closed his eyes, stepped in between the panties and pulled it up, surprised at how easily they fit over his curves.

Even adjusting them was easy due to their stretchiness, though he also had the feeling like the panties inadvertently pushed something into Emiles body when he pulled them up, though she really couldn’t figure out what that would have supposed to be. In fact, they felt so good and natural that Emily internally decided to more often wear panties for then on, because those boxers really hurt her on her hips sometimes.

“So? Is that it?” The ghost asked, gliding her hands slowly around Emilies impressive lower curves. “Are you going to go out with Roy in that attire?”

“N-No… I’d die of embarrassment."

“Then what do you suppose the next step would be…?”

“If I want to truly make the extravagant move, then I should wear a bra, even if…”

“You are thinking too much. There is no “too extravagant” nor a “too little bust to wear it”. Just wear what you think makes you the prettiest. That’s it, the entire secret to success.”

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, Emily was standing in front of the mirror again, holding the black laced bra she had bought in the past for special occasions, yet never used yet. She took one more deep breath, before pressing the clothes against her very subtle chest.

The making of her bra was fairly complicated, needing to be put around her collar and her underboob in order to hold. So Emily attempted to do it, and very quickly realized that she just didn’t seem to have enough hands to do everything simultaneously. And when her chest started to itch, she really didn’t know what to do anymore.

“Can you feel it? how every part of your body, every fiber of your being wants you to succeed?” The ghost asked, asking a question that Emily hadn’t thought about too much yet.

Yes, there was an itch in her bust, but at the same time she could feel the eagerness of her breast, her own eagerness to wear fancy clothes like that intensify greatly. even to the point where the bra suddenly didn’t even seem all that big anymore… even a bit small compared to her massive puppies.

Feeling the weight that was hanging off her chest perfectly suspended by that fancy lace somehow gave her even more courage than before. Her chest felt lighter than before and safer, even if they each were about the size of her head, she felt like she was in control of her own body. And most importantly, she felt…

“...satisfied with your body?” The ghost asked, playing with Emily's hair from behind as she went closer to whisper into her ear. “Told you so~”

“Yes…” Emily answered, shooting a brief smile as she looked into the mirror again. “I can really pull this off.”

“Do you really think that this was ever a question of ‘If’ you can pull it off?” The ghost asked rhetorically, and even Emily had to giggle at the question. It all seemed so silly now.

“No. If I throw myself into my dress and give it my all while preparing, then it will all work out, right…?” She asked timidly in return, feeling like she needed confirmation in order to believe her own words, since they simply sounded too good to be true.

“Do you seriously think it wouldn’t?”

Not even being the answer to her question, being no confirmation or rejection, but it still was exactly what Emily needed to hear. She moved over to her bed and looked at the fancy black dress she had bought quite a bit of time ago, yet never found the courage to wear in public.

Yet that had all changed now.

Before she knew it, she was wearing the pretty black dress that wasn’t all too revealing, but definitely fit a bit snuggly around her chest. It seemed like she had grown in certain places since the time she bought it, but that didn't really matter today nor did she have the opportunity to do anything about it. Emily would just simply present herself as she was and give it her all… for Roy’s sake.

“Are you ready? It's almost time.” Emily didn’t even notice that the ghost hadn’t talked to her for the last couple of minutes, because she had been so focused on getting the mess of her hair a little bit more under control. But it was once again right, Emily couldn’t miss her important date today which she had been preparing for the entire morning.

So she took a deep breath, put on her shoes, tightened her jacket and threw over her purse, then stared at the door. She had come so far, she would see this through to the end. And after an extensive pause and gathering all of her courage, she took the step forward, opened the door and stepped outside, prepared to meet up with her good friend for a wonderful date.

“Can you not write an essay everytime you want to explain the situation to someone?”

“Why not? I feel like they should know what's going on.”

“Honestly Nagisa, you are impossible sometimes.”

“Hahaha~ But my magic did work~ I made another pair quite a bit happier~”

“I… can’t argue with that. But you still should work on your writing prowess.”

“I’ll keep that in mind for next time Marie~ Hehehe~”

Some people have it easy to confess their feelings during valentines day, others might need a small push from behind. And, hoo boy, does Nagisa have the right shadow for that job~


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