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Which game would you like me to update in 2021 marc?

Help me to find out which game is more popular?

Gasmine mini game: You sure played the mini game. I would like to expand the game with a  visual novel part. The Gasmine novel would include several Disney-like milfs, like Bulan, Gasmine, Manti. Basically the Gamsine game expansion would be like the secret of the house but with similar characters to Disney princesses.

The secret of the house: I think you played the game already with Fred and Debra.

Factotum: You know the game.

If you do 5: You know the game:)

(I will continue all my games of course, but which should be in priority is pending from You!:) 

Sorry to delet the first poll, more patrons wrote me about Factotum, IYD 5, so i opened a  full poll with all the games:)



The secret of the house 😍


Oh my! This is so exciting! I could not decide myself, but watching how close the Votes are! XDThank you for your votes!


This is not even a poll anymore! Just prioritize secret of the house and delay other games. Everybody knows what they want! 😅


XD By the way do you see the result of the poll as well? I did not ask it yet, but i can not see how patrons see the posts! XD


There is no point making 3 similar games undone choose one game and dont confuse Inusen =D


All games will be done! None will be cancelled! I would like to know the priority of update! I always make one -two images of the other games as well, so they will be prepared for sure.:)


Secrets of the house is the hottest in my opinion but that's just preference.


see? haha i hope you focus more on this game maybe making a huge update for it :D


The amount of content grows always according to support of game section. I have commissions to do, the other part of income goes to the game.Also more people support the comic update. We did not reach 300 patrons at all. The detailed goal wont get fulfilled, but I hope for next month!