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You can find the entire comic here:


I tried to work on making the faces a little more convincing in this comic, to mixed success. The nose is a really funny structure when you spend a lot of time looking at and thinking about it, and when you combine that with all the dips and curves of the skull it's pretty complex. I'm not quite there yet, but I feel like I've developing a 3D map in my head for how a face should be shaped.




Is Stebe actually Florida Man?


Do you have to be a Florida resident for that? Or do you merely have to be a man in Florida?


... That is a surprisingly existential question... Do...do we all have that potential within us to be Florida Man?


I can only pray that I will never rise to such heights as Florida Man. But if I do, I hope it is for fending off home invaders with a machete, and not getting eaten by an alligator while drunk.


I never knew the wiener mobile could be so fast