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Nagisa wants to make a birthday surprise for Hiros, so she plans on taking him on an adventure through all sorts of worlds in order to show him how great and different those worlds can be. Though it seems like events are getting a bit unpredictable every time, even for a goddess like her…

“And you are sure that monster girls exist here?” Hiros asked, taking a look around the city that he and his divine sister had been strolling around for about an hour now. “Not that I mind a city tour for once, but you know me.”

As always after traveling through dimensions, Hiros didn’t really have a clue where he had landed and what the rules were in this place, but it looked like a very industrialized version of Japan. The sky was a bit more on the grayer side than he was used to, but that didn’t mean that the city wasn’t pretty otherwise.

Lots of food stands in parks and restaurants next to the streets, all the while lots and lots of people dressed in weird worker uniforms roamed the streets, seemingly being busy all the time. Granted that wasn't so far off to what he knew this Japan’s people were like, but the weird brown-red uniforms still threw him off.

“You are correct. It is strange.” Nagisa mumbled, closing her eyes and seemingly scanning the whole surrounding in her own special magical way. “This whole city… I can’t feel any magical being nearby at all, but the air definitely tells a different story. Monster girls do exist here. I just can’t seem to find them… most curious.”

“You know, we don't always need to find the…”

“I think I know where it is coming from!” Nagisa cried with a playful smirk. “It's a bit of a way there, but that shouldn't be an issue. It’s a different world and all, so we should visit some different sites as well as enjoy seeing everything that it has to offer, don't you agree?”

Before Hiros could say anything Nagisa used her dark powers and developed the two of them in darkness and mist. Hiros blinked when they suddenly arrived at what looked to be a nuclear power plant, which was something he definitely wasn't expecting. There was a bit of momentary confusion as he looked around, but it quickly became clear that he wasn't mistaken. This place looked like a mixture of a nuclear power plant and a fantasy portal to a different world, and the two of them were just on a catwalk over the entire thing.

“Ok this is unexpected, but cool looking,” Hiros commented. “Never thought I would enter a place like this.”

“Now that I have a look at it, this also wasn't what I expected to teleport to,” Nagisa admitted while taking a look around as well. “Is this a generator?”

“Seems like it. Do you know if we need to worry about radiation or anything? I want to see more of this place, but I don’t want to run the risk of growing another pair of eyes or arms unless I get boobs out of it.” Hiros asked jokingly, making Nagisa giggle.

“Of course not! There’s nothing harmful about this place, and if there was then you would be safe from it,” Nagisa explained.

“Hey! What are you doing here?!?” A man cried out, making the two of them jump. In hindsight it was unclear to Hiros why he expected that there’d be no workers around an active powerplant, but that didn't change the fact that he really didn't expect someone to just walz in on those two.

“Uhm… Hi, good sir. We came here to… uh…” Hiros struggled to come up with a good excuse on the spot, while Nagisa just looked at him with a smug look on her face. It didn't look like she planned to say something anytime soon, so Hiros knew he had to come up with something himself. “We came to sightsee this… powerplant…?”

“Sightsee? Powerplant? Are you crazy?” The man asked, completely losing it over there. It really seemed like it was an outrageous thing for the two of them to come here. It took him a while, but Hiros finally came up with a good response. “You are asking me if I am crazy? Who are you to talk to me, the great Hiros like that?”

“My name is Josh and I work here at this nuclear tower. I don’t care who you think you are, nobody is allowed to ‘sightsee’ in such a dangerous area!” Josh retorted and angrily pointed towards one end of the catwalk. “Now if you would please follow me, then I will escort you out of… MISS?!? WHAT ARE YOU…?!?”

He had every right to complain this time, as Nagisa had just climbed the fence of the catwalk and looked like she was about to take a step forward. And then she did, forming a cloud of darkness under her feet with every step she took, making her look like she was walking on thin air.

“That's way too dangerous! I'll save…” Josh screamed as he ran past Hiros, seemingly missing that Nagisa was floating and leaned over the guardrails, only to lose his balance and fall head first into the machinery down below. “..YOUUUUUUAAAAAAaaaaa!!!”


Both Hiros and Nagisa briefly looked at each other, before looking down into the reactor, only to see that despite there being a lot of mechanical parts all around, directly below them was actually something that resembled a flowing river.

Hiros put his hand on his forehead, took a deep breath and asked. “So? Why did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Float in midair so that the guy jumped after you.”

“I… might have forgotten that I was visible to other people… Tehe~ On the plus side, I have some good news and some bad news.”

“You are so… Nevermind. Is that guy still alive?”

“That is the good news.”

“Great. What is the bad news then?”

“I finally found out where the monster girls are.”

“How is that…”


An earthquake-inducing animalistic roar resounded through the halls, making Hiros shudder while Nagisa only managed to give off a pained smile. Hiros immediately turned to Nagisa again with an expression that said ‘What the hell have you done this time?’, though Nagisa didn’t respond with anything, just quietly pointing with her finger behind Hiros, which he immediately knew couldn't have meant a good thing.

So Hiros slowly turned around and braced himself for the worst…


Another roar shook the ground as the colossal figure of a woman started to appear out from the sea that the river was flowing into. She was already easily over 30 meters tall, still growing and definitely not human, as a reptilian like tails also peaked out from her behind, that was currently only like 5 meters long, but it was also still growing, even in proportion to the woman.

The skin around her arms and legs became a lot more scaly as thorn-like spikes started to grow along her entire back, all while her boobs and butt also grew a lot more pronounced, in case anyone had still doubts whether she was female or not.

Hiros couldn’t help but gawk in awe as the girl reached a size where she could easily see over the entire reactor into the city on the other side. And when his gaze looked up at the very angry looking monster girl in front of him, he noticed that if someone ever asked him what a monster girl version of godzilla looked like, he would point at this girl as the most accurate depiction.



“This is bad isn’t it?”

“...I am honestly not sure if I can stop her.”

“You are a freaking goddess.”

“I am not really powerful in this world. Also I am just tuckered out from yesterday.”

“Can you do anything?”

“I mean… Yes, but you will probably not like it…”


“Right back at you, you oversized lizard!”


A deafening sound rang out, as the hands of two titanic over 100 meter tall monster girls clashed, causing a shockwave of wind to fly out in all directions. Though that didn’t seem to be a big problem for the city, as they had a protective wall that stopped it rather well, but also caused an alarm siren to be triggered that could be heard even to the edge of the city. And above the reactor hovered Nagisa, watching the entire ordeal from a distance.

“I caught her!” Hera shouted, embracing the godzilla girl with her own humongous dragon-like wings. For the first time in her life she was actually glad to already have experience being as tall as a skyscraper and having claws for hands and giant wings. The other girl definitely didn’t have her body that well under control, which was a big advantage. “What now? Can you turn her back?”

“I am not sure. Can you knock her out?” Nagisa asked, not sounding all too sure herself. Hera, on the other hand, was not pleased with that response. “Nagisa! I am barely holding her back! How the hell am I supposed to knock her out?!?”


“Thanks. Don’t worry. I know that you are still here.” Hera answered jokingly, though stopped when he suddenly saw that a huge shadow was cast over them. “Huh?”


“Arg… uh…” Hera let out as an enormously sized harpy appeared behind her and kicked her in the back, causing her to lose her strength. Everything was fading, te godzilla girl easily broke out from her grasp and Hera knew this battle was lost. She couldn’t do anything but let herself fall into the water and pass out…

“Ugh…” When Hera managed to open her eyes again, she was surprised to see that she lay in what looked like a hospital bed. She wasn’t alone, as there were two girls that were talking in the corner with each other while in the bed immediately next to Hera rested another very familiar face.

“Wait! Is that… the godzilla girl?” Hera let out, and tried to sit up, but noticed how big and heavy her body felt. She could move, though it took a lot longer and more energy than she was used to. Was she still kaiju level big at the moment…?

“Oh? Your awake?” A female voice rang out to her, making Hera look at the two girls that stood in the corner. Those were definitely a harpy and a cat girl that were now on their way over to her, though they kinda looked a bit like they were moving in slow motion.

Once the two of them reached her bed, the cat girl started to ask some questions. “Are you back to your senses? Can you understand me?”

“Uhm, yes? Why would I not be able to?”

“That's good. You might not remember, but after the two of you transformed, you started to fight as your primal instincts took over. Nimin, our winged officer over here had to stop you both, otherwise you would have destroyed the human city.”

“That explains a lot…” Hera let out and shook her head, then scratched her back that still hurt from that event. “Thanks for the kick, btw.”

“Wait, you remember?” The harpy asked, looking kinda flustered. Hera just replied coldly. “Yes I do. Now would you tell me where we are? Because I still feel big and heavy despite this room looking kinda regular sized.”

“Oh. I guess you wouldn’t know. We are in Kajira, the Island where we Kaiju’s live.” The cat girl explained, causing Hera to stop and think for a moment. That would explain why everything seems to move so slow.

“I wouldn’t get used to this. This room is the entire hospital and we don’t have any others on the entire island. There are like 10 buildings here and like 15 residents.” Nimin the harpy added scratching her head with her wing.

“Wait, just 15 residents? Isn’t that…” Hera wanted to say, but Nimin interrupted her and answered immediately. “It may not look like it to you, but this room alone has over a square kilometer sized area. There is no Island in the world that can fit more than a hundred of us comfortably.”

“That… makes sense.” There was a bit of silence in the room, broken only by the soft snoring of the godzilla girl next to them. Then suddenly Nimin had to laugh and said. “Hey, If you want, I could show you around the island. I have some time right now.”

“Uhm sure.” And with that, causing literal earthquakes with each step, Hera followed Nimin outside the building, where she finally got a sense for her size again. The island was big, no questions asked, but the trees looked like miniature bushes and the mountains were barely big enough to not see over them. The things that were truly big were the houses, each of them including the ‘hospital’ much bigger than anything else on the entire island. It was truly breathtaking.

“This is impressive, but it begs the question. How do people even transform into Kaijus?” Hera asked, looking at the massive winged person beside her. “We don’t know why exactly yet, but it has to do with the reactor you fought next to. Just something about can turn Humans into… us, but they are waaaay too valuable for humans to just shut down. So they just gave us an Island and accepted the fact that an untamed beast may appear every now and again when an accident happens near the reactor.”

“That's… very selfish.”

“That's just how humans are.”


Hera was at a distinct advantage here, as she was turned into this large monstrosity by Nagisa’s hand, and she knew for a fact that her goddess sister could easily reverse it again on command. Part of her wanted to just turn back into a male human again, but at the same time…

“... I think I’ll stay like this for a little while longer. After all, when was the last time I could just casually sit down on a mountain?” Hera laughed, causing Nimin to join in as well.

“Oh, if that’s what you are looking for, then I know the perfect spot!” Nimin announced, and took off into the sky, with a single flap of her enormous wings. Hera was confused for a moment, why she would fly there, before she remembered that Hera herself was a dragon that also had wings.

So with a single flap of her own wings, Hera took off into the sky as well, ready to explore the island filled with oversized monsters. Definitely a first time experience for her, that's for sure…

Hello again, Nagisa Fulkami speaking. The last day of our adventure together also was a great success, even though I didn’t see Hiros for a majority of it. I wonder how I even managed to lose a person that big in the first place…

Thanks again to Manacat26 for this idea.


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