Pinball City, Part 2 (Patreon)
Part 2 is here! Regretfully in terms of work, I used the holiday week for, well, holiday stuff, but that aside, I've been having a good time with Shippiddge doing these recordings. He played the character that Paul is now representing, so he mentioned he liked seeing the details about the relationship and the gear. In the real game, that gear could manipulate emotions, but while you can build that stuff in Hero, it's very all or nothing and either completely controls someone or does very little to them if you don't carefully build around it. The actual character arcs of the individual players is less in the forefront compared to the interactions with Tony, so the gear is simplified somewhat. I'll keep trying to occasionally drop in the significance of their stuff and all the character elements that are being ruined.
Hopefully it comes across that Tony is not actually a "bad guy" in all this. Maybe not even a bad GM, per se. I think what makes these kind of games special in their way is that although they're unfair and plagued with issues, they are still games, and this season in particular is inspired by games I played as a teenager, before we'd all learned so many unspoken rules.