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It was a regular Wednesday night, nothing special about it at all. At least, that's what it should have been. Hiros had just finished with all of his work for the day and was now on his way home. Everything should have been fine, if it wasn't for a message he received from Nagisa a bit earlier.

“Hey Hiros, I’ll be waiting in your room. Don’t take too long on your way home.”

A bit ominous, but hey, what else were you expecting from a goddess of darkness? Though he wasn't really worried about it, since Nagisa would just teleport to him if it was truly urgent. That thought was pretty much the moment Hiros decided to just go home, because seeing her in person was the easiest way of finding out what she really wanted from him.

So he gently opened the door… and saw Nagisa sitting on his bed, fiddling around with a little device in her hand. After giving him a brief glance, Nagisa sighed and put the device away, giving Hiros a stern look.

“What gives me the honor of having you visit today?” Hiros jokingly asked, though Nagisa’s face didn’t change in the slightest. She almost looked angry, which was something Hiros had never seen before.

“Oh Hiros, you have been living with these privileges for far too long.” Nagisa sighed and shook her head slowly, as the room suddenly started to fill with Nagisa’s trademarked dark mist. Completely confused, Hiros looked around the room, seeking for something that he might have missed.

“Uhm, Nagisa? What are you…?” Hiros asked, but…

“How about you cease your jabbering!” Nagisa hissed, blasting a huge wave of mist against Hiros, sending him flying against the closed door he just came from. It didn't hurt all that much, but now Hiros was shaking in his boots, barely able to move his mouth in a meaningful way.

Meanwhile Nagisa approached him slowly, each step giving off a more menacing aura than the last. Until she stood right in front of him. “You really are a fool. Seems like I have to remind you again where you stand compared to me.”

Suddenly she flicked her fingers against Hiros’ forehead, causing him to be flung even more backwards. There should have been a closed door behind him, but Nagisa seemingly opened up a dark portal behind him, which of course did nothing to slow down his momentum. And after a brief fall through what could only be described as pure nothingness, he landed on a floor, causing him to gag after the impact.

It was obvious that he was no longer at his home. He seemed to be on an old marveled platform surrounded by large pillars. There was nothing to see far and wide besides that and the night sky… and of course…

“Let me remind you that I am a goddess, and the goddess of darkness at that. No one addresses me this casually. NO ONE!” Nagisa shouted, sending out a shockwave that made Hiros entire body tremble. And the only question that floated through his head was: What did he do to piss her off this badly…?

“I am tired of always needing to do something extra for you. No, you don't want anything too lewd. No, you don't want this, or that. Gah! I am fed up with it! With all of it!” Nagisa suddenly trembled, her fists balled and her eyes closed. Then she opened up her eyes with a dark shadow covering her face menacingly.

“Today is the day where I put an end to this. To all of it!” Nagisa declared and suddenly seemingly started to grow in size, though that wasn't entirely true. Her legs fused together in one swift motion as red shimmering scales made their home along her new appendage. Then her lower body grew longer and longer until Nagisa was back in her Lamia form. And to top it all of her arms both split into two identical copies, giving her 4 arms in total.

“You are nothing compared to me, and I am more than willing to drill that into your head until you learn.” The goddess in lamia form hissed, emitting dark mist from all four of her hands and directing it at Hiros. “Just watch how easily your body bends to my whim. I only need to say ‘Girl’, and every trace of manliness in your body dissipates.”

Hiros wanted to disagree with her, but that was little more than wishful thinking. It all went so fast too. On her command, both Hiros hips and breasts inflated to feminine proportions, while his waist slimmed down dramatically as well. What little beard or body hair he held vanished in an instant, making it even more obvious that his skin started to become softer and cleaner too. Even his face wasn’t spared, turning his male features quickly into that of a cute girl.

And after a sudden slurping feeling down below, Hiros fell to his knees. She felt her new wet spot with her hands to make sure, but there was already no denying Hiros was of the fairer sex now. It was time to bust out her female name Hera again, since this wasn't actually his first time as a girl, although Nagisa never changed her so violently before…

“Listen Nagisa, I don’t know…” Hera attempted to calm her down, or just apologies for that matter, yet Nagisa just kept going.

“Oh how could I forget? You LOOOOOVE your monster girls oh so much, so who am I to keep you human? My mistake, let me rectify that.” Nagisa interrupted, seemingly not even listening to Hera anymore. “Hmm… I think you deserve to be in the form of a lesser succubus most. Just a painfully pathetic creature that is weak, horny and only really valuable as eye candy in every way. Let’s start by changing something nice and simple… like your ears. Make them long and pointy, will you? Oh, and don’t forget some cute horns on top~”

Another pulse of magic went through Hera’s body, making her suddenly feel hot and out of breath. She could feel something on her head changing, and it wasn't difficult to guess what, as it felt like her ears were being grabbed and dragged out to either side, while something hard pushed out from the sides of her head.

“Next let's go with the REAL succubus features. I don’t need to say anything further, right Mrs. Monster girl expert?” By this point Nagisa sounded like she was just flat out taunting, making Hera not exactly feel better about her situation.

Once again, Hera could feel new things sprouting from her body, making her shimmey uncomfortably. Two big bat-like wings grew from the middle of her back while a big blue tail with a spade-like tip grew from just above her ass. Just the sensation all of those new appendages provided were alien to say the least, yet somehow always felt pleasurable to a certain degree.

“Oh yeah, clothes! How could I forget?” Nagisa laughed and snapped her fingers, causing the entirety of Hera’s clothes to burst off her body and evaporate, only for dark mist to briefly cover her up. Slowly but surely red gloves started to form around her arms, as well as tights around her thick thighs and some high heeled boots. But when it came to her more private spots, only a very small bikini and the smallest of thongs appeared for coverage.

“Now, my little succubus~ It's time for you to get horny… Soooo horny…” Nagisa uttered and it was like a lightning struck Hera’s body in just that moment. Suddenly her chest started to itch while her lower region begged for attention, making her pant on the floor like a bitch in heat. Hera really only was only a few moments away from disregarding everything and just masturbating in front of Nagisa, but…

“Oh no, I don’t think so~” Nagisa waggled her finger and then pointed to the floor, making Hera fall on all fours uncontrollably. And for some reason, she couldn’t move her hands anymore, almost as if they were stuck to the ground beneath. She then tried to rub her breasts together with the sides of her arms, but nothing seemed to give her relief.

“Don’t you think it's funny how easily I can make you fall so low? In one moment you think you are an equal to a goddess and now you are on the floor panting like the bitch you are.” Nagisa continued to taunt, then giggled to herself. “You know what, you do deserve relief. But I doubt your filthy hands could even help you with a task that simple, so let me give you a new pair~”

Suddenly there was this pull feeling from her hair as before, but this time, much more concentrated. Hera could only watch in shock has the strands of her hair started to thicken and grow, slowly turning into the shapes of two hands made completely out of hair. And then they tore away what sorry excuse of a bikini she wore and slapped themself on her chest, then violently started to grow, pull, twist and play with her breast in every way imaginable. And with her limbs glued to the floor, she was completely unable to do anything other than being played with by her own body.

“N-Nagisa…! Please…! S-Stop… Ah~ S-Stop this…!” Hera moaned with all her might, hoping that that somehow would get her out of her pleasure hell. Yet Nagisa just responded coldly. “You still… Your constant begging is getting on my nerves. Try to continue your constant nagging when your tongue triples in size!”

“No… Bweh?” Suddenly Hera’s mouth seemed way smaller and tighter than she was used to and her tongue seemed to take up more space by the second. She just had enough time to swallow once, before the sheer size of her tongue forced her to stick it out of her mouth.

“Blagiba… Blu guh…” Hera rambled, but her tongue just betrayed her and her horniness made her situation unbearable. Now everything was truly hopeless. She couldn’t speak, or even control half of her body for that matter while constantly being in the worst horny heat imaginable and being further toyed by by the person she regarded as her sister until not so long ago. There was nothing she could do but be a plaything for Nagisa.

“Now then, your ‘new’ feminine organ seems to lack the love it deserves. How about we make it so that it is always thoroughly played with~?” Nagisa announced with great arm movements, causing Hera to briefly look at her with a sad glance, before wincing back at what the goddess was about to do to her next…


…nothing happened.

After a few seconds, her hair-arms stopped playing with her breasts and after a few seconds more the unquenchable horniness started to fade entirely. It wasn’t long until she could move her arms and legs again too, as well as manage to get her tongue back under control, making it obvious that it returned back to its original size.

But that only caused one question to solidify in Hera’s mind… What the hell just happened?

This was when Hera heard a soft sound from in front of her, one that she has never heard before yet somehow still felt familiar. In front of her stood the imposing Nagisa, her hands covering her eye and her head. And she was…


Nagisa fell to the ground, her snake tail coiling around her as she continued to cry right in front of Hera, a sight that even she had never seen before. It took Hera a few moments to figure out how best to approach the situation.

“I am sorry! I am sorry! I am truely, truly sorry!” Nagisa suddenly yelled, tears still flowing from her eyes. “I can’t do this anymore! I don’t want to do this ever again! Azalea, you win, okay?!? I give up! You hear me! I give uuup!”

“Nagisa!” Hera yelled, her voice sounding a lot more seductive than she intended, but that was probably just because she still was a succubus from Nagisa’s rampage. Knowing that Azalea was involved didn’t exactly give Hera a good feeling, but seeing Nagisa cry on the floor made it clear that something really, really important had just happened. And that it was time to play big brother for her… even though she was a girl right now.

"It's fine. I forgive you. It's fine.” Hera sang and hugged her crying sister that sat on the floor. And Nagisa hugged back, her tears clearly now a mix of joy and sadness. This was probably the most human Hera had ever seen Nagisa be.

Minutes went by where both didn't speak a word. Nagisa just cried while Hera gave her comfort. And when Nagisa’s tears finally ran dry, both of them released each other from their embrace again.

“Are you ready to tell me what just happened?” Hera asked quite bluntly, though both knew that she had a right to know what was going on. So Nagisa took a few big breaths, then put on a pained smile and started explaining.

“It was a bet with Azalea. Her egotistical view of the world was getting on my nerves, so I dared her to be selfless for once. She dared me to be recklessly evil towards my brother… towards you, as that would be more befitting of a goddess of chaos. So we made a bet, to whoever holds out longer. She, as a completely helpless obedient maid to Nick or me as an evil tyrant over you.”

“So you turned me into a succubus?” Hera asked, tilting her head.

“I did what felt right in the moment. Just the worst thing I could think of other than changing your mind.” Nagisa sighed, her head hanging low. “But the entire time I felt terrible. I am not selfish, nor am I evil. I don't want to see people suffer, I want to see them happy.”

“I couldn't help but think back… back to my… past self. People tormenting others just for fun, abusing their powers because they can… those are all things I swore to stop, in one way or another.” Nagisa balled her fists, all four of them, painfully tight. “I pretended like I didn't know you, which was the only way I could even muster the strength to raise my hand. But your pleads, your gaze, the hopelessness in your eyes… It broke me internally. I don’t want to be evil ever again…”

“Shhh~” Hera hushed, pressing Nagisa's head straight into her cleavage. “You don’t have too. It's all over. You have lost your bet and there is nothing we can change about that anymore. Do you want to go grab something to eat right now?”

“Something… to eat…?” Nagisa briefly looked at Hera blankly, before giggling to herself. “Yeah. Yeah, let's do that. I know of a place that is perfect for lamias and succubi alike~ It’s only a simple darkshift away~”

“Huh? You won't change us back?” Hera asked as Nagisa opened up a dark portal next to her as she got up from the floor.

“Nope~ We are staying this way until the end of the day~” Nagisa chimed, her voice filled with the usual confidence and mischief it always carried.

“...and you are sure that you don’t want to be evil anymore?” Hera asked, causing both to break into laughter. And they stepped through the portal… well… more like Nagisa slithered and Hera hovered with her wings through the portal, hand in hand, like true siblings would do.

The hour of truth is finally here. The dark goddess Nagisa decided to wait no longer and finally show her brother what she really thinks. No siblings love, just the pure truth.


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