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Hey guys! This is just to let you know my wife delivered a baby boy into the world. For that reason there'll be a bit of temporary disruption of the stuff I'm solely responsible for this week. Case in point, I don't think the "Let's Ramble" will go up today, but we will still have a new "Kit's Orphanage". Pencils' computer has been in the shop, which has set back his schedule, so we may also lose a week on Simiantelligent, but it's not yet Thursday so we'll see how that goes.

Pencils has been able to snag some good work with IDW and they've kept him busy for a while, which is great news for him! If you guys want to see one of the the new pony comics he worked on, issue 69 (that's right, the numbering happened to work out like that) just came out and that's one of his!

I'd like to think my new way of day-to-day won't be a pattern of sleep deprivation, but rather a form of efficiency-boosting polyphasic resting, like the type DaVinci advocated to maximize the amount of productive hours you spend awake!




