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For the next thing, I think the plan is to play something with Pencils and then voice over it in character. Right now it's looking like Starbound, which I haven't played before. Might be more commentary on the actual game that way, since it's all fresh to me!


LRWR: Death of the Author

You can support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DawnSomewhere And you can read Simiantelligent here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/simiantelligent/list?title_no=177502 What were we doing? Oh yeah, playing a video game - no wait! Actually we were talking about the specific meaning of words and whether a thing you just said can be left open to interpretation as though you've died and you can no longer clarify your intended meaning.



I worked on Starbound back in the day. Think space Terraria but less content.


Starbound? Meh. I tried to like the game, but sort of never could get into it.