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The finale of the Big Bingo Bone Heist! This is how we actually completed the whole adventure, right down to the pointless bullying, and I'm often quite pleased when I can reduce heroism to making the big bad suffer like a child on the playground. They build themselves up so much and there's really nothing better than tearing them down.

The weekend proved to be a respiratory "thing" for everybody. My kid's sick, my allergies are out of whack, and my wife's nose was all cut up from surgery. It was not exactly the window of personal opportunity I was looking for, but oh well, there's the weeks ahead. Coming up is "Escape the Flavor Zone"!




This whole Bingo heist was a fun one. Gives me the thought that The powerful old spellcasters of that setting are so focused on plotting against other lords of evil and such that there is little to no plan for some confidently stupid people. I also want to say that I've become impressed with your ability to do the 4 different players doing distinct voices for their own characters when GMing. It seems like you've got the four players to a tone of voice and are able to further accentuate impressions based off that. I have no idea if i'm anywhere close. Anyway I've just noticed how NPC's still sound distinctively played by each of the players, I hadn't a chance to know that in the first few parts of We Will Not Play DND.