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So guys! This is an early look at Jaycartoons and generally what they're going to be like. We plan to do them once a week, and we've been debating about how we want to apply these to Patreon. They're very short and done with stick figures, but Norman is on animation and as you can see, he's applied some good skill here. In total, we estimate each episode will require between eight and fifteen man hours to produce. Those hours are spread across the team, but even this sort of thing is shockingly expensive. Animation is expensive!

So the queston is, how will you guys feel, as Patrons, if we were to charge for these every time we uploaded one? Do they come across as too cheap? Would that be too much? What if we charge on every other video? Those of us working on the project are used to putting absurd hours into animations, so for us this feels very fast and gritty, but on the other hand I think the Let's Plays don't normally take more than fifteen man hours to produce so if I'm going by the hours put in on OUR end then there's a lot of apples to oranges.

How does it feel like to YOU? The Let's Plays provide a decent length of entertainment on your end, but these animations will be quite short. Do they feel like something you'd want to support regularly, or should we claim them less frequently because they have a lower value to you guys?



Uploaded by Dawn Somewhere on 2016-12-30.



I'm here to support the original animation, so I'm cool with adding the jay stuff! The longer format Let's Play and Greg time are a little lost on me.


Though I enjoy the longer stuff that takes a while to build a lot more and consider these hit & miss, they can hit the audience with the punchline rather effectively. I will say that I wish these weren't on Patreon, but it's not enough for me to cut my pledges... just wish I could have better control over what my money's supporting.