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Elvis goes insane, and truth to be told, like most good actors, he's probably just putting a lot of himself in his character.

With this episode, I originally planned on doing a bit of a spoof on the episode where Katara wasn't allowed to water bend. Her scheme was to provoke Pakku into dueling her, on the insistence that if she beat him, he'd be obligated to train her. If I recall, he agreed to smear her across the ice, but refused to agree to the terms - and they were silly anyway, because if she could beat him, it would prove she were the master! That said, unlike Katara's story, that wouldn't have really had much to do with developing Elvis since the whole thing is a farce, so the tale quickly returned to the beaten path of trying to do something of middling evil to Bingle.



U wot m8

Enjoying the references. I was half expecting Elvis to pull out a hatchet for the prohibition tangent. Perhaps red lipstick could function in the stead of red socks? Looking forward to the Zuko and Iroh stand-ins!