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“This is a trick right? It has to be! ...Right?” Christian walked down the hallway of his school, staring at the letter in his hand the entire time. “There is no way THE Hope Kibo wants my opinion on a song she wrote right out of the blue. I mean, she is a town-famous idol, and I am a nobody. Heck, I have only ever talked like five times to her and I’m sure one of those times I offended her.” 

Still, the letter left little room of interpretation. After all, it read in beautiful handwriting: “Dear Christian from Class 4a. I know we haven’t talked much, but I have noticed that you have quite the aptitude for music. In preparation of the upcoming school festival I would like you to listen to a new song of mine and then talk about it a little bit. Please meet me at 5pm in the audio room. It would help me immensely. Yours truly, ” and then a beautiful signature of Hope herself. And if there was one thing for sure, then that this signature wasn’t fake.

So he stood in front of the audio room, hearing a song coming from the inside that he wasn’t familiar with. And that was saying a lot, because regardless of how he was feeling about hope, Christian was actually quite familiar with and even liked most of her songs. All of that made him slowly open the door.

“Ah! You came! Thank you very much for listening to my selfish request!” Hope immediately saw him opening the door and rushed towards him, beaming a smile towards him that he wasn't used to from her. Yet what almost shocked him even more was the fact that she wasn’t alone in the room.

“Ah, so that’s the guy.” A second girl in a similar idol costume said, shooting a just as confident smile at him as she walked towards him. “The name is Crystal, nice to meetcha.”

“Nice to meet you too!” Christian replied, maybe a bit too stiff which caused both girls to giggle. He then just decided to ask the question that was on his mind at that moment. “So, what is it you want me to listen to? Is it a new song?”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it a new song. It’s more like a family traditional song. I mean, you do hear it in the background, right?” Hope replied, which was a bit more cryptic than he expected. But she was indeed right, there was a slow but catchy beat coming from the speakers in the room, which was also the same beat he heard from outside in the hall as well. 

“Yeah, what about it…?”

“I think it's quicker to just show you.” Hope quickly answered, then formed a smile as she bobbed her head back and forth to the rhythm of the beat. And then she sang in her usual beautiful voice…

In this room, Christian stands, enthralled by tune,
As the song weaves its spell, under the moon.
His feet and arms, in stillness they prove,
Held captive by rhythms they dearly love.

Her vocals were beautiful but there was something off about them. No, there was something off about him as he couldn’t move a muscle anymore. He was frozen in place, his arms and legs refusing to move. So all he could do was stand there and stare as Hope grinned at him with a wide smirk, clearly looking like she completely expected this outcome.

“This song is called Shining Star Requiem, and is a magical song passed down through my family for generations. And it’s quite potent, because anyone who hears it will bend to the lyrics in all ways, will, mind and body. Incredible stuff, right?” Hope giggled, confusing Christian even further.

“How… Why… Huh?”

“How? Family secret, remember? I don’t know how the heck this works. I just know that it works. Why you? Well, to be honest, you were kind of an arbitrary choice. I just needed to remember two people who pissed me off, and you came to mind. Don’t take it personally.” 

This confused Christian even more, but before he could say anything else, Crystal shushed him as Hope took out a piece of paper and started to write. “Man, this song might be a method to get anything I want, but needing to write a songtext for every single change is really a hassle. Alright, time for verse two.”

The boy's face, now delicate and cute, 

Transforms with grace, a tender, dainty route. 

His frame shrinks smaller, a delicate scope, 

Surpassing in daintiness even that of me, Hope.

Almost immediately Christian could feel his body reacting to her words once again, this time making him feel like he was being compressed from all sides. He felt like his muscles were bubbling and dissolving, and the world was growing all around him, only to quickly realize that it was him who lost almost 20 centimeters of his previous height and almost half of his previous broadness. 

Then his face started to itch badly as if someone was forcibly massaging him straight on. But it felt like things were actually moving around on his face, like his mouth and nose were made slightly smaller, while his eyes were made bigger. And while he couldn’t check on it himself, Crystal's expression said everything about his new visage.

“Damn, you made him adorable~” Crystal squeaked.

“I mean, duh! An idol needs to be cute for fans to adore her. Obviously.” Hope snarked back, talking in the sarcastic tone that Christian was more used to.

“An idol…? Me…?” 

“You still haven’t caught on? Crystal, do you mind?” Hope sighed and went back to her sheet to write more lyrics, while Crystal happily strutted right up into Christian’s face. 

“It’s very easy. We need three idols to perform, and since Hope doesn’t want to collab with some nobody girls, she has decided to instead turn you into her co-idol as well as me~”

“Wha…?” Christian gasped, to which Hope sighed once again, then stood up from her seat, song sheet in hand.

“It’s not like I wanted to use this. No other girl was willing to sing with me. Anyways…”

The young man's voice turns lovely, a melodic hush, 

His hair grows fluffy, in a soft, gentle rush. 

His thighs gain strength and plumpness, a dance-honed art, 

From years of lessons that shape his legs, butt and heart.

Immediately Christian could feel the heat rushing to his legs and butt, making him wince as they clearly started to stretch against his not all that flexible but thankfully now quite loose jeans. Although almost the entire width he lost while shrinking his butt and thighs made up again in just a few moments. 

A tingle then assaulted his throat and hair at the same time, making him swallow a few times uncontrollably. And after the third swallow, something disappeared from his throat, which caused his voice and pants to sound much higher and almost melodic afterwards. And by that time the change to his hair had also already stopped, which he then noticed had grown much longer and a lot better maintained than he was used to, now almost reaching to his middle back instead of just being short.

“Hey, can I make a request, Hope?” Crystal asked, absolutely not shocked by the magically changed Christian who was panting in a feminine voice which was beautiful, yet never before heard.

“What’s up?”

“Could you make his chest bigger than mine? Just so that boys are more likely to stare at him rather than us.”

“E-excuse me? A-are you really gonna turn me into a girl?” Christian asked as a last resort, although the gazes of the girls pretty much already answered his question for him.

“Boy, your last few moments as a man have come. So say your goodbyes to your junk now and prepare for life with two weights rather than one.” Crystal replied, still smiling in her usual but now slightly sinister way.

His boyhood days fade, a chapter retreats, 

As new forms emerge, in wondrous feats. 

A new path opens, where once was none, 

And eyes behold wonders, as two big new juggs come.

Christian gasped as he was assaulted again, this time just on three specific points. Between his legs, he could feel a certain member make its grand exit, retreating backwards with a final bow before disappearing, forever. And as it retreated backwards, just as the song said, a new hole opened up between his legs, one that was fresh and unexplored. 

There was definitely something happening with his inner organs as well, but none of it even compared to the feeling of having his nipples stimulated to this extent. The felt played with and twisted, and like they were pushed from the inside outwards. Even the sight was unreal, because as he was looking downwards, he could literally watch as chest one upped first Hope with her average chest, and then Crystal with her actually quite impressive chest size, and it still kept going. Until everything was finally over.

“Alright~ You made her quite the cutie~” Crystal cheered.

“Indeed. Time to work on the finer details. Good thing I prepared these in advance, so listen closely.”

Christian was still recoiling from losing his manhood as well as the unfamiliar weight jiggling on his chest, when Hope started singing again. This time, much longer.

She moves with a grace, her allure so fine, 

Her singing voice sweet, making boys' hearts entwine. 

Each day she practices, with cuteness and flair, 

Drawing admirers with the songs that she shares.

Something was tugging on Christian’s mind, but he could barely focus on it. It was like he could suddenly remember practicing singing for hours on end to impress the boys, but that couldn’t be true… right?

She revels in glances, in the attention so dear, 

Capturing gazes with her chest, so clear. 

The boys, they flock, enchanted by her sight, 

In her radiant presence, their hearts alight.

She wasn’t all that sure anymore. Even about her own gender. She loved when boys flawed over her and she loved showing off her goods to get what she wanted. She just loved the spotlight… and that wouldn’t make sense if she was a boy herself…

Long has she cherished, her friendships so true, 

With Hope and Crystal, bonds ever new. 

No shadow of envy, no whisper of spite, 

Together in harmony, their friendship's a light.

That's when she felt something like a switch flip in her head, when she gazed upon Hope. Yeah, sure, Hope was an idol and all, but now it felt like all the reasons to hate or even dislike her had just poofed out of existence. She just really liked her all of a sudden, even knowing that she was under her complete power right now.

A born idol she stands, in the spotlight's warm glow, 

Deserving to share the stage, her talent in tow. 

By Hope's side she shines, with a spirit so free, 

And henceforth, the world will know her as Melody!

And that’s when Melody started to smile, warm and alluring for the first time. She stretched her arms backwards, pushing her chest practically into Crystal's face, before looking at her two friends with a knowing smirk.

“So you need help with a performance tomorrow?” She asked, crossing her arms under her chest. “Welp, you got the right gal for the job! There is nothing I, Melody, would rather do than sing with you two!”

“Awesome~ So we can finally practice for tomorrow!” Crystal replied, taking a few steps backwards from Melody’s cleavage, before she visually looked like she just remembered something. “Uhm, guys. Why can Melody move now? I thought you locked her arms and feet.”

“Ah.” Hope stuttered, pulling out her song lyrics to check. The other two girls join her to browse through it. 

“I don’t see why.” Melody answered, blinking a few times.

“Me neither.” Crystal agreed.

“I love this song, but man do I hate how finicky it is. You have to write in this overconfident old tone and then also have to make sure it does whatever you want it to do. What a bother.” Hope exclaimed to which both girls briefly looked at each other, before breaking into laughter.

Hope joined in with them as well, but then added. “Come on girls, time to practice. Let’s give them one heck of a show tomorrow!”

“Yeah!” Both girls chimed in happily.

And for the rest of the day, one could hear those girls practicing their performance from the Audio room. Although it was not recommended to peek inside. Because should you peek in once, you’ll never be the same. But that’s just a rumor…

You don’t like Idol’s? Allow me to sing you a song and change your mind~

…and body.


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