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Hey guys! I finished MAS -16 today, and here's the early viewing for the video! We'll launch officially on the 7th and I'll claim it officially on Patreon then. Hope you enjoy it!


Mentally Advanced Series: Episode -16

Keep us going on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/DawnSomewhere Fluttershy hits it off in a big way in the fashion industry, and it should mean that it's time for Rarity to take off with her, but instead of capitalization on the opportunity she grouses and does nothing. Twilight intervenes to solve the problem.



I love the extra flourishes in the animation. I'm curious if you ever pantomime the arm movements while re-reading the scripts in front of a mirror to help you find more natural gestures to relay their dialogue better. I love that I haven't seen any crazy tweening like early Flash animators would do. It's full-animated work and great to see. I do look forward to seeing how your style develops over time!


Each one of these is a gem. Hat’s off to you for tearing down and rebuilding “the yellow one’s” character into something that actually compels my sympathy and interest – her little digressions and asides are as funny as they are heartbreaking. Idle Question from the Peanut Gallery: Where would the “RDP: A Nightmare Haunting” fit into this MAS timeline?