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MAS -13 is ready to go! Production is finished a bit late, but I think from now on I'll let these premiers be Patreon exclusive for the first week. The public launch will be the 8th!


Mentally Advanced Series: Episode -13

Earth ponies don't get a lot of magic. They're supposed to be in touch with the earth, but unless they're farming or otherwise tending a garden, it doesn't seem like much of an advantage. Pinkie, however, has the psychiatrist powers. Help keep us going by donating or visiting our store!


Sebastian Weinberg

When I first watched "Feeling Pinkie Keen", I groaned as I realised that they were rehashing Standard Plot #27, "You Just Gotta BELIEVE!" which we're all very familiar with, because it has been used to inject pro-faith messages of varying degrees of anviliciousness into kid's shows for decades. The fact that they didn't actually INTEND to promote a "faith over reason" message explains why it is so muddled; they were just mindlessly following a rote formula, sticking in slapstick comedy and exciting adventure where they could make it fit, but didn't actually think about what message this plot had been created to convey.  Thus the episode loosely follows the established conventions of the formula (Character A believes something strange and supernatural, character B suddenly becomes the straw skeptic who rejects anything that isn't "logical" or "scientific", the skeptic must be punished and humiliated for their disbelief, and the believer must be vindicated in the end), but it doesn't get the specifics quite right. Where the standard formula calls for the belief to be something supernatural and unprovable, to serve as a stand-in for religious belief, Pinkie Sense™ is clearly a real, verifiable phenomenon.  While misunderstanding/misrepresenting "science" and "logic" as merely another (inferior) belief system, just as dogmatic and rigid as religious lore, is a staple of such episodes, Twilight is a very poor fit for this role.


I... what? Whale? What?