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Hey Guys!

Projects are coming along as most of our animation switches over to the Toon Boom software. We've got a few things going on. Originally we were going to start up a new take on Banana Republic, but learning the new software proved complicated and it got to be a bit daunting to imagine using inefficient rigs for a planned 90 minutes of animation. We also hit the "Monthly Gym" goal a few months back and we started looking at how we could transfer the Gym characters.

So for starters, we wrote a script for a one-shot that should run over ten minutes, and we're using that as a test bed for the team to get familiar with the new software. We've picked up a new guy, going by NovaKing, who's a professional animator out of Vancouver! He's been helping us get our ducks in order while we work on the animation.

This one shot cartoon is going to be about a wolf named Chomsky and his dream to live out a successful rendition of the "Three Little Pigs", only with the wolf winning at the end. So far the rigs, voice acting, and scripting are done. We reviewed a storyboard last Saturday and we'll be starting on actual animation quite soon. We are optimistically hoping to have the project done by the end of this month, but it's always the human habit to overestimate ourselves. Here's to optimism, though! I'll start posting progress updates on that here as we're moving.

In other news, we've started doing a Gym of the Romantic Journey comic once a week on the website. It covers the origin story of the setting's universe. We fleshed that out in a script which was later scrapped in favor of something a little more action-packed. As for the Lord of the Dwarves - Pencils has been a bit slammed down. He's got a lot going on and at one point he hurt himself from working a little too much. I'm cautious to constantly be changing the artist for it, but I would like it to continue.

All in all, money is tight as animation is expensive, but there's a lot of passion and we're getting into gear again. A new episode of MAS should be completed in the animation phase soon, and once that's ready I'll have it online! Hopefully much earlier this month. Thanks for everybody's support! We couldn't be working without you! Patreon has become our very life blood these days.




You guys should put together a book about your MAS and RDP projects. I don't think I'm the only one who would love to see your notes and early transcripts of your episodes. I love reading the notes after each episode but I kinda hate pausing them just for that since I very often draw or work with your channel on. I'll bet you know a graphic designer who can make a gorgeous little book filled with notes and preliminary drawings and designs for each episode. If you somehow don't, I'm a four-time art college dropout and know plenty of them who will work on the cheap. I've also got a good friend who does typesetting for a living. If ya'll are interested shoot me an email at soulvei@gmail.com. I'd be happy to put up some start-up money for a profit percentage or to help you to raise some through Kickstarter. I nearly got my degree in Marketing and own two successful small businesses, for both of which I'm the entire marketing department. No matter if you use my resources or have your own, I think it would be a fantastic follow-up to season 1 of MAS and a booster for the current DVD release of RDP. A neat incentive for the book could be that, in the back, a fan art section could be featured. You could do partial page features for certain donation amounts and full pages for larger amounts. I know I'd absolutely jump on THAT bandwagon!