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This version added GC optimize for KoiKatsu, now you can play dance in KK's CharaStudio smoothly! And then playlist function is improved and playlist setting can be saved to PNG now. Same as v2.8, VNGE v42 is needed.

Download site is always the same, or download from attachments of this post:

*paste full url, or if mega ask for key, paste the string after #

New features Details:

- GC optimization options for KK

Like HS2 and KKS, KK's GC optimize settings now also have the "Suspend on playing" option, and of course it works like other games. Combined with the "realtime" option of timer mode, you can enjoy dancing smoothly in KK!

Special thanks to FridaDexDump@zodgame for helping me disassemble mono.dll and find the function that controls GC!

Therefore, the KK version package will have one more plugin file, monoPatcher.dll, than other games. This is used to control the GC switch function in mono.

And now, only the AI cannot use "Suspend on playing"......

- Enhanced Playlist function

A new setting have been added to automatically adjust the dancer's y-axis coordinate. When using position change or random characters, it can effectively compensate for the y-axis differences caused by different length of characters' legs, or height of their heels, roughly adjust the character to a standing on the floor. The automatic adjustment algorithm is to align the height of the toe bones, so it is not absolute and is particularly affected by the thickness of their shoe.

Then the setting content in the Playlist can also be saved to PNG, so that you can set special playlist settings for the scene and create a special scene file for the playlist. When saving, you can select the content to be saved. The content that is not selected will not be saved in png, and the settings in the ini file will still be used (that is, the settings last used). Generally speaking, dancer and camera settings need to be saved, except for playlist files and loop settings. For example, you can create a scene specifically for 4 dancers, then create a playlist file contains only dance with 4 motion file, and save it to the scene. On the other hand, if you don’t want to limit it, you don’t need to save the playlist file. Then this scene will use the playlist you last loaded. (What is recorded in PNG is the path to the playlist file, not the content in the playlist)

Since the playlist settings can be saved, a setting about "using the object camera first" is no longer needed and has been deleted in this update.

In addition, in playlist mode, the status of all selected cameras will be backed up, and the backup settings will be restored each time a new dance is loaded. If the number of cameras list is greater than the number of camera vmds related to dance, the extra cameras will be configured as auto following cameras or remain fixed cameras depending on "Build auto follow camera if no camera data" settings.

The last point, if you saved playlist settings but cleared all the assets in main UI, this scene will be a scene dedicated to the playlist. After loading such a scene, VNGE can also recognize the MMDD data in it and pop up a shortcut dialog box to start MMDD, and MMDD will automatically enter the playlist interface after starting.

- hotfix 2.9.1

fig a bug of v2.9, when return from vnanime clip keyframe to MMDD, UI crashs.

That's all, have fun!


MMDD v2.9 release and tips about playlist

MMD Director v2.9 public release Now you can run MMDD smoothly in KK! And some playlist options added. (for all games) Check this video for detail. Turn on subtitle please. Detail and download can be found here, this plugin is free for all! https://www.patreon.com/posts/mmdd-v2-9-94760108



If "Suspend on playing" not appeared in KK after updated. Please download file again. I updated it after first release. And if still no luck, try install Visual C++ runtime pack. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170


Do HS2 users not need to download this new version?