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It was a regular day like any other. Well, as regular as living on a deserted island led by a teddy bear can be. There weren’t as many people compared to when they started, but things finally looked like they calmed down again. 

The last mystery was solved and the culprit was found, though let's be real, Akane Owari was not the reason for any of that. She knew that she wasn’t all that smart and that most of the thinking work had been made by the others. Thankfully she did have a talent that she knew she was better than anyone else in. 

As the Ultimate Gymnast, her strengths lie in all the physical abilities. From running, jumping, punching, kicking… there was almost no one that could come even close to her, let alone beat her in it. So she was pretty thankful that there still were a lot of people left in the group that were rather good at thinking, so that she didn’t have to find the bad people herself. 

Anyway, now it was back to their regularly scheduled life on a desert island, Akane made her way down the street, heading towards the hotel in the middle of the day. Why? Because of food. Obviously. As a woman of energy she naturally needed to eat a lot too. So her fourth snack break between lunch and dinner was more than justified.

“Food~ Food~ Food~” She sang, happily strolling around without a care in the world, until she heard a strange sound coming from the beach near the hotels, which she found quite hard to ignore. Akanes’ hearing might not be as good as the one from the Ultimate Musician, but she could identify a weird sound when she heard one.

“That sounded like footsteps… very heavy footsteps.” A smile spread across Akanes face. “Sounds like fun~”

With her hunger temporarily forgotten, Akane instantly made her way down to the beach, ready to see something that would excite her. Though even she wasn’t ready for what stood in front of her on that beach…

“Holy crap…” Akane let out, not even bothering to hide her presence or her excitement. In front of her stood a giant dinosaur, its legs surely each over 3 meters tall and its spiked tail easily breaking 5. Though weirdly enough, it seemed to have no upper half, being only a pair of massive legs, thighs, butt and tail.

Though that was only at first glance. When Akane looked a bit closer, it was more like the upper half was comparatively small, to the point where she had just missed it. Much to Akane’s shock, there was the upper body of a girl on top of the dino legs, which Akane only started to see because the girl leaned forward to look at her in return.

That’s when Akane realized that the Dino girl was looking at her.

“So you found me.” The Dinogirl said, looking a bit anxious but also very steadfast.

“Oh yeah. And I won't be running anytime soon! Are you a new toy from Monokuma?” Akane took on a fighting position, a smile slowly creeping onto her face. She had no idea what was going on, but fighting a real life dinosaur was like a fever dream to someone like Akane.

“...I don’t know who that is.” The Dinogirl replied, but then turned towards Akane, each step thundering even through the sandy ground. “But if you want to fight me for my legendary egg of change, you will find a much tougher opponent than you think in me.”

‘Egg of change? What is that?’

Those would be normal questions asked by normal people in situations like this. But Akane wasn’t normal. She didnt care what egg he was talking about. Those were fighting words, so Akane’s smile only intensified after hearing them.

“Then how about this!” Akane jumped towards the dino girl and kicked her as hard as she could. 

“Hyaaaa!” The dino girl was unsurprisingly heavy, so it felt to Akane like she was kicking a brick wall. Luckily for Akane, she was quite good at kicking down Brick walls, so the dinogirl was pushed a significant distance backwards, sliding through the unstable footing of sand and dropping something she was carrying in her hand, which Akane, who had some of the best reflexes in the world, caught without any problems whatsoever.

Akane held the item, which turned out to be an egg, into the air to rub it into the dinogirls face. “Ha! Now I have your…!”

“Well then, that completes my mission here…” the dino girl said, completely unfazed, making Akane blink.

And despite her godlike reflexes, the next thing she knew a dark portal had opened beneath her, pulling the ground literally away from directly under her feet and making her fall, fall into the darkness…

…until she softly landed on her butt in the middle of a grassy field. It was a field she had never seen before, though to be real she wasn’t the best at remembering places. 

“Okay, you have completely lost me. What the heck is going on?” Akane said as she stood up, when suddenly a voice rang through the land, coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

“In this realm where you've been trapped, so grand,
The only escape, find eggs eight hidden through the land.
But beware, each one might alter your strand,
In your palm, already lies the first, as if planned.”

“In my palm… what now?” Akane asked, looking down at the egg she was holding that somehow hadn’t shattered on impact with the ground. It was black and suddenly it began to glow, before vanishing from her hand as if it had never existed. 

“I am so confused. What the heck is… HUH?!?” Akanes speech was interrupted because of the weirdest feeling she ever felt in her life. On her stomach, directly below her chest, pressure started to build like she had never felt before. It felt like something was pushing out of her body, pushing and pushing until she could feel how her uniform became tighter. 

One quick feel with her hands and Akane practically yelped in surprise. “I have a second row of boobs?!? How the heck is that possible?!?” 

grope grope


grope grope grope

“Sure. I guess I can live with them.” Akane finally said, shrugging her shoulders. “So how was that? I have to find seven more eggs around her? That can’t possibly be hard.”

And it wasn’t. In mere seconds Akane had found the second egg, which was pink this time, but that also vanished upon her touching it. And then the pressure of her lowerboobs increased once again, straining her blouse to the point where it actually started to rip. They just kept growing and growing, taking up more space and even pushing her upper set of boobs a little bit higher, just from the lack of space.

“Okay, it was funny the first time, but could you please stop boosting my cleavage? I don’t need more frontweight, it's already doubled anyway!” Akane sighed, though she was never one to give up because of small stuff like that. And also, there was surely someone out there that liked her even better with four boobs like that, so she wasn’t worried.

“A blue one this time…?” Akane asked as the next egg disappeared from her hands. “What does…” though she stopped her sentence short, because the pressure this time was coming from a really obvious location: Her butt.

“Nononono! Not that!”Like she always had a bit of a problem with how fat her thighs were compared to the rest of her very muscular body. So imagine her horror when her thighs now started to inflate in real time, growing thicker and plusher as her butt became rounder and her hips became wider. Until her fat bubble butt was pretty much the opposite of what she wanted to see.

“Great. Exactly what I needed. More weight.” Akane sighed, slapping her butt, being surprised how well it jiggled after the increase. “Could the next egg at least give me something to help me with this ever increasing weight?”

Maybe she should have been more careful about what she wished for, as the next egg she touched was a yellow one, and this one just put all sorts of pressure on her lower half. She could feel her legs thickening, her muscles straining and her bones shifting, taking on an entirely new form. 

Scales started to spread all over her legs, while the tripling of the size of her feet more than exploded her shoes, which was all before her nails even grew into genuine claws. Not to mention that she felt like something long and thick was starting to grow out from just above her butt, which for some reason had her the most excited. 

“You are kidding me? A real ass tail?!? Can I make it bigger?!?” That's when the frantic search for a blue egg began, because she already knew what it would do. And she did find one… and it did not disappoint.

Akane’s already thick digidigraded legs became even thicker and and bigger, pushing her growing butt outwards and her growing tail even more so. Akane now finally understood how that weirdly unbalanced dinogirl came to be, because the feeling of having your lower half be that of litterall legends was simply amazing. Heck, one of her legs was more massive than her entire upper body, almost twice over. 

“Though I should probably stop with blue eggs, since I don't want to end up quite like her… Oh! What’s this~?” And the next egg had already caught her eye. In one moment, it was a red egg in her hand, in the next it was gone, just like the others.

This time around, Akane felt like she was being pulled apart in the middle of her body. Her torso was fine, and so where her scaled legs, but stomach felt like it was being stretched in uncomfortable ways… until it literally stretched upwards. 

Akane watched as the ground moved farther away from her eyes, trying to look down past her four improved bazongas to what was happening to her midsection. It seemed like an entire new section was in the making below her chest, growing bigger and bulkier, until two things bursted out from the side. Two limbs she didn’t have before, on a section of her body alien to her. And they were still bulking up.

“This is so awesome! I have arms down there, and up here and my legs are huge! How could this possibly get better?!?” Akane asked rhetorically, though that's when she already spotted the next egg. And with it being the color yellow, her smile was undeniable.

Akane once again felt something trying to grow and push out from her body, though she was fairly sure it wasn’t hands based on that they were growing from her back. Then they bursted out, two big reptilian wings that reminded her of a certain mythical creature. Once again the grew bigger, a thorn popping out from the end of it while the wingspan just continued to increase. 

If she had to be honest, touching her wings with her monstrous extra hands might be the single craziest thing Akane has ever done in her life. Yet here she was, doing it.

“More! More!” Akane was pretty much running on instinct now, searching everything for that final egg that completed her transformation. And after a short while, she found a green egg.

“Whoa!” This time, no particular aspect of Akane grew or changed, it was more like everything grew simultaneously. She watched as the world around her shrunk and the ground once again fled away from her, until she was undeniable over 4 meters tall, easily over twice the height of a regular human being. And she loved it.

Congratulations, your quest ends, all eggs are found,

Your final task, before freedom abounds.

Pass the first egg to hands anew,

Then their change begins, just like it did for you.

“What? Its already over?!?” Akane was aghast, looking around like someone had just stolen a toy from a child. “But I want to go even further! Woah!”

Just as suddenly, all of Akanes completely shredded clothes liquified and mended themselves around her body. Each of her four breasts got a bit of coverage, her lower half grew a cute skirt and on top of her head appeared a headband with bunny ears, that even Akane had to admit, was pretty cute.

And there she was, standing menacingly in the ground as a portal opened in front of her, showing her own reflection to her for the first time. 

Her chest was bordering on ridiculous, being even bigger than it usually was with now another pair beneath it that pushed everything up a little bit more. And everything below them was just ultimate sized, starting with a second torso that was more than twice the size of her human body, which was also true for her extra pair of clawed arms. Not to mention the huge wings on her back. But everything pales in comparison to her lower half, where each of her thighs had the mass of her new midsection, if you weren't counting the mass from her butt and tail in that comparison. 

To be honest, she couldn't wait to see how far she could push this new body of hers. But that's when she felt something in her human hand, something she was very much familiar with: An egg. And she knew exactly what she needed to do with it.

“I guess I can pass this fun along to someone before checking out my own draconic awesomeness~” Akane laughed as she proudly stepped into the portal, ready to press the egg into anyones hand, if they even looked remotely interesting in her eyes.

And so, the Cycle of Eggcellent changes begins anew…


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