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The entirety of Stebe is here:

Stebe's a bit late this week in spite of the cutback to one a week. I've been in a bit of a confidence slump these past two weeks, I think mainly owed to a vitamin thing related to those thyroid meds I mentioned a while back - stuff was messing with my mood.

But if I've used the extra time for anything, it's been practice art. Faces particularly. I've been trying to draw a more skeletal structure beneath the faces so I can better understand the 3D shape and apply proper shading to it.

For a few weeks, I've been wondering why it feels like drawing a comic has been so much more challenging than animating, but then I pulled up Toon Boom and did a little work on the Simiantelligent animation that was in progress. 

Toon Boom is a lot less cooperative with freehand drawing, basically. Because it vectorizes everything as it tries to prepare a computer to handle the drawing in motion, it winds up approximating your lines rather than giving you fine-tune control. Whereas meanwhile, Clip Studio puts on the screen what I draw there. I suppose catches like that are why many art teachers recommend starting the learning process with traditional pen and paper!




I promise you Greg I'm trying really hard to come up with a joke on that first panel but I just can't muster the strength.