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The rest of Stebe is here:

So we're going back to black and white! Mainly in the interest of production speed, but also because I like the juxtaposition of tone from having a high contrast shading scheme and a boy in a hotdog suit. Although these upcoming comics are going to be moderately more severe in tone. The plan is, I'll be able to post Stebe on a more consistent schedule, and ideally free up some time to work on another project for the long-neglected animation channel on Youtube.




I like that in your LP, when you said B/W, you actually meant B/W and didn't confuse it with grayscale, like people commonly do. I'm fine with this style, as I commonly read Manga, too. On eInk screens even, so I don't even get to see the colored pages in color. XD


OH NO! We're Getting Into Serious Mode!