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Mentally Advanced Series: Episode -18

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Sebastian Weinberg

I'm not sure I understand Blueblood's scheme here.  If he and Celestia conspired to commit insurance fraud against his own insurance company, all he's doing is transfer some liquid capital to his personal account at the cost of taking a disproportionally LARGER hit to his non-liquid assets.  Even if he doesn't own the company outright and only holds a controlling share, so that part of the brunt is borne by the other shareholders, the dividends (and thus the stock value) would likely go down far more than he personally earns in liquid capital.  And he can't sell his stocks short before the news of the big payout hits, because that would immediately raise suspicions of insider trading and get the whole thing investigated. I guess, come to think about it, this WOULD make sense as an ongoing scheme, rather than a single incident.  If he owns the company outright and can influence which contracts go through, Celestia can make sure that he gets a steady stream of government contracts at normal rates, to keep the company liquid, and every now and then he and Celestia register as co-stakeholders for a property with unusually good payout options for them, which Blueblood helps get through.  When that particular property then HAPPENS to catch fire, the company takes a big hit, but since the government contracts just keep coming, it never goes bankrupt and always recovers just in time for the next "accident". That way, they would use insurance fraud and LITERAL nepotism to convert government funds into private riches. It just strikes me as unusually convoluted and unnecessary.  Your Celestia seems like the kind of ruler who uses the government's bank as her private coin purse ANYWAY and dares anyone to say something about it.