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Huge thanks to Shippiddge for voicing "Tony" in this! He runs a Youtube animation channel, and as a multi-talented guy, he had a great slew of voices and plenty of experience. We also roleplay together, and we've been talking about having him do this for a little while now.

The game was inspired by the "Children of the Sandler" era, but it's not actually pulled from then. Instead, I pitched a sort of "player torture" game set in the same place, where I had everyone create characters with a twist: they had to have "burn out" rolls on all of their powers and equipment. That meant any time they used them, there was a chance their abilities or gear would break and be lost forever. I recontextualize it in this season as Tony arbitrarily taking things away, but in the actual game the players were just at the mercy of the dice.

The person playing "Jimmy Five Swords" really did lose half their swords on their first attack. The gods of statistical math were angry with them.



Mrs. Policewoman

I'm enjoying this one so far; I look forward to the next installment


Vampire Charade was okay, but this is the first of your arcs that I actually enjoy, and I enjoyed every second of it. It's not epic, but you couldn't pastiche yourself any better even if you tried.