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This episode has gone on a lot longer than I expected if only because I'm enjoying the dialogue a lot. I originally planned on it being a single part, and then we'd follow up with the last challenge and move into the next "arc", but this is pretty fun. As it is, we probably still have two episodes to go, assuming the last trial doesn't run over the expected length.

None of this happened in the original game, and is actually based on an incident that really happened, historically. Not the part where the island goes crazy and its leadership anachronistically tries to turn it into Germany, but the incident where a larger island nation invades a smaller one and the leadership of the defenders is in a lose-lose bind like this. In the actual history, they tried to negotiate a peace deal and offer a share of what they fished, but the larger island nation had other plans.

I often like creating unwinnable dilemmas in games I personally run, because with certain types of players you get to see them come up with creative ideas or desperate cons. Other types of players, unfortunately, will meet situations like this by trying to find an analytical approach and will burn out trying to find direct answers where there are none. One does eventually learn not to create unwinnable dilemmas for the latter type of player.




Regarding unwinnable dilemmas I as a player would need to know in advance if the problem I'm facing is one, because otherwise I'd be thoroughly analytical about it and not enjoy the game at all, but if I know about it I can just let go and do whatever.