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Let’s be real. Everyone makes some bad decisions sometimes in their life. Some decide to not learn for important exams, others bite into a whole clump of wasabi as a joke, and then others make more serious life-altering decisions, like hiring shady services from an even shadier gang by the name of “the Valkyries”. The latter also often fail to take into account however that they may not have the ability to pay for said services, nor are they ready for the consequences that follow.

And as you might have guessed by now, that is exactly the situation that Gray found himself in and also why he would definitely prefer to not run into any gang members today. Even if they told him that today was his last chance of paying them back.

Yeah… it wasn’t very likely that they wouldn’t show up. But a man could hope, right?

In any case, Gray was just on his way home from school and, for now, everything seemed normal. He left the school without issue and was not even stopped in the street on his journey. But it all came crashing down as he saw his good friend Ava standing in front of his house accompanied by two very tall, bulky and almost amazonian looking women.

Ava was the reason why he came into contact with the gang in the first place, as he seemed to be some sort of a high ranking member among “the Valkyries”. But that also meant that, because he had a lot of say in the gang, Gray could count on Ava bailing him out of the situation, as he had done for the last couple of weeks.

He was so lucky to have such a great childhood friend, but Gray knew that he had to pay them back sooner or later. The question was how he would be able to get that much money.

“Hi Ava. You brought some friends along today? Anyways, I am going to pay you back as soon as I have the money, so don’t worry about it.” Gray greeted them with a forced smile. He wasn’t exactly comfortable talking to the two intimidating grizzly bears of women in front of him, but as long as Ava was here, he knew nothing would happen to him.

“Gray, listen. We have put this off for longer than half a year now and we know that you have made no effort to earn any money to pay us back what is owed. I have warned you before and now you are forcing my hand.” Ava spoke dejectedly and looked away from Gray as the two massive women approached him menacingly.

“Wait! Ava! We can still… Ack…!” Gray tried to negotiate, but one of the women forced a towel into his face. It had an intoxicating smell that seemed to numb every sensation across his body. And after he could only watch in horror as Ava walked towards a black car, Gray passed out completely.

“... it's fine. No need to tie him down. If this thing works, then he will be our honor guest soon anyways.” A familiar voice woke Gray out of his comatosed sleep.

The first thing he saw as he woke up was that he was not actually lying on the floor, but being held up by the two burly women that had knocked him out in the first place. And they let go of him quickly afterwards, making him stumble a bit as the intoxication started to wear off completely. Way faster than he was expecting too.

Gray wanted to look around and admire the inside of the gang's hideout that he was clearly in, but a certain kind of unusual heat started to spread through the inside of his body. It wasn’t exactly unpleasant, but it was strange enough to completely distract him. His body felt soft and malleable, feeling like anything about him could change with the slightest breeze.

“Look, Gray. I am not doing this because I want to. All of us, myself included, are just tired of your constant unreliability.” Ava spoke and turned his hand to look at the syringe in his hand, which was mostly empty and just had a few traces of a black liquid left inside.

Gray felt helpless, like everything around him was growing rapidly. But just one look at his hand told him that he wasn’t just imagining it, he was actually shrinking in front of his very eyes. His hands quickly became petite, his somewhat tall height diminished and all traces of his previously muscular build just vanished.

“The others wanted to make you work off your debt, but I suggested something else. I just happened to know Mrs. Arabi personally, and she was happy to brew this little gem just for you.” Ava continued and turned to face Gray again. Ava never looked like a particularly dangerous guy before, but now his gaze felt so much more intimidating to Gray. Almost impressingly so…

Another wave of heat hit him, this time more on the lower part of his body. Suddenly he felt a bit unsteady on his legs as fat rushed into his thighs, making them not only look more plumb but also longer and more feminine. And then all the heat rushed to his groin, all at once.

“See, I don’t mind paying that little bit of money back for you. It really wasn’t much anyways. But you are going to do something for me in return. You are going to BE something for me.” Ava spoke in a tone that sent ripples through Gray’s body.

His evil tone, his hidden kindness and even his commanding tone, just suddenly sounded so alluring to Gray. Gray didn’t even want to resist the wrath of his best friend anymore. He wasn’t even listening all that much anymore. He was just staring in awe at the amazing person that was Ava.

And because of that, he didn’t even notice that his dick was quickly receding back into his body, nor that his hips and ass grew a bit to more feminine proportions. But when his balls finally got sucked into his new and fresh slit down below, the new girl had to let out a hefty and feminine moan.

Ava had to give off a quick laugh when the girl almost collapsed in pleasure in front of him, but just barely held on. He slowly started to walk up to her, which she barely even noticed because of her panting in the afterglow.

“With this, your mind should be the most vulnerable. I will shape you into the person I want you to be. And you look forward to that, don’t you?” Ava spoke slowly and clearly as he gently grabbed her face and made her look at him. The look in her eyes instantly became vacant as she completely lost herself in those beautiful eyes in front of her.

Ava could feel her skull shift within his hands, but he didn’t let go of her. In fact, his smile only grew bigger as he watched her facial features get softer and rounder, and started to make her look more feminine than androgynous. Her nose also shrank down a bit while her eyes grew a bit bigger, making her lose herself even further in the eyes of Ava.

“You might be a bad girl, but you are a hard worker. You would never let work pile up and would always do your best to make life as easy as possible for your big crush.” Ava spoke and immediately spirals started to form in Gray’s eyes. Gray didn’t even realize anymore that everything Ava said was absorbed by her brain like it was a sponge, leaving no room to even question whether it was true. To her, it just was.

“You are a girl that has quite the mouth and would never hold back with speaking her mind. You are a perfect fit for “the Valkyries” and you are proud to be a part of them.” Ava continued and she started to smile a bit in response. Her hair quickly turned black and grew out more and more, until it reached down past her shoulders. Ava had to briefly giggle at the hair tickling his hand.

“You don’t care about your life up to this point anymore. In fact, even your previous name means nothing to you anymore.” Ava stared at her cruelly as what little consciousness she had left struggled to not accept this as an absolute fact as well. But before she could get a good grip on herself…


Two breasts pushed themselves out of her chest and made a huge wave of pleasure course through her body, making her almost reel with the impact. But after it subsided, every bit of resistance was gone from her mind. It was now an empty canvas for Ava to paint on. And she was completely okay with that.

“Listen well. Starting with today, your name is Noire and your greatest goal in life is to become the perfect girlfriend and then wife for me, Ava, leader of “the Valkyries”.” The wonderful voice of Ava continued to speak and Noire was even excited as she felt her love for him being imprinted deeply into her soul.

“And furthermore…” Ava continued, until Noire fell into a deep slumber, ready to be a new person when she woke up.

“Anyways, that little nuisance is now officially dealt with.” Noire spoke as she stepped in front of the two burly women that were way taller than her, yet somehow looked totally afraid of her. Ava couldn’t help but smile at the sight.

“Good job, Noire.” He answered, yet Noire interrupted him immediately.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Anyone else might be happy with just a ‘good job’, but I want a bit more than that. You two big girls: Leave the room. Now!” She commanded the two women, and the two of them just gulped, nodded and excused themselves.

“I see you have decided to wear pigtails again today.” Ava tried to change the topic, however Noire just slowly approached him.

“Oh? You noticed? Yes, I made my hair just for you~” She said and grabbed her pigtails with both of her hands. “But now it is time for you to give me what I want~”

“What do you want, my princess?” Ava chuckled.

“Oh, I don’t know. A kiss? Or maybe a bit more. I have yet to decide on it.” She said and stretched out her tongue like a tease. “But I know I want you~”


It really doen't matter whether a gang is shady or not. You should probably always pay back the money you owe them.

Congratiolations again to LightBreaker1 for winning teh event and commissioning this caption. 

Link to pic 


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