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To be honest, I wasn’t expecting today to be a special day in any way. After grabbing a few low ranking quests down in the local guild, I made my way down the forest and started my daily routine. Just the usual, like defeating minor monsters like goblins and collecting some of the different rare items in the city outskirts, like manafilled medicinal herbs and such.

Many people actually don’t know why those herbs are so important to gather from outside the walls of the city, rather than just growing them inside. Well, the reason is quite simple, and also the same as why my job as adventurer exists in the first place: monsters give off a special type of magic we call mana, that saturates the plants and gives them their amazing properties when grown in the wild.

Raising them artificially just doesn’t yield the same effect and holding monsters just isn't a great idea either since their mana can have… unexpected effects on humans.

In any case, I knew where I had to go, since I planned my day through before I started it. The first location might sound a bit scary, being the forest at the foot of the Dragonroar mountains, but it was completely safe for even low level adventurers like me, since the dragons that this place was named after never actually went all the way down into the forest themselves.

And honestly, why should they? They are supremely powerful beings that are not only really freaking big, but also capable of flight. There just wasn’t any reasonable logic why they would go down into the forest in my mind. Which is why it surprised me so much when…

“Get out of my territory, puny human! Hyyyyaaaaa!” A little girl shrieked and charged at me with her fists from the side, which only slightly caught me off guard. After all, I was expecting to be attacked in this forest, just not by… a little girl.


“Auuu… that hurt…,” She let out after I deflected her very telegraphed attack with my sword, which also told me a few things right away. This girl wasn't human. While her strength was nothing special, this was not the sound a sword should be making when hitting a human hand. And also, my sword was still vibrating, like it was suddenly overcharged with magic. This girl was dangerous, which is why I immediately turned to face her and…

“You meanie! Who do you think you are to be allowed to hurt me, Drasna of the Scarlet Dragon Tribe, like this?” A small, maybe ten-year-old girl with big dragon horns on the top of her head, scales all over her body and big dragon wings on her back asked, looking at me like I was the monster between the two of us.

“Uhm. I am Shoto, an adventurer that just came by to grab some flowers and then leave again.” I spoke slowly and clearly, trying my best to defuse the situation. “I really don’t mean any harm. Uhm… I am sorry for intruding?”

“Wait till my sister hears about this! She is so big and strong and wonderful! I bet you wouldn’t even be able to stand anymore if you were in her presence!” The little girl bragged, which at first I wanted to ignore and just make a run for it. But something inside me just didn’t let me. I didn’t know what it was and… and… it felt like my thoughts were getting lower. Did my sword vibrate even harder now?

“First off, she is soooo tall. Much taller than you ever could be! She would dwarf you by just standing still, believe me!” Drasna continued and gestured wildly with her hands, as if she was trying to show me her sister’s greatness.

And for some reason, I could feel that greatness now as well and couldn’t help but admire the sheer tower of a figure her sister must have been. Though what I didn’t notice was that the more I thought about how great it must be to be that tall, the more my body actually changed to fulfill that wish of mine.

Even though I basically saw everything shrinking before my very eyes, it just didn’t register in my head at all. Drasna was just right, being tall was the greatest. Though just because I could maybe see eye to eye with her sister now didn’t mean I was any match for her…

“And my sister has the most beautiful body! She has been the strongest of our tribe for… like… always! And she doesn’t have even a scratch anywhere on her perfect skin!” Drasna was just pretty much in her own world by now, just happy to explain why her sister was the best, which I could somewhat understand as well.

It just already sounded amazing. Having perfectly smooth skin, not a single hair to be seen below the head and still not having to worry that anything will ever leave a mark since dragons are already always wearing armor even without wearing clothes anyways. It made me wonder how humans could ever live without that, since that just sounded so… Ugh… Wasn’t I human? I feel the vibrations of the sword through my entire body by now…

“And her curves! Boys are always swarming her for her immense appeal, but she lets them know how dangerous her beauty was!” The little dragon girl was hugging herself now as she sunk deeper into her own memories, which I found to be just incredibly adorable.

But it was true, beauty and raw strength were not mutually exclusive, and Drasna knew the perfect example for it. Just from hearing that, I wanted to adjust my stance a little bit, just to make sure to also live up to those expectations. Nothing much, just pushing my hips out a bit and my chest out… Hmm… it even felt like they were pushing out more and more without me even doing anything.

Oh, and now they stopped. Hmm… I must have been imagining it from these weird sword vibrations. It's not like my impressive bust or killer hips would suddenly grow out of nowhere…

“And you better believe that she is stronger than any man around. She is just that strong!” Drasna let out defiantly, nodding to herself to which I found myself nodding as well.

Drasna wasn’t speaking anything but the truth, yet at her words it seemed like something was happening with my vibrating sword in hand. The blade was dulling and then melting away from the top, slowly but surely losing mass until nothing was left but the hilt. And for some reason, I just couldn’t hold in a moan the moment the blade fully disappeared. Have I become that lewd without noticing?

“And my sister is so strong, she doesn’t even need any armor to be ready for a fight. She could wear… uhm… I dunno… a bikini and would still be the most threatening person in the room.” Drasna had to look down at her own little red dress, before coming up with the word bikini. Which was quite fitting since she always tends to… tends to… Bikini?

Bikini. Bikini. That word was ringing in my head the moment she said it and it got me thinking. Yeah, I really don’t need these ugly clothes I am wearing at all. They are just unnecessary baggage and obstruct my beautiful body. Better just get rid of them. Even the hilt of my sword…

Hilt? Was I holding a sword? It felt for a second like something was liquifying in my hands, but that was just the bikini I was already holding. Yeah… I should probably put that one on, before a boy gets any weird ideas…

“And she is like the prettiest dragon. I mean it!” Drasna spoke with sparkling eyes, seemingly looking at me but very much still trapped in her own fantasy world. How cute.

"Let's see. She has the prettiest horns of them all!” She said, which for some reason caused me to have a headache for a moment and feel like my head was getting heavier. Which I knew, was obviously nothing serious, as my horns always felt that heavy.

“And her scales shine so pretty in the light!” Drasna added, which made my skin feel itchy for a moment. It honestly felt like armor was being placed on top of my impenetrable skin in certain places, like my chest and belly as well as my hands and feet. But those were just the scales and claws all of my enemies have grown to fear…

“My sister also has a face so pretty that no dragon can resist her smile!” My little sister went on, making me roll my eyes a bit. It did feel like something was moving on my face, like my eyes getting a bit bigger and my nose a bit smaller, but that was surely only in my imagination as well. The real question was why my ears felt like they were being pulled to become longer, but I guess that was a question for another day.

Now it was time to snap my little angel out of her dreamworld.

“And, and, and my sister is the fastest flyer and has the strongest tail! You have no chance against…”

“Drasna?” I interrupted her, leaning forward while trying to keep in a moan that almost wanted to come out. Today just wasn’t my day. It just seemed like every few seconds another part of my body became either itchy or flat out felt like it was getting pushed or pulled.

Everyone knew that the wings and tail of a dragon were kind of sensitive spots, so when it seemed like it was their turn to distract me, I obviously had to show a lot of self control. But luckily that was a simple task for someone as great as me, so after it all ended I poked my little darling on her head to snap her out completely.

“Uwa?!? How dare… Oh!!! Sister Shouko!” Drasna let out dashing into my arms to give me a big hug.

“Now, now, little Drasna. Were you fawning over me again instead of training in the woods like you promised?” I rhetorically asked, because I knew the answer already.

“N-no. I was training! I was just… taking a break.” She replied, looked around briefly, then stared back at me. “But how could I not! You are the Dragomadonna Shouko of the Scarlet Dragon Tribe! Everyone respects you!”

Drasna was such a good girl, but it was astounding how much this little girl could be obsessed with me and my achievements sometimes. But then again, I could never get mad at my sweet little angel for that.

“Alright then, let's go home.” I said, taking the hand of my little sister. “Let me show you how great this Dragomadonna can whip out a meal tonight!”

“Yay! I can’t wait~” Drasna cheered before we took off, hand in hand, flying back to our home on top of the Dragonroar mountain. And although I couldn’t really recall having ever flown up to the mountain this way, that wasn’t enough to stop me from being the guide for my little sister's home.

I am the Dragomadonna after all.

Most dragons are incredibly fearful, the most powerful species to roam around the world. That applies even to the little dragon girls, not because they are particularly strong, but when they then call their big sister for help, you know you're in for it…

Written as a gift for Tsukishima <3
(who is also the artist of the picture)



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