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One of the folks on the Discord said they were going to die if they didn't get the next episode, so we're going up a mere half a day early for their survival. The next episode will be hot on the heels of this - I'm hoping to have it on Patreon by Saturday!

The characters in the podcast are expressing a level of agency and driving the story in a way that could only be achieved if Mayson had decided well before the game began that this is who he was going to be to the narrative. It's the reason I think the main place I went wrong in the real game was not establishing motives and relationships before the game started, because there would be few ways to achieve this kind of confidence unless you knew something about the setting to have feelings on it.

I did have a friend who worked around not knowing the settings initially, though. He used to like to play arrogant noble types, and he'd chalk up his ignorance to pompous high-breeding, and then behave as though he knew better whether he'd objectively figured anything out or not. All the confidence to lead with none of the knowledge to back it up. It kept things interesting!

The way I like to do it is to play a villain. Those who are harmed by your ignorance were merely PAWNS. The key is to be a character who can't doubt themselves!

In Patreon news, I saw we lost a few people, most of them citing financial reasons for going. I imagine recent events are a pretty obvious culprit. I really appreciate all of you guys for sticking with me and helping to keep my projects going, and I understand if money gets tight. I hope as many of you who can, stay well and safe.



Jonathan Crowder

7:14. fantastic. i can only hope someone will by chance give me the same set up Mason gave Lawry once day. it will be hilarious.


Damn, that's one hell of a situation. I guess I would just go on strike. I'm not ruining my life support for people with ever-increasing demands who won't have a reason to keep me alive after all this is done. It'd be better to use that year as a holiday, break the two laws as much as I can (not breaking human rights though), and maybe take up arms if possible. Maybe figure out more about how rock music works, hone my skills and do a Battle Of The Bands with the singers at the end. If 90% of the people have to stay motivated, then one band going on strike will be enough for any avid follower of the system to come to the conclusion that it won't work. Btw: If these singers want 100 crates, is it specified that they want exactly the 100 crates they give the colony or can you reverse-twist the contract on them by dismantling the crates into much smaller ones? I mean, aside from the fact that they could just wipe out the colony if they wish, would that be a contractual violation on a technical level?


I mean, oppression can only ever go so far. Eventually there will always be a revolution. It doesn't always have to be as gruesome as in Nazi Germany. The French Revolution was pretty nasty as well.