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“Okay. Now do you mind telling us why this job in particular caught your eye?” the fancily dressed butler asked, looking way more patient than the clearly much too stuck up lady of the house right next to him. Though she had yet to say a word in this whole interview.

“Honestly I don’t know what to tell you. I was in need of a job that I can work in as a go between until my family situation is a bit more stable. I honestly was only looking for a decent wage, the ability to drop out whenever I need to and air conditioning.” Justin responded, sounding much more unprofessional than he would have liked. But there was no way to take back his words anymore, so he shrugged his shoulders.

“...that's when you found that we are still in search of cleaning personnel and servants?” the butler inquired further to which Justin just nodded.

“Yes. You basically offered the perfect job for me. The pay is more than acceptable for me and I don’t mind doing a bit of manual labor for a while. I was actually at a point where I would do almost anything for a job, if I am being honest.” Justin replied, scratching the back of his head. In hindsight, he could have probably worded that a little better, but then again, it's not like he was lying.

“The decision ultimately lies with my mistress. Lady Cathrin, what is your judgment?” The butler spoke, turning to look at the fancily dressed lady, who took a deep breath before standing up. She looked down at Justin for a small moment before he realized what she wanted and stood up as well, to look her in the eyes.

“Alright, boy.” The lady spoke, her voice surprisingly sweet for someone looking so rich and arrogant. She then stretched out her hand, offering Justin a handshake, which he immediately took. “If you really want to be my servant, then consider yourself…”



“Ack! What the…?”

A cold, numb feeling was spreading from Justin's back along with the pain of something having pieces on his back, yet many, many times less severe. In fact, it was more like he was thrusted with a stick from behind and then it was just left there. It was as if he could still feel the weight of it hanging off his back…

“What was tha…”

“I honestly despise humans. Always so disloyal, greedy and imperfect. Definitely not something I would want to employ to serve me.” Lady Cathrin spoke up, looking down even further onto Justin than she already did before.

Justin wanted to take a step back… but couldn't. His body just flat out didn't respond to him. And worst of all, that cold and hard feeling was really spreading fast at this point, even reaching part of his chest and legs already. They also somehow looked like they were shimmering in a metallic way all of a sudden.

“That's why I have these.” Lady Cathrine continued and opened up her palm, which prompted a servant from the side to step in and place what looked like a huge wind up key into her hand. She then affectionately petted the key before handing it back to the servant. “Imagine. Just connect one of these ‘keys to servitude’ with the back of a human and it doesn't even take a full minute until their body turns completely and utterly into servitude metal.”

The metallic sheen was now all over Justings legs and stomach, continuing to travel upwards to envelope his arms, hands and ultimately up his neck and head. He still didn’t fully understand what was happening, but he now suddenly had a feeling that nothing in his body was organic anymore. And that his movements were still locked.

*Click* Suddenly, Justin heard a clicking sound from behind him, which somehow also felt like it pulled on his ears at the same time.

*Click* It was like his ears were getting longer.

*Click* And pointier. *Click* And inhuman.

*Click, Click, Click, Clack* And that's where it stops, his ears having taken on a long metal strap estetic that Justin somehow knew had become an additional voice receiver on top of his regular ears, tuned to only listen to one specific voice and execute all of its commands while bypassing his head.

The thought scared Justin quite a bit, though before he could say a word once again a sweet girly voice rang out from behind him. “The guy has been fully mechanized and is ready for tuning.”

“That's perfect. Then we can move on to the main show.” The Lady spoke, smiling at Justin for the first time, though that didn't exactly comfort him. “Tell me, do you like girls with short hair or with long hair better?”

*Click* “I like short haired girls better, Mistress.” Justin let out, losing control of his mouth the moment he heard the clicking sound again. Was someone turning that wind up key on his back…?

“Then It’s time to show you what happens when your entire body is made out of servitude metal. Fresh servant: Grow out your hair!” Lady Cathrin commanded, making Justin wimper for a moment. But nothing happened.

*Click* Suddenly his hair surged out of his head, growing in an instant to around his shoulders, which just caught Justin completely off guard.

*Click* Again, getting another boost to his middle back.

*Click* To his lower back. *Click* Below his ass. *Click* Just above his knees.

*Click* And when his hair became so long that it reached below his kneecaps, he felt like the key on his back was finally let go of.

“Stop this! What are you doing to me…?”

“I take no orders from servants. Especially not from a male servant. Now get rid of that useless junk and turn into a beautiful girl, so that you are worth looking at.” The attempt of speaking was immediately shot down by the Lady, who also gave her next command in the same breath. Justin could feel hands reaching for his windup key again…

*Click* Justin felt a distinct pulling force down below, which made him want to reach for his manhood. Yet he still couldn't move his metal body all that well.

*Click* He felt his dick shrinking to half its original size, while at the same time dents started to appear on his chest.

*Click* One fourth original size, dents becoming bigger while his hips expanded.

*Click* Barely visible, his balls were completely gone, while his face now looked a lot rounder.

*Click, Click, Clack* With a hefty turn of the key, a hole opened up down below. Except for his clothes, there was nothing male about him anymore. From his face to his actual organ (if she could even call it that) down below, everything he had definitely belonged to the fairer sex now.

“Please… I don’t want to…”

“Speak only when I want you too!” The lady commanded at the metal girls pleas.

And with a *Click*, she was unable to let out a sound from then on out.

“You shall always smile at your job and move in a dignified manner!”

*Click* Justin's facial muscles responded to the call, forming a big smile on her face that she couldn't lift with her own power while the rest of her body adjusted her pose. There was no slouching anymore, only standing with her chest held high.

“Also you need proper clothes. Let's go with uniform Nr. 3.”

*Click* Suddenly Justin could feel her clothes moving around her body on their own.

*Click* It formed itself into a red top that showed much of her not impressive cleavage.

*Click* And a skirt that ended just below her butt.

*Click, Click, Click* And with a few more turns of the key, a headdress, stockings and very high heels appeared around her body for Justin to wear.

“Is the servant now ready, mistress?” Asked a voice behind Justin.

“No. No, this brat was very rude to me, so I feel like giving him a bit more assets so she feels properly punished for her crimes of insulting me. Blow up her chest and ass and dont stop turning that key until I say so.”

“Yes, Mistress!”

*Click* Justin gulped behind her smile, her behind and chest suddenly feeling very tingly.

*Click* Her nipples were definitely further out than before.

*Click* Her ass felt a lot heavier as well.

*Click* She could feel the fabric of her clothes getting stretched to their limits.

*Click* When she looked down, she could already no longer see her stomach.

*Click* Her ass expanding caused it to jiggle so much that it made her blush.

*Click* The melons on her chest started to surpass the size of her head.

*Click* And her jiggly ass was even larger than them.

“Alright, stop.” The lady commanded and the hands were immediately lifted from Justin's key. Though that didn't make her feel any less disproportionate at all, as she still had breasts larger than her head and a jiggly ass that stood out way too far behind her. And as much as she wanted to protest or complain, all she could do was look at the Lady and smile.

“Hopefully that makes you think twice about insulting the lady of machines next time. Not that there is a next time for you.” Lady Cathrin spoke walking behind Justin as she grabbed ahold of her key personally. “Let’s see: Tuning complete. Register name: Justine. Its close enough to your real one, right~? Activating free roam mode.”

*Click* Suddenly all of Justine*s muscles sprang into action, like she was finally in control of her actions again. Though it seemed like she couldnt move 100% the way she wanted. Her body moved awfully stiff, like she was forced to push her chest and ass as far out as possible with every move and whenever she wanted to run away or in any way hurt her mistress, she just couldn't move at all.

And for some weird reason, she couldn’t even think of herself as anything other than Justine, nor could she address her mistress as anything other than… well… mistress.

“Now follow me, my new servant.” Mistress commanded so her body followed closely behind her, looking prim and proper, and with a smile on her face all against her will.

“I don’t think I can guarantee you being able to just ‘drop out whenever you want’, but I can tell you one thing.” Mistress said, looking at the stiffly smiling justine next to her. “I promise that you will always have something to do as my personal attendant~”

Now hiring new servants. Male or female (because it won't matter in the end). Any skillset (don’t worry, we will infuse everything you need into your head soon enough). Flexible work times and employment duration. And generous payout. All you need to do is ask. Join us today, in Lady Cathrin’s legendary mansion.

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