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Hi guys, today I wanted to do a new part of "Caroline Putting Weight", but fate had other plans...

Nothing foreshadowed trouble, as usual I went to my shower stall, turned on the pleasant hot water, then lathered my head and... BOOM! FUCKING GLASS DOOR EXPLODED!!!

And here I am standing all wet, glass fragments are everywhere, especially in my arms and legs, I swear I stood at a loss for about a minute, until I noticed that I was bleeding... (Wounds are not serious)

In general, I was very scared, it felt like a grenade exploded in front of me, I didn’t expect this at all, now I don’t know how to approach glass and I’m not afraid of it, I never thought that I would be afraid of glass...

So you'll have to settle for the extra parts to "Sophie and Irene WG sequence" and "Sandy's Boyfriend", new part with Caroline will be released tomorrow.

By the way, by popular demand, I added tags to all posts, I hope now it will become easier for you to find what you need)



Oh shit! Hope everything is okay, but yeah no problem man :D After that event I wouldn't want to even look at glass lol


lucky nothing more serious happened... (in my time as paramedic i had a patient who had worse luck and got glass into his eyes 😅) I hope it heals up fast and without any infections 🤞 Rest up good and make sure to take care of yourself! 😁

Tristan Singleton

Rubber gloves and a dust pan and brush work best I know form experience haha stepped on a piece of a broken glass hot dog jar barefoot and hand to pull it out of so I get that you where in a nightmare situation