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It was just another free day for Kazuma and this time he really didn't want to do anything. Not even anything perverted, as uncharacteristic as that was for him. The reason why wasn’t that hard to guess though.

He had just come back from an expedition where he signed up for a bodyguard job together with his familiar trusty crew. Well… as trusty as they usually are. Because… you know… Darkness quickly defaulted to her perverted masochistic tangent, Megumin just wants to blow shit up and Aqua is pretty much useless in every situation.

But still, they took the job for two important reasons: First, because it was actually Darkness’ father who asked them personally for help, and second, because her father paid well and they are once again in desperate need of money. The threat of having to eat their own shoe leather was rapidly becoming a reality.

…On second thought, to Kazuma maybe money really was the only reason…

Regardless, they took the job to escort some mine workers on route and into a certain dungeon that they have never been to before. And as you can imagine, Murphy's Law was in full effect and everything that could go wrong, did.

Aqua’s holy magic caused them to to be constantly be chased by undead monsters, Darkness then went off and did her own standard lewd maso thing and megumin just blew the whole dungeon up in the end, proving that explosions beat the structural integrity of any dungeon foolish enough to stand in her way.

All in all, not that bad of a mission all things considered. And they even got paid, but only because the workers actually found some valuable minerals in the remains (or ruins?) of the dungeon.

But that gets us to the present, where Kazuma was just lounging on the couch at home. He knew that he needed a bit of space and breathing room for himself, so he decided to just laze around for a day. He had even told that to the others to make sure they knew not to disturb him too much today.

“Being alone at home… It brings back memories. Though I am not sure I like them.” He reminisced, thinking back to his home world. To be fair both of his lives were pretty garbage, but the one he has now at least comes with good friends… well not really friends… Acquaintances? Hm, party members? Yes, let's go with ‘party members’.

Speaking of which, most of them were not at home at the moment. Aqua was probably out drinking somewhere with people in a tavern, throwing out all of their money again, Megumin said that she was doing something with her childhood friend Yunyun and Darkness… well…

“Hi there, Kazuma.” Darkness greeted as she entered the house in her training attire. She was out doing sports and training, just the way she does on every day off.

“Welcome back. How was training?” Kazuma lazily answered, more out of respect than actually wanting to know.

“It went well. I will go take a shower soon. But before that, I need to show you something.” Darkness spoke with a serious face. Kazuma really wasn’t in the mood to do anything right now, and from what Darkness looked like, she knew that as well. So this whole thing seemed to be important.

“What is it?” Kazuma straightened up a bit on the couch and looked at the tall girl in front of him.

“Mind taking this to Aqua?” She said and handed some sort of stoned orb to Kazuma, who gave it a confused look. Darkness continued to speak. “My fathers people found this in the dungeon. They tried to analyze it, but all they found was the sentence ‘This orb shall only open in the presence of those who know the divine’. And since Aqua often has her delusions…”

“You think that Aqua can open this?” Kazuma questioned, knowing exactly that Aqua was in fact a goddess, albeit the most useless one in existence.

“Absolutely not. But I borrowed it because I thought you might want to show her that she really isn't a goddess, because the thing doesn’t open for us. maybe this will humiliate her to the point that she’ll get so angry with me for giving it to you, that she would…” Darkness trailed off into her own masochistic delusions again.

“Got it, I’ll show her. Have fun with your shower.” Kazuma interrupted her as he waved her away dismissively. Darkness, thankfully, got the signal.

“Okay. I’ll be going out and meeting up with Wiz after the shower. I just thought I’d tell you. Bye.” And with that, she was on her way to the bathroom. It was nice to know that at least Darkness sometimes understood his feelings.

“So… What is this thing?” Kazuma said as he looked again at the orb in his hand. “Even if I were to not count Aqua, I do know Eris, so shouldn’t this thing open for me?”

As Kazuma looked a bit more around the orb it suddenly started to glow in a faint purple. With a sizzling sound black mist started to seep out of the orb, quickly filling up the entire room.

Kazuma wasn’t even fazed by that anymore. He just sat there and was ready to take it, whether this thing blew up in his face or transported him into yet another world, he didn’t care. But he did raise an eyebrow when, instead of any of the things happening that he expected, a silhouette of a woman suddenly appeared in the room with him.

As the mist quickly dispersed, it was clear that he was no longer alone in the room. There was a dark skinned woman with orange hair, clad in a black kimono casually sitting on the couch opposite him.

“And who are you to break into our house?” Kazuma asked in a nonchalant voice. From her entrance he knew that she had to be super powerful, but she didn’t seem hostile… for now.

“Am I really breaking in if you were the one who summoned me?” The woman giggled, then a cup of tea appeared out of nowhere in her hand and she casually started drinking it. After a brief moment of silent drinking, she spoke up again. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nagisa Fulkami, goddess of darkness and chaos at your service. It's nice to meet you…?”

“I’m Sato Kazuma. Is this where I am supposed to say something cool about myself as well?” Kazuma responded in his usual sarcasm. Nagisa just giggled at his remark.

“Wait, did you just say that you are a goddess?” Kazuma asked as soon as her previous words caught up to him.

“Yes, that is correct. I am guessing that you are one of those legendary heroes from another world. Am I correct with that assumption?” Nagisa asked with a big grin on her face. Kazuma just scoughs at her in response.

“Legendary Hero? Don’t make me laugh!” Kazuma turned away from the goddess with a disgusted look on his face. “I am barely strong enough to survive a beginner level dungeon with my full party and you gods just assume that I could be a match for someone like the Demon King. Yeah, right.”

Kazuma turned his head back to the goddess, but he did not expect what he was seeing. Nagisa looked genuinely shocked, like she couldn’t believe anything she just heard. She stuttered for a bit, before seeming to collect herself and give him a serious look.

“Excuse my asking, but was the divine reincarnation service not to your liking?” She asked with a truly curious tone and expression.

“To my liking? I was totally screwed over!” Kazuma let out a loud and hartley laughter. This girl seemed to either be one of Aqua’s colleagues or even one of her superiors if Kazuma had to guess. Time to break the sad news to her about Aqua.

“You guys offer any one thing to take into battle against the Demon lord, right?” Kazuma asked with a big grin on his face. Nagisa slowly nodded and looked like she feared what he was about to say. So Kazuma’s grin got even bigger. Time to complain to the manager~

“Well I chose the goddess herself to aid me on my quest.” He said and Nagisa looked a bit confused.

“...and it was not granted?” She asked hesitantly.

“Oh, quite the contrary. I now have a goddess with me that is by far the dumbest and most useless person I have ever met in my entire life. She is literally incapable of doing anything well. Oh, except for drinking all day and throwing out my money. In that category she is actually quite good.” Kazuma complained and Nagisa shuddered.

“And if you think that the rest of my party would make things any better, don’t bother. We just have a tiny ticking time bomb magician that is incabably of fighting unless she is blowing up the whole city. In which case, she just drops limp afterwards. Very useful, right?” Kazuma continued.

“Uhm… I’m so…” Nagisa tried to say something, but Kazuma continued to rant.

“Normally I would say that having a tank that likes to take hits for their party is a good thing, but our masochist crusader just takes it way too far. Hit her once and she loses all interest in fighting and just wants to get beat up more.” Kazuma spoke and stood up and looked into Nagisa’s face.

“I mean…” Now she even seemed at a loss of words, so it was time to put on it some more. Man, complaining when you are in the right was so much fun~

“And furthermore… This is a fantasy world, right? Where are the cute animal girls? Where are the cute girls that love to press their bodies against their hero? Where are the sexy women that the hero can swoop in and save? Where are the maids that obey their great master no matter what? I don’t see any of those in my party. All I see is a bunch of weirdos that can barely clear a beginner level dungeon.” Kazuma bombarded Nagisa, then grabbed his own drink and took a big sip. He slowly sat back down on his couch.

“If you would ask me then I would say that I deserve a refund.” Kazuma spoke with confidence, taking another sip from his glass and enjoying the sight of the speechless woman.

In all honesty his life here wasn’t all that bad. Exploring dungeons and taking on quests had been fun for the most part and even though his party members were weirdos, he was becoming really good friends with them by now. He mainly just shouted to vent and intimidate her, but especially to shame Aqua, with her practically only being a goddess in title alone. And it did feel good to let it all out for once.

There was a bit of silence between them. Nagisa clearly looked like she was looking for some kind of appropriate apology and Kazuma couldn't wait to hear what she would come up with.

“...I have just checked up on a few things and I can see that you were definitely wronged by our reincarnation service. With the current state of your power and teammates it’s unreasonable to expect you going up against the demon lord. I can have a word with the active goddess of this world, if you wish…?” Nagisa offered.

Wow, if Kazuma didn’t know any better, then he would have thought that this goddess actually felt sorry for him. But he also knew that her offer was pointless.

“Don’t bother. I know Eris personally and her hands are tied. She can’t do anything to help my situation except let me stay around every time I die until Aqua revives me again. So the only thing gods like you are capable of is keeping me trapped in this world, even after I die.” Kazuma dismissed her proposal, even if that meant slandering Eris a little bit. But even if she would love to help his situation, she really just couldn’t, so he wasn’t in the wrong again.

“This is… unfortunate. Maybe I can talk with the goddess that followed you down here? My biggest problem is that you are under the watch of another goddess, so normally this would be her duty to help, not mine…” Nagisa spoke, but her words seemed weak as she was grasping at straws.

Time to send her away with a bad conscience.

“It’s fine. No no, it's really fine. I have realized by now that you omnipotent gods are simply too weak and too powerless to help me with my precarious situation. I don’t care anymore. If you can’t help me, then go home!” Kazuma stood up pretending to be angry and pointed at the door. This would surely…

Suddenly, a cool chill filled the room as Nagisa’s expression went dark. Dark mist streamed like a storm out from behind her, pushing Kazuma back into the couch with unnatural force. Nagisa stood up with the same intimidating look on her face and took a step towards him, feeling like the ground shook with every step she took. Kazuma now had a feeling that he might have made a mistake.

“Sato Kazuma. You were robbed of your chance to become a hero by the goddess Aqua and demand a refund on your chance. You have stated your demands and I have heard them.” She spoke in a voice that shook him to the core and made him gulp in response. He also needed to think a bit about what demand she was talking about.

“You want the drastic flaws of your party members to disappear. On top of that you want more cute animal girls, and of them a clingy one, a damsel that you can save and an obedient maid. Do I have that correct?” Nagisa asked, looming over Kazuma and sending a cold shower through his body. He didn’t even manage to get out another word, just nodding weakly as he was unsure what this woman in front of him was about to do.

“Then allow me to reignite your trust and believe in us gods again. I will grant all of your wishes to the best of my ability.” She declared as her expression turned into an evil smile. “I hope you are ready.”

Kazuma gulped. A part of him was incredibly scared and the other half really wanted to see what this crazy girl was about to do.

“Hey~ Kazuma~” Darkness chimed as she walked into the room from the bath. She had barely anything on, with only a bra and a veil around her lower half, but it was enough to cover her important bits. Kazuma was actually used to this sight, because Darkness tended to dress lightly after she came out of the bath.

“I thought you didn’t want to invite anyone here today.” She asked with a curious smile. But Nagisa just looked at her and smiled even wider. Dark mist streamed out of Nagisa’s body and seeped into Darkness, like it was completely after her. Darkness’ smile didn’t waver, so there was a good chance that she didn’t even see the weird mist.

“Oh my, this girl has good timing. You just sit back and watch, my dear Kazuma. I will turn her into exactly what you want~” Nagisa spoke and Kazuma wasn’t sure if that was a suggestion or a threat. But he did notice that suddenly he couldn’t move anymore. He was stuck on the couch, watching all of whatever that girl was about to do.

Even as Nagisa was still speaking, Kazuma noticed that something was happening to Darkness. He could see something blue forming on her shoulders and starting to grow bigger. They looked like scales, slowly starting to fill her all of her upper shoulders and starting to appear down her arms.

Darkness didn’t seem to notice, but more drastic changes started to show on her lower body. Two small appendages slowly started to grow out from just above her ass and continued to push to the sides. They had the same blue scales on top and looked like bat wings growing out from her behind. And there also seemed to grow a golden scaled tail out from behind her as well.

“Is this a conversation about me? May I listen in as well and may I ask what you mean by turning me?” The clueless crusader asked, tilting her head slightly. Though once again, she didn’t seem to notice that her ears had grown long and to the side, small scales had started to appear on her cheeks and golden horns started to push out from the top of her head.

It was then that Kazuma realized how she was going to grant him “animal girls”.

“You are going to turn into Kazuma’s personal dragon. A real force of nature on the battlefield, but a cute girl that loves to press her body against Kazuma’s.” Nagisa spoke and pointed at Darkness, who just returned her a blank look.

“Uhm… What do you meaaaaaan~” Darkness yelped as her height rapidly decreased, making her notice the change of her body for the very first time. And she was understandably shocked about what she saw.

The growth rate of the blue scales now really seemed like it was kicking into overdrive, quickly covering her body around all edges and even her entire back. Her dragon-like features continued to grow as well, with her wings getting bigger, her tail becoming massive and the horns on her head and dragon-like ears becoming more pronounced as well. Even her canines and nails grew out a bit and now even looked a bit like fangs and claws.

But despite all of these growths, Darkness as a whole just seemed to get smaller. Her previously large and mature body shrank down to a much more petite size, with even her hair shrinking along with it. She still looked undeniably off age, just more… bite sized. Like she would now reach no higher than Kazumas chin, if both were to stand side by side.

“Wh-What is happening? Am I being cursed? Is this a curse? Oh no, my bra slipped! Ah~ No~ Please don’t look~” Darkness let out in a mix between actual panic and her usual masochistic tone. As much as Kazuma would have loved to do as she says, he was still kinda paralyzed on the couch, unable to stop watching the spectacle. And also, even if he could look away, he probably wouldn’t anyways.

“My, My~ What a cutie you turned out to be~ Now let me finish you off, before I move on to the next of your party members.” Nagisa spoke in a somewhat menacing tone. Darkness shuddered as Nagisa took a step towards her to which Nagisa only giggled.

Nagisa raised her hand to be on Darkness eye level and a dark cloud of mist seemingly started to form behind both Nagisa and the scared Dragon girl. But Darkness hyperventilated breathing suddenly started to slow down as the shock in her eyes slowly vanished.

Suddenly Darkness’ eyes looked vacant, tired, as if she was absent mindedly thinking about nothing at all. She looked like she was hypnotized, with her eyes desperately wanting to close for a good night rest, but the last bit of her semiconscious strength holding them open at any cost.

“Lalatina Dustiness Ford. Let me inprint a new reality onto you.” Nagisa spoke as she lowered her arm again. Kazuma just wondered how she knew Darkness’ real name.

“You are and always have been a Dragon girl. As a crusader, it is your job to take hits for the party, and you love taking hits. It gets your dragon’s blood pumping. Every blow you recieve is an adrenaline rush for you, making you more focused and vicious as the fights go on.” Nagisa explained and made a grand movement that caused dark mist to spread into every direction.

“But it comes at a cost. All of this adrenaline during the fight returns to you as pleasure the moment you can calm down. It always makes you unbelievably horny immediately after a battle ends.” Nagisa continues and gives a mischievous look at Kazuma.

“And that's why you are so happy to have met Kazuma. Not only do you think he is super cool, but he is also the only person you have ever met that is perverted enough to help you relieve, but has enough restraint that you can put your complete trust in him that he wouldn’t do anything inappropriate in your moments of little self control.” Nagisa said as she pet’s Darkness on her head, then took a step back.

“Now go back to sleep, my little clingy dragon and wake up into a brand new reality.” Nagisa snapped her fingers, and Darkness eyelids immediately shut close, her feet gave out from under her and she fell to the floor, snoring softly.

Nagisa wiped her hands as she turned back to the still paralyzed Kazuma and gave him a big satisfied grin. Kazuma’s eyes quickly darted back and forth between the no longer human Darkness and the goddess in front of him.

Then he vowed internally to never make fun of god’s again.


Ever thought that Kazuma go kinda screwd in the beginning of Konosuba? Now it seems like Nagisa is willing to grant all of his wishes and make everything right. This can't possible go wrong, right?

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