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Entry Nr 1: It was the dawn of a new year, but it honestly didn’t feel like one. It was just more of the usual. Two war-jets came frighteningly close to the capital today, destroying two of the neighboring construction sites once again.

The government doesn't even feel like showing us the number of casualties anymore. So many innocent lives have been lost in this pointless struggle for dominance that I am sure even the most diligent accountants have lost count by now. I am truly at my wits end.

My one hope is that my goddess Quinoa has found a solution to this endless war that has been going on for 43 years, though this also seemed beyond her power as well.

Entry Nr 2: Quinoa invited me to her realm in the heavens in the evening today again to discuss something. I doubt she has found a solution, but since she implored that only the head priests should be allowed this information, it definitely had to be something of great importance, that much was clear.

Though I also have something to discuss with her. The next wave of recruiting for the military has started, so of course the number of people that came to our church has skyrocketed as well. No one wants to send their kids to war, so they all seek refuge here. Yet we do not have the power to protect them.

I need Goddess Quinoa to give those children a blessing, so that they don’t die a meaningless death on the battlefield! Even if a lot of those unknowing youths seemed to have a false sense of glory that is attached to fighting for their homeland…

Entry Nr 3: I am writing this diary early today, since yesterday's discussion still layed on my mind through the entire night. I knew that Goddess Quinoa was not able to stop all of this fighting by herself, but that she would actually ask another god for help…?

Frankly speaking, I don’t trust that new goddess. She called herself the goddess of darkness and chaos, and I am sorry to say that we humans have had enough of those in our lives already lately. Many people, including me, don't even know a time where war wasn’t going on, but I digress.

This new goddess promised to take a look at the situation and help where she could, which at least was something, I guess…

Okay, I’ll admit that I have reached a point where I would love for even an evil goddess to just do something against humanity's constant strife. Really just anything that would stop them.

Oh right, this talk with the new goddess made me completely forget about the youth that is about to be deployed to the battlefield. I need to tell Goddess Quinoa about them tonight and as swiftly as I can!

Entry Nr 4: This is wrong on so many levels, I can’t even comprehend this properly. This Nagisa; this foreign goddess of chaos really somehow convinced Quinoa to take a month off of her Godly duties?!? Is she insane?!?

Does she not know how many people’s lives are at… No, I should definitely approach this situation more rationally.

Let me write down the facts that I do know:

This Nagisa did check on our world and she did in fact call on her own priest just like she promised.

His name is Dave and he seemed like a much more trustworthy person than his goddess. A bit shy but greathearted, instantly willing to help the moment I brought up our situation. He also seemed especially offended when I told him that a lot of underaged kids are getting recruited to the army as well, which he was very upfront to his goddess about wanting to change that.

Well, at least he was convinced that something needed to change, but it makes me wonder how this new goddess will act now that I told her about this…

Entry Nr 5: Something weird happened today in the church. During one of my preaches, multiple dark portals opened up in the building, from each of them coming forth a teenager native to here.

They all said the same thing. That they have died and met death incarnate, who then offered them a choice: Die a meaningless death or swear off fighting in the war, but get a second chance at life. Horrified and disillusioned at what war truly was like, they all chose the second chance.

Obviously I had to check on what the goddess did, since it was very clearly her doing, though instead I only found Dave in Quinoa’s realm today. He had changed quite a bit since I last saw him less than a day ago.

He now had silver white hair and a much softer build while being dressed in a much darker attire, much more akin to that dark goddess usual wear. He also was armed with a large scythe now, which scared me so much that I immediately left the moment I saw him.

In hindsight, not my proudest moment, though I also don’t want to go up there again today. I should ask more about what's going on tomorrow.

Entry Nr. 6: I gathered up my courage again and went up there, because the number of teens which had the same phenomenon happened to them just kept increasing. I wanted answers and as luck would have it Nagisa was actually present today as well. Dave on the other hand had changed even more, so much so that I barely recognized him at first.

He was much taller, but also more slender than before, and the way he moved now was almost regal. It didn’t help that his body was now much more feminine as well, which is why I had such a hard time identifying him.

After all, I don’t think anyone can blame me for thinking that the person with the alluringly stoic but sensual feminine face, clear mounds of breasts and surprisingly curvy body was the emotional priest known as Dave before. Though she does call herself Delia now, so maybe she is a girl now…?

How is it that neither Delia nor Nagisa commented on his change at all? Is that just normal in their circles?!? Weird.

In any case Delia told me that she has been the one doing the ‘grim reaper work’, as she called it. In her words: “If a disillusioned soul truly doesn’t want to fight in a war anymore, then I will give them a second chance at life.” Though she didn’t exactly go into details on how she is doing that exactly…

Entry Nr 7: Apparently whatever she was doing to bring back all of those teens took a lot out of the newly feminized Priest from another world, which is by far the weirdest sentence I have written in this diary by a longshot.

Today she even happily presented to me how her legs had changed because of that, though I just don’t believe that just ‘because you needed more horsepower’ it would be natural to follow that your legs grow fur and hooves, turning them into real horse legs.

And even if Delia doesn’t seem to mind, I am sure that it was the goddess that did something that would alter his body so drastically. Better keep an eye on her that she doesn’t get the idea to do something similar to me after she is done.

But to her credit, Delia did look grateful for her horse legs because of the powerboost they provided compared to regular human legs. She seemed to really appreciate that for her job, which at least told me that she was carrying stuff around all day.

Makes me wonder… is her job to carry the souls of the dead back to the world of the living?

Entry Nr 8: I shouldn’t even be surprised by this anymore, but Delia changed even more when I met her today. Instead of just having horse legs with fur and hooves and stuff, she just had an entire horse-like lower half with four legs and everything.

She had turned into one of these centaurs that I have heard off only from fiction… and somehow neither Delia herself nor Nagisa even commented one bit on it. Yeah. Sure. Let's not talk about the human priest turned mythical creature right in front of our eyes, why don’t we?

Anyway Delia seemed to be doing her job very well and Nagisa even explained what was going on a little bit in more detail, though I am not sure how “Oh, in video games people usually respawn in the church, that's why!” make my situation any more sensical.

In any case this method she is using is definitely starting to have some impact on the people. Those survivors are all still terrified and traumatized from the battlefield, and are therefore also quick at spreading the news about it all around the city.

“If you swear to never fight in the war, you don’t have to anymore.”

I really want to see where this situation is heading…

Hi there, Nagisa Fulkami speaking. Recently a good friend of mine told me that she pretty much lost control of her world and could use some help. I wonder if she has ever tried to use an avatar of death to prevent dying before…


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