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After a precipitous drop in viewership, that's it for the experiment! The main reason is because consistently, each video I post almost invariably does worse than the one from before. Usually not with such a steep drop off, but if the system decides the content won't work, that's what it decides! I believe the "finale" episode will gather up some viewership out of the ordinary, but if I kept going we'd just keep seeing the low numbers and they'd go on getting smaller.

I also think we may have approached a bit of a wall on what to test next. I think most of the changes occur on the user side of things, meaning that behaviors my channel takes won't actually lead to anything unless it somehow also changes the users. There is stuff that could be done with that, but not really at the entertainment level.


Slick Sam Sells You: It's a Wrap



So... what's next?


I havent really been a fan of the pony show for 6+ years now but as i'm sure you've thought long and hard about, your non pony content seems to receive a literal 1% of the viewership that the pony content did historically. Occasionally whenever I go back to your older videos its filled with pastel profile pictured ponies begging for just One More Crumb of MAS. Obviously you've drawn the line in the sand when it comes to making pony content and I support that. Pragmatically speaking though, I can think of a few ways to increase viewership. For one, I noticed that the gaming channel actually has no link to the main Dawn Somewhere youtube. The main Dawn Somewhere channel links to the vlog channel but not Dawn Somewhere Rambles Over Games. The decision of splitting into separate channels may have been a mistake. While it has succeeded in focusing your audience, in terms of channel growth you're basically working from a position of a low sub count gaming channel which doesn't clickbait and tries to grow organically. It's a difficult position to be in. Remerging all of the channels into one collective would rectify this and let you tap into the large Dawn Somewhere subscriber base. However, the reason for the channel split was because that wasn't succeeding beforehand. I believe this is because the large Dawn Somewhere subscriber base are (or were) predominantly seeking pony content. I understand the rationale between trying to grow a new subscriber base that wants non pony content so they can watch non pony videos, but you should still be able to leverage them for your gain. You're a very busy man and the last thing you need is more work, but I thought of one idea that may just tie it all together. A MAS/NepotismAS "finale" which would draw the pony viewers back in which connects to your channel's other content. Something along the lines of, Celestia decides she wants to take an extended vacation on the beach (canonical) and crowns Twilight God Empress of the kingdom. Twilight stresses out. Drinks with the elements. She thinks "well if im god empress, cant we just leave?" AJ and Rarity have no intention of leaving Equestria. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash think it'd be fun. The portal takes them to spidermonkey land wherein Twilight wakes up after being blackout, makes a portal back, forgets RD/Pinkie. Now you have Rae and Peyton high school age. The state gives them foster parents and they meet Taylor at school, graduate, Rae gets employed at the gas station and takes up the hobby of making gaming videos for youtube. Thats just one possible way I can see you tying in both universes. This would encourage the pony viewers to consume the non pony content, which has no pony references in it, but in their minds they can rationalize it as "the MAS ponies :DDD." Of course the idea there is that your content is entertaining as it is, all it needs is some more clicks. Going back to the channel discussion, whenever someone checks out the "dawn somewhere" channel, the upload schedule looks pretty dead. The vlog channel as well. It looks as if it's been abandoned. Posting the finale and linking to Dawn Somewhere Rambles over Games would likely spur a large influx of subscribers and perhaps patrons. Thats assuming you don't merge the channels, which at this point may just be too difficult to do due to the large amounts of content uploaded on it. By completing the MAS "finale" and intertwining it with the spider monkey universe, you'd sacrifice some of your artistic vision by asserting that Rae is RD, peyton is PP, but it could just be mentioned for the one video. In exchange, you would likely spur a large increase in viewership, subscriber base, and patron count. This would do best as well if you made a new Rae/Peyton/Taylor gaming series as you were planning on doing after Slick Sam so people could leap fresh from the "finale" and into some brand new high quality Greg content. It also lets you flesh out the backstory of the trio in your own way (I mentioned high school because I remember them mentioning that they all went to high school together, I may be wrong. Maybe they meet in community college pottery class or something). If you were to do this, I would suggest undergoing some light marketing as well. Releasing a trailer, hitting up Equestria Daily (MAS was a long beloved series so you'd have no issues at all getting on the front page). From equestria daily it'd get crossposted to /mlp/, reddit, etc. You could likely get hundreds of thousands of subs at minimum. Of course, plugging a patreon ad and showing off your comics would be great too. It could be like a grand Dawn Somewhere crossover with Stebe and more. This would help maximize the impact. I've thought about the Dawn Somewhere viewership issue for a long time. I believe the best course of action is to use ponies to aggressively advertise all of your other great works, but masquerade it as pony content on the surface. This is of course an unsolicited suggestion instructing you to undertake a high effort endeavor, but I genuinely believe it would be incredibly successful and help the Dawn Somewhere brand rise to the popularity it so deeply deserves.