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Warden sighed as lounged back in his seat as he rapidly typed away on the computer in front of him. Occasionally he looked up, making sure that there wasn’t anyone that might need his help. For a good while now, he had been working in a Library and absolutely loved his job. After all, who would fault him for writing stories in a treasure trove of books?

It only took a moment to know that there was no one who needed his attention, so he went straight back to typing away on his computer, humming a tune as he did. All of those scenes… they just kept coming straight to his mind as if he was watching them on a wide screen Tv. And even if his mind was still set in the work mode, he had managed to still write page after page in this perfect environment for a writer.

Also the whole situation was just relaxed enough that all the words he wanted to express came to him easily.

Another thing he loved about working the night shift at the library was how there were fewer people around in general, which he knew would mean that his writing sessions will be interrupted only on rare occasions. And going off his past experiences, this would be another easy night again.

Almost no other person was in the library at this hour anyways. The computers were mostly devoid of people and the rest of the library didn’t fare much better. For all intents and purposes Warden wasn’t planning on staying here for much longer as well, since at 9pm he was going to lock up this place anyways.

He pretty much only had to hold out for another 45 minutes, and then he would be able to go home, get a nice shower, and enjoy his new game, feeling proud of how much he was able to bring to paper today. And only because he happened to get the better shift today, what a lucky Warden he was~

“Welp, I managed to write everything I set out to write today. Maybe I should just start something new and fun in these last few minutes?” Warden muttered, tapping his fingers against the side of his keyboard, slightly bored when suddenly…

“Oh? You are a writer too?” A voice asked, startling Warden. He was sure that he had only looked away for a moment, but somehow a young woman with long blue hair was suddenly standing in front of him at the counter, looking at him curiously. How the hell did he not notice her approaching?

“Uhm, yes, but more as a hobby. Can I help you, miss?” Warden politely replied, trying his best so that she couldn’t tell that he was caught off guard. Though he had a feeling that she was already well aware of this fact anyways.

“Ah… Yes. My friend Hiros recommended a manga with the name ‘Monster musume’. So I came here to rent it for a while.” The girl said with a slight blush on her face, while her four tails wagged around excitedly.

…wait a second. Four tails?!? And fox tails at that!

Nah, not really notable enough to make a fuss about it. After all, Warden has watched a lot more people that were much weirder than that enter and exit this library here in florida. It was best just to be polite to her.

“Oh, you know Hiros? What a coincidence! As it turns out he is quite the good friend of mine as well.” Warden laughed, making the eyes of the foxgril go wide.

“Wait, really?” The girl let out, her shocked expression slowly forming into a very cute smile. “Wow~ It's nice to meet you. I am Marie, one of Hiros’ friends.”

“Same here. The name’s Warden. That's a good choice in manga Hiros left you with there.” Warden nodded approvingly. “As a matter of fact I was just writing on a story in that universe as well~”

“For real?” Marie’s tails started to wag even more excitedly than before, making warden giggle at how cute she looked at trying her best to get them under control. “May I see?”


“Huh?” Marie let out when she excitedly leaned forward to look over his counter, which somehow seemed to have caused a soft metallic sound to echo through the almost empty library. Marie blinked a few times, before her face suddenly became very pale and she reached for her purse that she had just inadvertently flung against the counter. “Uhm… surely nothing broke just now, right…?”

“Is everything okay…?” Warden could just sit and ask as Marie pulled what looked like an electronic book out from her purse, which, for whatever reason, seemed to give out mini sparks every now and then.

Warden could only stare at the broken device, not sure what to do about it at first. He wasn’t one of the technical members, but even he was he knew that trying to fix this was well out of his capabilities. Still he refused to look incompetent in front of the cute fox girl.

“Ehh mind if I see it?” Warden questioned.

“Eh? Uhm… No? I don’t think that would be a problem…?” Marie hesitantly said, making him not sure if she even saw the flying sparks of the machine as she handed the thing to him. “It’s just a simple invention I was working on… Nothing special.”

“Were you hoping that you would be able to read it off this? We do have various apps that allow a person to read stuff on, maybe we could download one of them despite its current state. Or if you would prefer I could see if we had any physical copies?” Warden questioned as he looked at the device making sure that he wouldn't be too close if the thing sparked again. He looked at the screen wondering if he would be able to make out anything on it in the state that it's in.

“Nonono!” Marie hastily shook her head and arms. “Nothing of that sort. I was just trying to make a machine that could make my reading experiences more realistic. It’s still a work in progress though.”

“More realistic? You mean with text to speech features or something?” Warden asked and pressed a few buttons on the device, when suddenly the display started to glow as well as sparks started to fly out in every direction even harder. “Eh?”

“Huh? That's not supposed to…” was all Marie could say before a mighty lightning hit Warden straight in the chest and then chained onto his computer. Warden felt like the lightning was tearing him apart at first, but then it more so felt like it was pulling him towards the compüuter… really really hard.

And as the lightning dissipated and Marie stopped covering her eyes, Warden was gone… and so was his computer. Panic started to fill Marie's eyes shortly after that. How was she supposed to explain that to Hiros…?

“Ooof!” Warden cried as he suddenly landed on his keister. The young man winced in pain for a moment. “That’s what I get for trying to act like I know what I’m doing.”

The cold air suddenly came over him and something told him that it wasn't coming from an AC unit. Warden opened his eyes and realized that he was sitting on hard concrete instead of floor tile. He looked around and to his shock he saw large skyscrapers and a bright blue sky, though from his point of view it looked more like he was sitting in a park than in the middle of a city.

“What the hell? Where am I?” Warden gaped, as he pulled out his phone and saw that he wasn’t getting a signal. “Oh you gotta be kidding me, how could this have… Oh, shut up Warden. You should have known getting isekaied was on the table when you saw a fox girl come up to you, no matter how cute she was.”

‘It was then that the clueless boy truly realized that he had lost sight of the mysterious girl completely, even though her non-human body should have made her stand out from the crowd like a sore thumb.’

“Huh? Did I just hear something?” Warden asked himself, feeling certain that a voice just rang out in his head. He was sure that he had heard or at least seen that sentence before, but when he tried to recall what it had said, it completely slipped out of his mind and left no trace behind. Now he wasn’t even sure if he did hear anything at all in the first place.

‘The boy picked up the pace as he walked through the park, making sure to check every direction thoroughly. She couldn’t have gotten that far, right? At least the boy thought so. But he couldn't wait. After all, he still held her bunny suit ears in his hands and needed to give them back.’

Warden didn’t even fully realize when he had started walking through the park, but that was what he was doing now. There was this little feeling in the back of his head that he had just heard a voice again, but all recollections regarding it were wiped away clean in a matter of seconds. All that really remained with him were the bunny ears he was carrying and the fact that he needed to return them to the fox girl Marie.

“Seriously, why am I holding onto these dang bunny ears? When I don't even know where I’m going?” Warden muttered. He couldn’t say for sure why he was, just that he couldn’t. That he had to for a reason. “Probably more of the weird isekai magic. Explains just about everything else in my life.”

He reached the end of the park and saw to his shock a monster girl. A blue lamia with black hair and blue marking slither by. There was another girl, this one with a serpent tail and a pair of wings. Everywhere he looked there was a monster girl of another species walking around. None of the people seemed to pay them even a moment’s thought as if they were an everyday thing.

“What. The. Fuck,” Warden gaped, staring at the various monstrous people that passed him by.

Yet the sight of all those extra species girls didn't faze him in the slightest. Most guys would not have been able to contain their stares when faced with girls that extraordinary, but with him being basically surrounded by extra species on a daily basis, it obviously didn’t faze him at all. Though that zombie he spotted out of the corner of his eyes seemed familiar, making him want to take a closer look at it.

He couldn’t understand for a moment why he had been so shocked. Monster species were an everyday thing ever since they revealed themselves to the world. They had even taken to living in the same houses as normal people due to the housing thing. He couldn’t recall the official name, but it didn’t matter.

“Why do I feel like I have seen her before?” Warden muttered. He stepped closer. There was something about her appearance that struck a chord with him, as if he had seen her on a show or something, but still, he couldn't place it. “Wasn’t she in some pictures or something?”

The more he stared at her, the more her appearance gnawed at his mind. It was on the tip of his mind, but the more that he tried to think about it, the further away the answer seemed to be. He sighed and dropped his line of thinking. “Ok, I kinda lost it completely. Maybe talking to her will refresh my memory.”

The boy made his way over the familiar Zombie girl, though his steps weren't as uneventful as he might have thought. With the first step he took, a ripple went through his body, shaking him to the core. To him, it felt like a small cold shower, but in actuality his body had just shed itself of all of its unnecessary body hair.

His skin also got a bit of a treatment, as with every subsequent step it started becoming softer and also to rid itself of all scars and similar, just to seemingly make his skin as perfect as possible. And as before, the boy naturally noticed nothing that was happening to him, even when complexion looked completely different by the time he reached the zombie girl.

“Excuse me, could I ask you a question?” Warden asked the girl. “Have you seen a girl that was missing some bunny ears? I don’t know where to find her.”

“Oh? That’s definitely a question I have never been asked before.” the zombie returned, somewhat smiling before thinking a little bit. “Don’t think I have seen one though. Kinda surprised you didn’t see her with how tall you are and everything. You practically have a birdseye view from just standing upright, right~?”

At her question the boy's body shivered briefly, though he really couldn’t think of a reason why. To avoid embarrassing himself, he tried to keep his eyes on Zombina, for which he quickly noticed something quite odd.

He had never been very tall, so it wasn’t really a surprise to him that a girl like Zombina was about his height. But suddenly that seemed to change, as more and more he needed to look down on the zombie, like he had suddenly become taller than before.

And indeed that was happening to him, his body starting to grow at a rate that no one had ever seen before. Within seconds he reached his dream height of 1,9 meters, but his body just kept going. He shot past 2 meters, past 2,25 meters and finally his body settled at an astounding 2,5 meters, almost a full meter taller than he was before.

And yet, the young man really couldn’t see anything wrong with this…

Warden pulled on his pants, wincing at the tightness that they had. He wished that he had worn something a little looser and more comfortable. It had made getting through the workday a real challenge. Zombina noticed the issues Warden was having and chuckled, earning a questioning look from him.

“What?” Warden questioned, wondering what was so funny.

“Just admiring that lower body of yours, and wondering what type of pants you got on you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Because with that lower body of yours it's a wonder those pants of yours are still on. Seriously, those wide hips of yours, that dump truck of an ass, and those thicc thighs you could suffocate someone with ease.”

Just like before, lightning immediately shot through his lower half, making him shimmy in place briefly. It felt to him like an invisible air pump had been connected to his thighs and started pumping the thickness Zombina promised into his lower half.

So like balloons that inflate when they are connected to a pump like that, so too did his thighs increase in volume to an almost painful degree. Whatever muscles might have been visible to the naked eye in his legs were now completely covered by thick and even layer of fat that made his legs quickly feel squishy and soft, and thanks to his massive size, looked like they were designed to be perfectly suited for lappillows.

Though his thighs weren’t the only things that decided to grow at Zombinas suggestion, because his hips also started to widen to accommodate his ass cheeks that were inflating even more brutal than his thighs were. Forget needing a pillow to sit comfortably on chairs, his ass was like two massive pillows that he was swinging around with every step he took from now on. And that is not even mentioning the hips that were easily wider than his shoulders could ever hope to be.

With that once again Zombina’s words had come true and the boy now gained the perfect lower body of sexy woman, and all with being non the wiser…

“Well you definitely got the right thicc body. Not only curves, but you also pack a lot of good muscle,” Zombina said and prodded his arms. “Could probably squish a melon with your biceps alone. That broad chest of yours only helps show off how strong you are.”

“I was just…uhhh born like this. My body developed naturally,” Warden replied, his face darkening somewhat as Zombina continued to prod his body.

And with that the Zombie had triggered another wave of changes in the boy, though this time across his entire body. Though his arms were definitely affected first, growing a bit smaller and more delicate before the muscles in them started to inflate like crazy, even bulging a bit through the sweet layer of fat that had appeared on his otherwise soft arms.

It wasn’t long until his shoulders started to narrow, which made the difference in size between his shoulders and hips even more extreme. Likewise his waist also seemed to have run through an invisible squeeze maschine, shrinking until it was even tighter than it was when his height wasn’t nearly as big.

Despite all of this his muscles seemingly didn’t seem to care how his body had changed or why, they just wanted to grow, grow and grow further. He surely became a bit stronger when he grew in size, but that was nothing compared to how much stronger he got in the last few seconds. It was clear as day to him now that if he really wanted to, he could pick up a vending machine and throw it effortlessly, though even though he had a feeling that that wasn’t always the case, he couldn’t put his finger on why.

“Makes me want to ask… Hey, you have a boyfriend?”

“No, I don’t,” Warden questioned, a little weirded out by the question.

“Damn shame since you’re a pretty girl, most guys would love to have a beautiful woman like you around. Well, guess that means there are going to be some hopeful lucky men out there. Not to mention those honkers of yours. I work with an ogre girl, and she’s huge, but you look like you might be even bigger than her. Might need to introduce that to her. She would like to have another big girl around.”

“That…that would be lovely,” Warden smiled.

“Wups~ Went a bit of topic there. Could you hand me those ears real quick? I think I have seen them before…” Zombina suddenly said, though it was already too late for Warden. As he handed the accessory to the zombie, she could feel something happening to her body again…

This time he could instantly feel a fire of horniness burning directly in his most private area, making the boy not only wince but also shoot his hands toward the burning hot spot. Before his hands could even reach the place, his dick was already melting away, which took the boy everything he had to not start moaning in front of the Zombie lady.

Already having reached half the size than it was before, his manhood just continued becoming smaller, which subsequently and thankfully at least made his thighs feel more comfortable, as now his dick wasn't squeezed between them so badly anymore. And with a soft ‘plop’ his dick disappeared and at the same time a very feminine hole opened up in its place, which the boy immediately almost continued to explore due to his still lingering hornyness.

Though the thought of checking out the fresh girl's new womanhood didn’t stay for long as her nipples started to act up, becoming hard as the arousal clearly shifted to focus on her chest instead. Within moments, bulges started to appear on the somewhat confused girl's chest, pushing the shirt forward as they expanded beneath her clothes.

A-cups were quickly left behind as the mounds reached into greater heights, and so were B and C-cups. They just continued to expand throughout the alphabet, making the girl give everything not to moan while the Zombie just wore a big grin on her face. D-cup, E-cup… Finally, when they reached a ridiculous size of around an F-cup, they slowed down with their growth as well as the pleasure, which at that point, the girl really needed.

Yet even when she felt the sheer weight her massive mammaries now held, she couldn't point her finger on why she got so horny all of a sudden. And even the memory of if she even was horny a second ago seemed to slip out of her head faster than she thought.

“Alright since you said that you’re looking for the casino. It's in that direction,” Zombina said, pointing to her right.

“Alright thanks!” Warden smiled.

“Take care, you sexy oni butt!” Zombina chuckled, but Warden paid it little mind.

“Thanks, take care too, zombie booty!”

And with that, the girl was on her way again, running, though her steps were way heavier than they had been before. She had a goal, though that goal seemed a bit blurry to her. She was trying to give the bunny ears back to a girl in a bunny suit, right? Of course that was it, what else?

With renewed resolve the super tall girl went back to running down the street, each step shaking her entire body like a shockwave. And with every shockwave, her face started to shift a tiny amount, just minor things like her cheekbones rising or her nose shrinking. Her eyes grew a bit in size as well, but the most drastic thing was that with every step her hair started to grow out, so that it picked up quite a bit of speed as she began to run even faster.

As her hair started to reach to her butt, it started to shift in color, quickly turning into a deep and messy blonde hairdo. For some reason, she quickly realized that she was pretty proud of it, even if maintaining it was a pain sometimes.

And as her throughs went to her hair, she once again failed to notice the next change affecting her body, even if it was happening exactly on her head as well. A hard oni-horn sprouted from the center of her forehead, pushing her hair aside as it grew harder and longer than her hands. At the same time her ears seemed like they were pulled aside by an outside force, growing in length as they became pointy and surprisingly elf like.

The girl even paused as she reached the front entrance of the casino and quickly felt over her face to check up on something. And she just couldn’t find anything wrong. Her horn was as big as usual, her pointy ears also seemed normal, and even her face wasn't that different from what she remembered… All in all, she just was the exact same Oni she had always been. So she just shook her head and opened the door to enter the casino…

“Welcome to the Bunny playboy casino~ How can I help you?” The clerk immediately beamed at Warden with a who had to remind himself of why she was here.

“Yes, I am here to… uhm… return these bunny ears… I think?” Warden stuttered, suddenly not so sure about her situation anymore. But regardless, she held out the accessory for the clerk to examine.

“Ah, yes. You must be the new employee. I should have seen it from your amazing body the moment you walked in. Duh~” The clerc quickly stood up, which made Warden see that the girl in front of her wasn’t human herself, but a real bunny girl with white furry legs. Which probably meant that the bunny ears on the top of her head were most likely real.

The girl hopped over the counter, landing in front of Warden to look up to her sheer size, before shrugging her shoulders. “...I am sure enough men are into that. Follow me~”

The oni was a bit caught of guard by the slightly hyperactive bunny girl, but ultimately decided to follow her regardless. She had the distinct advantage that even if the bunny girl was clearly hurrying along, witch her own long legs she could easily keep up while walking. But she had the disadvantage that once again this weird feeling of change washed over her body once again.

This time, it seemingly wasn’t aimed at her body, but at her clothes instead. It was like her shirt suddenly started to liquify a bit, flowing around her body as its color changed from a brown to a shining red. It also seemed to change material on the way, becoming a much tighter and shinier latex as the material moved away from her chest area and arms to give everyone a nice few of her goods without showing too much.Her pants also grew a lot lighter and even started to get ever so slightly see through, turning it into a pantyhose that connected itself to her upper wear.

Almost on instinct, the oni placed the bunny ears on the top of her head, which she realized just a moment to late and could feel her mind getting whirled up like a tornado had just appeared and started to blow through.

Her old name, whatever it was, was blown away under the new memories of her yearlong training of pleasing human man. The way she walked also quickly adjusted, her training kicking in and causing her to voluntarily shake her butt a lot more with each step, as well as making sure that her chest bounced way, way more freely.

Her head was suddenly filled with the joy of seducing humans, capitalizing heavily on their fetishes and making sure they feel as comfortable and well taken care of as possible, just that they stay for that much longer. And every minute they stay is another minute the casino makes more money. And more money for the casino means more money for her.

And Kala LOVES making money.


Hiros sighed as he wandered through the city, following Nagisa and Marie. Warden had been mysteriously quiet, and hadn’t continued his usual posting. He had expected that something had happened to him and when Marie approached him timidly, Hiros suspicions were confirmed.

So the three of them walked down the street of a world they have never been to before. Well mostly, because who knew where Nagisa had been to before. In any case, they were now strolling through the world of Monster Musume since that was the story Warden had been writing and subsequently was sucked into, according to Marie. Hiros obviously was delighted to visit a world that was famous for their monster girls, but he also knew that he was pretty much only here to save his good friend.

"This is where he is?” Hiros said, surprised when they entered a casino of all places. Marie just slowly nodded and gulped. “I took the liberty to read through the story he was writing. It was about a boy that went into a casino and… well…”

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Hiros said, stepping into the casino with no fear at all. Though Marie was a bit hesitant and whispered. "That's the thing..."

“Hiya! Welcome to Bunny playboy casino! Where the wins are hot and the girls are hotter~ How can I serve ya~” They all turned and saw Kala sitting on top of an unused poker table. She had a bottle of wine in hand and looked at them with a cheeky grin. “I’ll help you all set up in a minute, let me just finish drinking this.”

“Yeah…That’s…him,” Marie gulped, causing Nagisa to instantly break into laughter for a little bit. “Oh boy, you really did a number on him, didn’t you?”

“You know, it kinda suits him. How about we stay a bit? I really enjoy the view here~” Hiros giggled, his eyes clearly fixated on the massive puppies of the Oni girl in front of him. And when she noticed, her smile also got bigger as she leaned forward and said. “I am happy to serve you, dearest customers~”

I heard that a good pal of Hiros met Marie recently and they found some common ground to talk with each other. Apparently it was about his monster musume story. I just hope Warden didn’t go too deep into his story, cause who knows what might happen…


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