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So here's an early viewing of the new Peel Off, which will go live on Friday! Using Toon Boom, this is what future episodes of MAS are going to look similar to. The pony rigs need a few tweaks, but overall the whole process is more streamlines and more friendly for drawing new assets.


Peel Off Nanalyzes the Episode With That Changeling

Keep us going on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/DawnSomewhere Having watched the changeling episode, Peel Off is finally has to come face to face that maybe the pony show isn't doing so hot this season. They had one job: make an exotic, magical, and foreign creature seem interesting, and somehow they totally botched it by making him as exciting as plain rice.



No, I didn't get any fan arts in...


I love how vibrant your animation's become in Toon Boom! I didn't expect this big a jump in quality after a short time with learning a brand new program, but it's really great. And it looks like you're having fun doing it! Great stuff, and thanks for the early look at the newest Nanalysis!