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“Clara! Come to my side!” The booming voice of the count Victor Gerosta rang through the estate, making its only servant groan as he knew what was about to happen. But, it wasn’t like he could realistically run away, so obeying the count to not challenge his ire was his best option.

“You called, my count? Also my name is Denis, not Clara.” The servant sighed, knowing full well that the count was probably going to ignore him once again and continue to call him by that made up name.

“Clara! It has come to my attention that you have not prepared anything for my honored guests that planned to arrive in about ten minutes. Have you no shame?” The Count boomed, making Denis' eyes go wide. Denis for one really didn’t want to work for this count at all, but he also knew from personal experience that refusing the count was a very bad idea. Though this was the first time he had ever heard of the count taking any visitors at all.

“I…uh… I am terribly sorry. What should I be doing in preparation for our guests?” Denis asked, because what else was he going to do? After all, he had no idea what sort of people were even coming in the first place.

“I need you to appease both of my guests equally! To cook and clean simultaneously! To serve and prepare at the same time!” The count spoke with great arm movements, though that still didn't exactly make it clearer for Denis what he was about to do. But then the count immediately followed up with. “And such a feat can simply not be accomplished alone! You shall become your own best partner!”

The count snapped his finger, causing a cold shower to run over Denis’ back. And all he could think of once again was ‘What the hell does he mean with ‘partner’…?’

Almost immediately Denis could feel his body contort in a way that was all too familiar to him, but only for a moment. After that he felt a deep tearing sensation deep within his body, almost like an invisible force was trying to split him down the middle. This sensation was so intense that it overshadowed everything else that was happening to him, so the fact that his body was also shrinking was completely slipping under the radar. Until…


…something tore out of his body, making Denis trip and land on his butt. And after a brief shaking of the head and assessing the situation, he had to let out a gasp. Because right in front of him sat an identical copy of himself, identical in every way… except that it might have been slightly smaller in height than he was.

Both versions of Denis were then snapped back to reality when the magic continued to work down their bodies, clearly starting with their arms. Both had pretty much the same disappointed reaction when they watched each other's biceps, arms and hands shrink to feminine proportions, though for some reasons it felt to Denis like he was experiencing those changes twice at the same time.

Then again, when his shoulder began to shrink, and also when his hips started to inflate. It was always like it was happening to him twice at the same time. And even when he felt like he was slowly lifted off the ground when his ass slightly gained some more plush, it was the same thing… It made Denis want to test something.

He didn’t even pay attention to his legs that were probably thickening at that very moment, since he was much too concentrated on getting up and over to his new clone. And his clone was seemingly as well. When they stood in front of each other, the height difference was really striking to them more than the new and improved thickness of their legs.

The two of them stood in front of each other in awe for a little bit, checking out each other's increasingly feminine bodies. Until the other version of Denis flinched, and he knew exactly why.

For the first time in forever Denis wasn’t bothered by the fact that his manhood was receding. After all, it’s not like he could do anything about the counts magic. No, much more interestingly he could feel the manhood of his clone shrink, slowly retreating back into its body while another hole opened up down below at the same time. It was completely different from what was happening to his own crotch, yet somehow the same.

And after both of them became girls it really dawned on them: They were still the same person, just split onto two bodies.

“Now then, my dear Claras! Or rather, Clara and Clarissa!” The count boomed, making both of the fresh girls briefly snap out of their internal contemplation of her life choices. “I was thinking about just twinning you, making one of you a bit younger and the other one older, but that clearly won’t do! No, to truly serve my honored guests, your bodies need to be tailor-made for each of them!”

The count snapped his fingers once again and grinned at the girls who were scaredly looking at each other for comfort. Up to this point they have been looking almost the exact same, though when their hair started to grow, they immediately knew that that was about to change.

Both of their hair grew out at the same time, but at different rates. The taller one quickly discovered that her hair was just planning to become much longer than her clone counterpart, turning a shining silverish gray in the process. The short one on the other hand only had her hair grow until it reached her shoulders while it turned a bright red.

Then a familiar breeze blew through her mind, not only hers but her clones as well, as Clara could feel her thoughts being actively changed again. And not only hers, but Clarrissa’s as well. They felt like the same person, yet with different personalities and goals, which was truly a weird experience.

In Clara’s head she could see her mistress already before her, the person she was meant to serve for the entire night. She was a majestic lamia with four hands, a being on the same wavelength as her true master, yet with uncontested love for monster girls in her heart. Which is why Clara was most delighted when her Ears started to change and move upwards, turning into cute wolf ears as a wolf tail sprouted out from behind her.

On the other hand, for Clarissa a different mistress came to mind. She was calculated and calm, an elfish noble of the highest standard, and despite her common heritage, powerful enough to deserve her place among the highest ones. Add to that the fact that she preferred smaller and daintier servants, and Clarrissa suddenly felt like her body was more of a gift than a punishment.

“Master! I have understood my mission!” Clara spoke, kneeling down in front of the count to show her obedience to him and his guests. Clarissa followed suit and added. “Me too. What can we do to prepare for our extraordinary guest?”

“The dining table needs to be served, the guest rooms need to be made, the food needs to be prepared. Those are the things why you maids are here for.” The count waved his hand, making another magic wave wash over Clara and Clarrissa in that exact moment.

This time it was about their clothes, which immediately liquified around their bodies and started to recombine, quickly shedding all colors and instead taking on a black and white scheme. Faster than either of them could react they were wearing clothes again, this time an appropriate maid uniform complete with a traditional hair band. Both of them nodded in unison.

“Yes, master! We will not disappoint you!” Clara announced, dashing away towards the kitchen.

“We will make this an unforgettable experience for your guests!” Clarrissa added and ran towards the dining room, ready to prepare everything they could possibly need.

And although those two seemed separated, they still felt like they were one and the same. They could coordinate perfectly and communicate without words. Even though their personalities and goals were slightly different, they still felt like they were in this together, come what may~

Denis collapsed into his bed, completely done from the work he was subjected to today. He was back to being a man, but still trapped inside of the estate with no way out. Well, he could just leave, but the moment the Count found out, and he somehow always did, he would be found and severely punished, way more than just being split into two different maids for a day.

Honestly he today was at least an interesting experience, since he had never imagined ever being split into two different persons with two different personalities. Also the guests of the count were surprisingly nice, though he really noticed the almost obsessive preferences they had for Monster girls or little girls respectively. At the time, he was flattered by it, but after wards, he didn’t know what to think of it.

But now that it's all over, he could only pray to be split like this again, because who knew what the count would turn him into tomorrow…

In the next episode of All purpose maid: What? Count Victor Gerosta is getting visitors? And very special ones indeed, the two of us better get ready for them! Yup, and make sure we are on our best behavior!

Next time: All purpose maid - Double Obedience!

We're gonna be the best maids you'll ever see!


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