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Here's this month's desktop background! We were selling a print of this at Babscon. We've been continuing work on RDP, and we hoped to have it done a few days ago so we're still trailing a bit behind the revised schedule. However, we've only got a little bit left to wrap up! If it's not out at the end of this month, it'll be online early next month. Since we worked on it as a team, this desktop is actually brought to you by a few folks. The context of "dst bone" will make sense when the episode airs.

After we finish RDP, we plan to get started on Banana Republic art assets. As we do so, we'll be switching over to Toon Boom rather than Flash. Unfortunately that does have a cost associated with it, so we're going to need to be careful about budgeting. As a whole the Banana Republic project is going to take some real work, so we're also discussing doing a kickstarter so we can hire a few more animators.

The next episode of MAS is also done excluding the final audio touches. It's a pretty simple set-up taking place in a single scene. It'll be followed by two more episodes, wrapping up season one! The season closer will be a two-parter and is going to be a lot more work. After that, I'll be redesigning the MAS rigs, likely also in Toon Boom. I can draw slightly more 3D shapes these days, so it's about time for that!

Then finally, I've got a new song attacked to this post. It's a song called "Cotton Candy Tails". Originally it was going to play in MAS -17 as the theme for Pinkie's narration. It may get used elsewhere now, but if not, it's one of those things that was done, scrapped, and lost in the archives!



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