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This is the manual of scripted desktop dance scene show in the end of this video: https://youtu.be/s9DIzU_TRrI

The script can help you control playback and change character's clothes easily! And some button and function is designed to be configable in workspace, without editing script.

To run this scene, you need NodeConstraints 1.3.0, that is important, or the menu can not following charactor smoothly. And of couse latest VNGE and MMDD.

  • Basic operation

There are 4 collider set on the character. As the following picture shows:

- Head Collider: Click to show/hide the main UI of MMDD.

- Breast Collider: Left click to take off top and bra, right click to put them on.

- Abdominal Collider: Left click to open/hide the left side menu, right click to open/hide the right side menu

- Pelvis Collider: Left click to take off bottom and underwear, right click to put them on

  • Left side menu

Show/hide by left-clicking on abdominal collider. The buttons in the menu are as follows:

-Play/Stop: This button only appears after MMDD is started and the vmd motion is loaded. Click to play or pause the dance.

-Next dance: This button only appears when MMDD is in playlist mode. Click to load the next dance.

-Change coordinate: After clicking, the menu on the left changes to coordinate type changing mode, and you can choose a new type, only support vanilla 7 types in KK.

-All On/Half/All Off: These 3 buttons can change the status of all clothing parts by one click. The button name and specific status can be customized. Refer to options section.

-Accessories: Click to show/hide all accessories. Since many characters' hair is just an accessory, this function is useless.

  • Right side menu

Show/hide by right-clicking on abdominal collider, and the buttons in the menu will automatically adapt to the character's current clothes setting. The functions of each button are similar. The left click changes the cloth part's value in the order of 0 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 0..., and the right click changes value in the order of 3 > 2 > 1 > 0 > 3... . 0 means On, 1 and 2 are half status and 3 means OFF. If the part does not have a value of 1 or 2, it will be automatically skipped.

  • Options

As shown in the picture below, there are 5 folders for setting in the options folder of the workspace. The first and second folders are used to enable/disable the breast and pelvis collider. Checking (set visible) these folders enables the mouse click on breast and pelvis, and vice versa to turn them off.

The 3rd to 5th folders are used to set the 3 clothes status buttons in the left side menu. When checked, the corresponding button will be displayed, otherwise it will be hidden. Moreover, the configuration can be changed by modifying the names of these three folders. The format is:

Button text + colon + status code for 8 clothes parts

The button text can be changed by yourself, but it is recommended to keep it short. The eight codes after the colon are separated by commas. Remember that colons and commas must use half-width symbols and cannot use Chinese/Japanese full-width symbols. The 8 codes represent: tops, bottoms, bra, underwear, gloves, pantyhose, legwear, and shoes. The code can be 0, 1, 2 or 3, which means ON, half-status 1, half-status 2 and OFF, respectively. If a certain part does not have a half status, it will use next valid code. For example, if the code 1 is set for the glove, it will be treated as 3. Similar readme are also available in workspace as folder, and can be referred to when using the studio.

If you have any new idea please tell me! I will try to update this script when I have free time!

Download from the attachments, English version and Chinese version valid.





