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“So we managed to get out in one piece.” Hiros laughed as the two of them left the park.

“Yup. Sorry about that…” Marie laughed weakly, though internally she was kinda down.

Their attempt at leaving really showed how badly Marie had messed up with that experiment. The moment they stepped on a flower, and there were a lot of flowers after this event, the moment either of them stepped on a single flower, because of their underground root network, every single Alraune all across the park turned to look at them. And what followed was a mixture of a dream and a nightmare.

The Alraunes didn’t complain, instead instantly recognizing Marie as a goddess and dashed towards her like curious tourists as fast as their roots could take them to take a look up close at the blue tailed kitsune. They praised her as ‘the savior of the park’ and ‘goddess of the world’ or what not, which very quickly made her eyes spin.

And then those girls actively started to flirt with her. Listen, Marie could appreciate a good set of boobs as much as the next girl, but she was currently on a date with like the one person she absolutely wanted to go on a date with. She will not succumb to yuri on a day like thiiiiiiiiiisss!

Anyways, after a bit of fumbling on Marie's part and a well played statement of Hiros that might have caused some massive pant Yuri action by itself, but at least it created the opportunity to get away. And so they did, choosing not to look back at the interesting sounds that were coming from behind them. And when they finally got out, they couldn’t help but laugh with each other for how absurd that situation had become.

“Oh well, there are worse fates than being surrounded by beautiful flowers on all sides~” Hiros giggled, giving Marie a wide smile.

“Hope you weren’t looking at the others too much. Their boobs might be impressive but my hips are killer~” Marie replied, flinging her hips forward in an attempt to try and muster the same level of sass Hiros usually spoke with. And Hiros clearly enjoyed that reply.

“Excuse me, you two. Could I speak to you for a moment?” A female voice rang out to the two of them, making them turn to look at tall and very busty redheaded dragoness that stepped towards them. “The name is officer Celeste, I am with the royal guard. We were called because of the pretty obvious openly sexual Alraune gathering, that is clearly not child friendly and therefor needs to be disbanded. Do you mind answering a few questions since you two clearly escaped from the midst of the Alraune madness?”

“Uhm… yes…uhh…” Marie stumbled over her words. She expected many things, but not that the royal guards would show up. And especially not that someone as powerful as Celeste… Wait… Celeste?

“Uhm, hi Celeste. Do you remember me? I am Marie Arabi, from the ‘Monline tech’ company? We worked together in the name of the Queen twice already.” Marie said, hoping for the best that the two of them could get out of trouble without needing to answer too many questions.

“Oh! Wow! How did I not notice your signature four blue-black tails?!?” Celeste suddenly beamed, her face immediately lighting up as soon as she came to that realization. “That casual dress really makes you look like a totally different girl, and not in a bad way at all. What were you up two in that… uhm… flowerfield of lewdness?”

Marie sighed, knowing that she had to tell the truth to some degree at least. Celeste was insanely good at snuffing out lies, so it was best to just tell her the truth in simple terms that were easy to misinterpret.

“Uhm…May I introduce you to Hiros? He is my date for today.” Marie said, gesturing to the man beside her which made Celestes eyes instantly go wide. “It’s a pleasure, officer Celeste.” Hiros politely added.

“Oh wow, the feeling is mutual.” Celeste responded, clearly taken aback by that fact. Was it so unrealistic that Marie was going on a date with a guy?

“Okay… I guess that means that you two were…” Celeste started and Marie nodded at her and gave her a bit of a pained smile. “We were taking a picnic break and wanted to enjoy the fresh air and flowers, but when they showed up, we just had to dive out of the park.”

“Say no more, I understand the situation perfectly.” Celeste announced, patting her humongous chest to make it bounce surprisingly much.

Also, no. No you don’t.

“Then I’ll take this situation from here with my squad. You two enjoy yourself. Sorry to keep you~” She chimed and started running into the park, waving at them wildly as she dashed off.

“Was great talking to you again!” Marie shouted back, giving her a small wave as well, as the dragoness disappeared into the park, which was more like a glorified flowerfield now. She then turned back at Hiros with a confused smile on her face. “I think I got us out of trouble.”

“That you did~ Good job~” Hiros laughed, which immediately brightened Marie’s mood again. And her tails began to waggle wildly again once he took a hold of her hand with his own afterwards.

It was such a small gesture, minimal effort, but it made Marie's world just a little bit brighter every time she got to hold Hiros’ hand.

“Where to next?” He asked with a smile on his face.

“Are you feeling hungry? Cause I reserved seats in a great restaurant I like a lot. We still have like 30 minutes, but we can take our time so that we aren't early.” She suggested, to which Hiros nodded. And thus, both of them went on their way, with Marie leading the way hand in hand.

The two of them arrived in the ‘bronze hand’, the restaurant Marie reserved places in, a bit too early, but it was no issue. The waiter gladly showed them to their table, a nice place towards the rear of the building with a good view into the city, a ceiling fan to counter the somewhat hot weather and romantic lighting, which was the perfect condition for a date.

“Fancy place.” Hiros let out as he took a seat and thanked the waiter who had given him the menu.

“I think the more accurate word would be ‘traditional’. But still no doubt my favorite restaurant in the entirety of Littara.” She replied, also nodding thankingly to the waiter, who flashed a smile at Marie really quickly, before excusing himself and hurrying off to another table.

“It's quiet, usually not too crowded, and has the best steak burgers the world has ever seen.” Marie continued, ending with a big smile. “What can I say? I am a foxy girl. I need my meat to function~”

“There was never any doubt in my mind.” Hiros laughed, starting the dinner moment on a very high note.

And to be real, Marie was once again frightened how well everything was going. They ordered food, received their respective burgers only a few minutes later, which went by in a jiffy with how much fun those two had talking to each other. Getting to know each other's worlds, their differences and similarities was fascinating, but also getting to know Hiros a bit closer was something Marie just enjoyed very much.

“Very well, shall we start?” Hiros asked, pointing at the burgers in front of them, which actually reminded Marie of something. She actually had another product in her purse which she planned to have used at this very moment, but…

“Uhm…actually…” Marie stuttered, her tails stopping in their tracks and her ears falling low. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small paper container and showed it to Hiros in front of her.

“To be honest, I have been working on a new way to produce spices as well and wanted to share some of it with you as well. But considering how well my last few experiments went I actually don’t think that it's a good idea anymore…” She sighed, clearly discouraged by the events that happened prior that day.

“Hey, listen Marie…” Hiros spoke, slowly and clearly, reaching with his hands towards hers across the table. “I know how hard you work and how excited you were to come with me here today. Nothing can ruin this day anymore, it already was so fun that I will remember it for a very long time. Now, how about you give me that spice and let me test how great the fruits of your work are.”

“Uhm… uuu~” Marie was blushing. This was bad. What the heck! She didn’t at all expect Hiros to just say something like that out of the blue. She needed to cool off. She should just… “Ah… Sorry, i just need to head to the bathroom real quiiiiaaahHHH~”


Marie tripped as she stood up too quickly, falling flat on her face right in front of the shocked looking Hiros.

Yep. That's it. She officially messed up. Marie must have looked so stupid right now. Maybe she should just continue to lie where she was and hope she would disappear…



“W-What was that…?” Marie said, lifting her head to look around what could have caused a noise like that, until her spice paper container landed right next to her, completely ripped to shreds.

Oh no. She held the thing in her hand when she tripped, didn’t she? Did she just fling the paper filled with experimental spices straight into the ceiling? No, even worse, into the ceiling fan? That would certainly explain why the bag was ripped up so badly.

“Wait! That means…” Marie let out, trying to get on her paws as fast as she could, but the calamity had already happened. Thanks to the fan, the shimmering powder she brought with her was now quickly and evenly spread across the entire building, filling the restaurant with a thin, even coat of shimmering mist.

The untrained eye might not have been able to even spot what had happened, but Marie knew that disaster was likely to strike any second now. Especially since she could tell that the spice landed on practically every single food item and person in the entire restaurant by now.

Most of the patreons didn't really react to that thin layer of dust, while some at least brushed it off of their clothes and then continued with their food normally without giving it another thought. Though things wouldn’t remain normal for long as a couple eating that exquisitely made chicken Burger together began to change, making Marie gulp as her hunch had now been unfortunately confirmed.

One after another feathers started to grow on their arms, though they seemed to not mind, just continuing to eat even when their hands got larger and bulkier. Even when their fingers fused and nothing was left but two giant wings for arms, the didn’t stop. In fact, they seemed to enjoy their burger even more so.

Next their legs slowly but surely became scaled, growing thinner and lankier, though that didn’t mean that they were growing in size. In fact, the two of them were shrinking in size if anything, the man even more than the woman, until both were just a little bit smaller than the average person.

This the pair yelped in unison as new tail feathers bursted out from their pants just above their butt, yet both only giggled afterwards for letting out the same sound at the same time. While they were busy being even more lovey dovey than before, their clothing changed as well to be more open and free as their shirts lost their sleeves to make room for their new wings and their pants became shorter so as to not chafe their scaled feet.

And after their feet finished ripping their shoes apart with their new talons and both of their chest sizes increased just by a tiny bit, leaving them both with like B or C cups, the changes seemingly subsided. Now there were clearly only two female harpies sitting at a table flirting with each other.

Meanwhile at another table a woman that was eating some pork loin began gaining muscle mass at an astonishing rate. Her body as a whole started to increase in size as well while her arms and legs started to look ripped like that of an athlete in seconds. What also helped was that her skin just overall started becoming a lot darker, settling into a brown shade, though slightly inhuman shade.

Though most notably her lower canines suddenly became a lot larger, growin past her upper lips and looked like she was gaining a set of tusks which peeked out from her lips and helped her tear into her meal a bit easier with their sharp points.

She shimmied in her seat a bit, corrected her posture because now it was very clear that she was already over half a meter taller than she was a minute ago, which made the two harpies quickly look puny in comparison.

But growing so much came at a price, as her clothing almost ripped up completely, but thankfully finally also grew with her in size, then changed into a tank top and some fashionably ripped jeans to match with her new physique. Marie stared at the orc woman in shock for a while, but the now very tall and wild looking lady just continued to eat her meal in a very dignified manner, not really having slowed down since the start of her transformation. In fact, once again it didn’t even look like she noticed that anything was amiss.

At another table sat an office man who was enjoying quite a big steak in a way that made it seem like he had a long and hard day in the cubicle. But what caught Marie's eye was that he was clearly beginning to unknowingly grow fur under his suit, which already grew to the point where it stuck out from every opening of the suit it could find.

Just like the Orc woman his body was beginning to become larger, with his muscles beginning to bulge against his suit, straining it to seemingly impossible limits. However his height didn’t actually change all that much, probably because he already was quite a tall man to begin with.

Suddenly he almost knocked over his plate as his chest surged forward, growing through the Alphabet faster than one would be able to count them. A-cup, B-cup, C-cup, D-cup… The just wouldn't stop, which also was something that transforming man seemed to have issues with, since his plate was now constantly threatened by his growing badonkers.


Then with a somewhat suppressed “Mooo~” then man's hands shot towards his private parts, which because of his sudden and very powerful movement ripped his already strained suit right in the middle of his chest, which gave him a daring boobs window for his like E-cup breasts. Though after what had just happened it was hard to continue calling this victim a man as well.


Then followed her suit pants, ripping at the sides to reveal her thick and muscular bovine legs as well as the hooves she now sported at the end of them, since her shoes didn’t really stand a chance from the beginning.

But her clothes didn’t stay ripped for long, seemingly mending themselves according to the way they ripped apart. Her suit morphed into a blouse with just as much if not even more of a boobwindow, while her pants turned into a formal pencil skirt to match her top.

She briefly held her head like she had a headache, which was understandable, since there were clearly two bulgest forming on the top of her head. Just seconds later, two horns poked out of his head and continued to grow, while the rest of her face overall seemed to get a lot rounder and feminine than it was before.

And literally the only thing the woman had to say after going through all of that was that she would rather have an additional salad side dish to her meal.

And it wasn’t like those three tables were special or anything. There were people at like eight different tables, and while marie couldn’t quite remember how many of them were originally human, none of them were now. They were all either Harpies, Orcs or Minotaurs.

Defeated, Marie got up from the floor and looked back at Hiros. “I knew it. I messed up once again… WAIT!!!” Before her face contorted in horror.

“I wouldn't call it a failure. In fact, that seasoning of yours is pretty freaking good.” Hiros said, happily holding his burger in his hand and munching away at it. The dust was still in the air, clean over their entire table, but Hiros seemingly didn’t do anything besides brush it off a bit, despite him having clearly seen what happened to the other people around the restaurant.

Marie could do nothing but stare at him in disbelief as she braced herself for the worst to befall the man in front of her.

…but nothing happened. He ate half of his burger, then three quarters, then finished it, and all the while nothing of interest happened to his body. She just watched him thoroughly enjoy the burger without any major event, which was more than a little strange to her.

“Jup, I can see why you recommended this place. The burgers are amazing, the fries are awesome too and your spice really was the perfect cherry on top.” Hiros let out nodding in approval. “But I feel like you should start with your burger too before it gets cold.”

“I don’t understand…” The flabbergasted fox girl slid back into her chair and further stared at her date for a little bit, before turning her attention to her now only lukewarm burger and decided to take a bite as well.

It was good. Way better than she was already used to, which was unsurprising. She had tested that special spice many times before and had always been impressed with how much it added to other kinds of meals. But this burger… this lukewarm burger she ate in total disbelief… might be the single best thing she has ever eaten in her entire life.

As the two of them reached the entrance to the building of ‘Monline tech’ Marie let out a sigh. The entire time she could only think about one thing: How was today so perfect?

She messed up multiple times, should have ruined like every single attraction those two visited and yet… she wasn’t punished. Like at all.

She would have loved to just pin it on Nagisa and say “Oh, the mighty goddess of darkness and Chaos wanted the date between her apprentice and her own brother to go well and therefore watched over them.”, but that wasn’t it either.

Marie could tell Nagisa wasn’t here. She wasn’t anywhere near, didn’t use any of her powers to alter any events or influence anything at all. Just nothing. In fact, it didn’t even seem likely that Nagisa knew this date was even happening in the first place.

So the two just entered Marie's company building while holding a conversation that was honestly heartwarming for Marie.

“Today was a lot of fun. We visited so many places and did so many awesome things that I honestly have a hard time deciding what my favorite part was.” Hiros let out with a big smile on his face and patted her on her shoulder, which prompted a big smile out of her as well. And he then asked. “Did you have a highlight today?”

“The entire day was a highlight. I didn’t even know that a day can be so perfect when so many things seemingly go out of control.” Marie answered with an innocent and sweet voice, then opened up the door to her office while flashing Hiros a huge smile. “I am happy to say that I loved every second of it.”

As the two of them walked through her office and into the room right next to it, they saw the big and personalized Toori gate Marie always used to travel between worlds. The stepped a bit closer, then looked at each other.

“It’s a bit of a shame that we didn’t have time for you to tour me around your company, but I guess we'll just have to postpone that until next time.” Hiros smiled, putting his hands at his hips as if to tease her a bit.

“Yes, but I might need to warn my employees that someone prone to spontaneously turn into a 8 meter long, multi armed snake will be visiting.” Marie shot back, but with a much gentler smile. When Hiros suddenly…

“Fuwa~?!?” Was all the foxgirl could let out as Hiros hugged her out of nowhere and placed his hand on the top of Marie's head and patted her one last time for the day. And Marie, overflowing with happiness, just softly purred as she moved to hug her attacker back.

She wished they could stay like this for a good while longer, sadly time was running short. So Hiros let go of the fox girl and walked towards the gate, which Marie had activated to briefly connect their two world for a short while.

“I hope to see you again soon. At the very latest when Nagisa wants you to do something stupid again.” Hiros giggled, raising his hand to wave goodbye.

“Yeah, probably. But I do look forward to it. Until next time~” She said just as Hiros passed through the gate and disappeared without a trace. The portal then closed up shortly after, leaving the blue haired kitsune alone in the backroom of her office.

Though she wasn’t sad. Okay, maybe a little bit that it had to end, but she was just overall so happy that it didn’t matter. Her date, in her own opinion, was a full success on every level…

— Some time later —

“Hey Azalea, I need to speak with you for a moment.” An orange haired elf girl stepped into the lab where a certain fairy scientist was just working on what looked like a new potion. The fairy just turned around briefly and pulled up her goggles to look at her visitor briefly, before turning back to her craft.

“What does Nagisa’s new pet elf want from me at this hour?” Azalea let out slightly aggressively, though only because she didn’t really appreciate being interrupted in the middle of her work.

“PET?!? Excuse me? If anything, you two are my loose pets with how much I usually have to clean up after you.” The elf retorted, making Azalea giggle at her words. She then completely turned around and leaned against her table, seemingly giving the elf her entire attention.

"I mean… never mind.” The elf pulled back, shaking her head before continuing in a less emotional voice. “A bit ago there was a massive reality change in Codira in a single day. 63 people turned into Mermaids, 46 into Alraunes, and like under 10 people each into Harpies, Minotaurs and Orcs.”

“Pff, I've seen bigger changes. Why are you bringing this up to me?” Azalea answered with a smile, like she knew exactly how to take her opposition apart should she press the matter.

“Well, I do have my reasons.” The elf answered much to Azalea’s surprise. “I know that Marie was the cause of all those changes and also I stopped shaming you for your random whims of gods a long time ago. No, the reason I am here is because I detected a trace of a substance that I could track back into your lab. I know you have never been to Codira, so what was a potion of yours doing there?”

“How the hell should I know?” Azalea shrugged it off, no doubt answering honestly. But then continued while seemingly starting to think a bit more. “But I do know Hiros planned to go there and he had bought a potion off of me recently. The guy practically begged me to give him my strongest ‘transformation resistance’ boosting potion, so I had to sell it to him as a friend. That's most likely what you found.”

“Gotcha, makes sense. Thanks for telling me, your help is greatly appreciated, Azalea.” The Elf said, nodded to herself and walked towards the exit. “Now it's time to clean up the mess you made here. Why would you even turn people into… Ugh.. never mind.”

“More importantly, how the hell did you get into my house, Lauriel?!?” Azalea shouted after her and then the elf disappeared, making Azalea shrug, giggle to herself a bit and turn back to her work. After all, new potions don’t brew themselves, you know?

It's time for Marie's big date. With her having prepared for that day for months, surely nothing will go wrong, right?



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